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Saturday, October 04, 2008

Vote Early Vote Often

Yesterday we were in Ohio, and this college age kid walks up to us and asked if were registered to vote yet. We told him yes, but it got to me to think about this whole operation that is going in Ohio.
For those of you who don't know... In Ohio activists are walking around with voter registration and absentee ballots on the same page. Which means you can register to vote and vote within about 5 mins.
This allows room for soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fraud. One could certainly register to vote every day or several times a day writing in a different name and using a different address each time.
No identification is required and the whole point of registration laws is to ensure that you are telling the truth about your address, as the election board is supposed to mail you the registered voter card.
This whole absentee ballot loophole is being exploited by the Democratic party, and will be used to swing the election by enormous proportions.
This needs to be stopped and stopped now! Our elections already feel pretty meaningless, but this initiative by the Democrats and organizations like ACORN is unconscionable!


Anonymous said...

People are legally able to vote, so what is the problem. Why don't you talk about how the republicans are trying to stop people who have lost their homes to forclosure from being able to vote.

In 2000 the election was stolen. Now with democrats getting more and more people registered to vote you are claiming fraud.

Stop being so damn scared!

Anonymous said...

If you can not see the danger in this you are so sick. Libs are unbelievable in their quest for power.


Nick Loffer said...

I've seen this a lot going on in Va. It is illegal to ask if your registered to vote and not give out the application based on politcal preference.

This has happened to me; asked if I was registered, how I was voitng (absentee or in the voting district)and when I responded that I am conservative they moved on from me.

It was a representative for Obama.

I'm not being partisan, it is just what happened.

Wymzie said...

What are you talking about trying to stop foreclosed families from being able to vote?

Voting is a sacred privelage that Americans enjoy and now many abuse.

The problem is that when you register to vote you put a street address on the application. Then the board of elections sends you a voter registration card. When you move you are supposed to let them know you have done so.
If the process of being mailed your card is taken out of the equation and you can just register on the street without showing ID then that means that you can say your name is any name that you make up with any address you want.
The identification and verification process is meaningless, and as corrupt as elections are in 3rd world countries.
If there is anything that would frighten me is that people such as yourself just don't get it!

Anonymous said...

wymzie, you are ridiculous. this isn't voter fraud, it's ohio law. and it's not ACORN (stop trying to tie everything to that group). regardless of what you think you know, you're listening to too much sean hannity please learn about what you're talking about

what worries me most about people like you is that you are arguing for less voter participation

i don't trust people who advocate less voter participation. that's just patently undemocratic and unamerican.

Anonymous said...

Your take on this whole issue is wrong. Of COURSE you have to provide identifying numbers and of COURSE the Board of Elections in Ohio verifies your vote by checking against existing records. Do you really think the State of Ohio didn't think of any of this, already?

Sounds like somebody is getting scared about how big this Obama win is going to be. :)

Anonymous said...

How interesting that Wymzie knows that the loophole is being exploited and that only the Democrats are doing it. Of course, that is supported by history. We know that Republicans would never use the political process to further their own agendas re: oil or Halliburton or WMDs in Iraq or anything.

Anonymous said...

What else would you expect with
Obama running for president. The
democrates have turned to Islam
for politics!
I'm not scared , but the democrates should be.This country will be in a civil war in less than a year.

Anonymous said...

Re: 4:04 Post

What planet are you from. I've not heard about anyone losing their homes to foreclosure from being banned to vote.

And certainly not the Republicans. If there is anyone to partially blame it's House Representative Barney Franks - Democrat, and Senator Dodd - Democrat.

Anonymous said...

Very well stated, wymzie.

Anonymous said...

I googled Ohio voter registration and absentee ballots. There are some requirements for filing an absentee ballot - Driver's license #, last four digits of SSN, or other proof of identity.

If the safeguards that Ohio Department of Elections SHOULD have in place are in place, fraud should not be an issue. If they aren't in place, then shame on the Election officials. (Florida in 2000, anyone?)

I think you are misguided to accuse the entire Democratic party of abusing a loophole.

*If* there is a loophole, either party could take advantage of it. That doesn't mean it will happen.

Because there are activists out there encouraging folks to vote, that doesn't mean that they are using underhanded tactics. I applaud anyone who has the time, energy & willingness to do whatever they can (legally) to help get their candidate elected.

Off to google republicans forbidding foreclosed families to vote. New one on me.....

Anonymous said...

I am sorry. You are just plain wrong.

Republicans are planning to question the voting rights of people who have lost their homes to foreclosure.

This thing mentioned in the blog is just another sad smoke screen of something that is not going to happen.

Nice try though.

Wymzie said...

For those of you who have ever registered people to vote or are helping campaign for someone. One of the first things that you are taught is about absentee votes.
Here is the deal you get the absentee ballots from the board of elections (they are numbered in the city) then you go and do your door to door campaingning. At the door you ask if they are registered, if not register them. Ask if they need help to the polls or would they rather vote absentee so they don't have to hassle it.
If they vote absentee, then you are taught to get the ballot from them and say that you will mail it for them. During your conversation you will probably find out who they are voting for. If they are voting for the party you are campaigning for then great, you take the ballot and mail it. If not you are told to lose it.
This is a very effective way to swing an election, and in Ohio they are focusing on college kids.

I do anything I can to get people to vote, and if they are voting for a party that I am not I love to debate issues and try and get them to see my view. If I am not successful, I am glad that they are making an informed vote, and one that they can live with.

I brought up the issue because I don't think that the average voter has a clue as to how elections can be rigged.

Thanks for all the feedback
But educate your selves before you vote.

Mardela said...

Quality entertainment for a Saturday night, and no cover charge.

Anonymous said...

Once again Wymzie, you ARE WRONG. That is not how it's done, and the only reason you are lying about this is because you are scared of the fact that this November, the MAJORITY of Americans are going to put Barack Obama into the White House.

The least you could do is show a little grace under fire.

Michael Swartz said...

Let's hope like hell they're checking these provisional ballots. Oh wait, they have a Democrat Secretary of State, are you kidding me?

Trust me, I used to live in Ohio.

Anonymous said...

You are correct. The dumocrats chief "bluster f**ks" Frank and Dodd. (God, hope I didn't get any spatter...)

Anonymous said...

Wymzie, interesting post on getting people to give you their absentee ballots. IF this does happen, how could you possibly know that the Democrats would turn in the ballot only if it was for a Democrat but Republicans would always turn it in? I guess this is politics at its finest. You probably thought Sarah Palin answered the questions in the debate.

Anonymous said...

7:41 It's called "vote caging". Go to google news and search that. It's just another GOP dirty trick to deny people the right to vote.

It hits hardest those who've been forced to move. ...exactly the sort of people who would be most pissed at the Republicans for incompetent governance.

Anonymous said...

How informed do you think these "new voters" are of the issues and the differences in candidates? Not, and this is the other problem with instant voting. If someone has not taken the time and effort to register on their own, they are most likely not very knowledgable of political issues and they can be manipulated fairly easily. Didn't someone once say that an uniformed voter was the biggest threat to deomocracy?

As far as ID, the illegals have shown us how easy that is to obtain.


Anonymous said...


You know there are some really uneducated people out there.

Obama(D) was the second largest recipient - ($121,000) - from Fannie Mae. Senator Chris Dodd(D) was the largest - ($156,000).

Along with House Rep. Barney Frank(D) and House Rep. Maxine Waters(D) they conspired to promulgate loose rules and regs that resulted this catastrophe.

Their fingerprints are all over this mess.

Anonymous said...

They just interviewed someone on the news that is transporting busloads of people to register to the vote and she openly admitted that she's telling them they need to vote for Obama...

Anonymous said...

As usual, the basics of this post are slanted. Just because one person said something to another person doesn't make it a conspiracy.
Get a grip, Wymzie. You must get over your paranoia or you're going to actually lose your mind before the next Republican gets elected to the White House.

Anonymous said...


Wrong. Because of McCain/Feingold, everyone has to declare who they work for when they contribute money. The $121,000 figure you are quoting comes from adding the contributions of INDIVIDUALS who happen to work for Fannie Mae. When I contributed to Obama, because of having to declare my employer, you could twist the numbers to say that my EMPLOYER paid money to Obama. But it still doesn't make that true.

Stop twisting numbers and putting out false information. The American people are getting sick of Republican smears and lying.

Anonymous said...

Mrs Wymzie, What differance does it make, both candidates are fools and wont change a thing. The politicians dont care about the middle class Americans, all they do is lie and decieve to get the power. The whole election is a big damn joke and we are all the pawns.

Anonymous said...

Okay, everyone.

If you haven't registered to vote, you need to do it TODAY.

And, you must vote for Obama!

(per Anon 8:37, that should secure the Democratic win, right???)