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Sunday, September 21, 2008

We Have DAYS To Stop the $700 Billion Stick-Up (and Fascist Power Grab)

George Washington’s Blog
Sunday, Sept 21, 2008

Congress hopes to pass the $700 Billion bailout bill by Friday, according to an article in Bloomberg.

In case you haven’t heard, the bill would not only stick up American taxpayers for an additional $700 billion, but would literally give Paulson and the government fascist powers.

Don’t believe me?

Well, as the Bloomberg article notes: “The bill would bar courts from reviewing actions taken under its authority.”

Bloomberg includes the following quotes by people who understand the significance of the bill:

It sounds like Paulson is asking to be a financial dictator, for a limited period of time,” said historian John Steele Gordon . . . .


The Bush administration seeks “dictatorial power unreviewable by the third branch of government, the courts, to try to resolve the crisis,” said Frank Razzano, a former assistant chief trial attorney at the Securities and Exchange Commission now at Pepper Hamilton LLP in Washington. “We are taking a huge leap of faith.”

This power grab is so serious that investigative reporter Larisa Alexandrovna calls it “the final stages of the coup“.

We have days to stop this bill. March on Congress. Educate and motivate everyone around you. Do everything you can to prevent this disaster before it is too late


Anonymous said...

GRAND-DAD, still think we can do it at the voting booth???

Anonymous said...

Think about this - What happened in Salisbury when the legislative branch turned over the balance of power to the administration (ala Dunn, Comegys, Cathcart, Day to Tilghman with charter changes)? Secrecy, no accountability, no access to information. This needs to be stopped at the local, regional and national levels. Those who violate the public trust must be replaced and those who rape and pillage taxpayers must be held accountable - including mortgage brokers and Wall Streeters who have laughed all the way to the bank and now want our hard earned dollars to keep them afloat. The foreclosure crisis can be solved, but the brunt of the expense of doing so should be on the backs of those who made billions. Let's not have any legal recourse. Sounds like Salisbury doesn't it.

Anonymous said...

who controls the money????

Anonymous said...

Give me another good solution
to this problem and I may agree.
If it doesn't happen Trillions
of $ in 401 K plans and retirement
plans will be lost , 60 million people will be without retirement.
Do your homework people , the people who made and let this happen
new full well that the good ole U.S. would bail them out. And we will!It's very simple math!

Anonymous said...

Your post states that Congress is poised to pass the $700 billion bailout of the fannie mae, freddie mac crash.
How can this be a Bush takeover if the Democrat congress is going to pass it?
Come on!
Truth is the Democrats caused this.
The crash of these two institutions lies directly at the feet of Clinton, Dodd, and Frank, all Democrats.
When will you learn that the Republicans can't hold a candle to the Democrat corruption!

Anonymous said...

We have done it to ourselves.
We pay someone millions of dollars
a year to play a game , baseball,
basketball etc.. We pay millions of dollars to see someone fight for a few moments . We pay our soldiers a few hundred dollars
a month to fight for freedom and
our lives.It goes on and on .
What important now ? It's sick!

Anonymous said...

I saw this as well...simple solution - vote out the party primarily responsible. Vote Obama. No one can fix this mess right away. He's the only one equipped to get the country through our inevitably bleak coming years.

Terrorism won't be the problem. They've already accomplished their work; and helped a corrupt administration entrench it further.

How can you vote for a ticket with so many ties to it? I am honestly asking...because it blows my mind.

Mardela said...

To think Obama is the only one to lead us for the next four years is a very ignorant thought. For one, neither one of the two main presidetial candidates are the best ones to run our country. The truth is, which one is better than the other?

Saying that McCain is going to be the same as Bush is just to repeat a campaign slogan that will not work. People are independant thinkers. They are more educated and have many more ways to get information than in times past.

When really thinking about our choice, one has to ask, which one has experience in making life and death decisions? Which one has experience making decisions about our economy? Who has the most experience in building a strong cabinet? Who has the most experience crossing political lines to bring the people of our country the best legislation available?

If anyone thinks that Obama has any experience at all, they are very ignorant. They are more concerned about winning a contest than they are about what is better for our future. Obama wouldn.t even be a senator if someone didn't pass away.

After watching both speak for the last year and watching both of them and their actions, Obama diesn't come off as a very honorable person. I think our next president needs to be a good example to every American, young and old. I think that he needs tosurround himself with good and honorable people. Joe Bidden is not honorable. He doesn't know what being a patriot is. He is an admitted plagorer. He thinks that Patriotism is being forced by the government to pay for poor people, instead of doing it on their own free will. We don't need government controlled Robin Hoods.

Obama hasn't done anything that amounts to anything significant for anybody. All he has done is talk about how great things will be when he's president. Like when he is elected, all the problems that have been in our country for 200 years will magically go away. I guess he thinks he's smarter than evwery other president we have ever had. If he was so smart, why hasn't he done anything while a senator?

John McCain has a good record. He has values that we all know. He doesn't change unless he gets more knowledge and wisdom on an issue. Not by polls like Obama. Sarah Palin has fought against corruption. She made more accoplishments as a Mayor, for the people she represented, than Obama did as a senator. That speaks volumes.

Please don't think you have to vote for a democrat just because your one. Don't think you have to vote your race. Don't think that you have to vote for a status or slogan. Vote for people that bring honor to our country. That have the wisdom to bring us forward in peace and prosperity. Vote for a president that has led ppeople into the toughest fight one can ever be in, and that's combat. John McCain, like many others, laid his life on the line for his country. He's twenty years past retirement age and still works hard to make our country great. John McCain will represent YOU!

Anonymous said...

If we own the banks, does that make us communist or socialist? And then, do we invade ourselves, or just join the Axis of Evil?

Anonymous said...

"Congress hopes to pass the $700 Billion bailout bill by Friday..."

Wrong. It's a ROLLING $700 Billion, boys and girls. That means, as soon as they can move more trash thru the pipeline, they can add new toxic loans to the portfolio. The $700 billion number is a canard.

It will end up being well into the trillions.

Plan to pay one helluva lot more for your groceries and gas. They (the Fed) have to inflate their way out of this one.

Wymzie said...

The Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank.

It is not a government institution.

They are the EPITOME of Inside Traders! They pushed for deregulation in the markets, the traders worked the tips and the greed got to every single person in every business that blossomed in the last decade.

Now it isn't worth crap, and the government is going to take over all of these institutions that have always been private. With that means no more private property ownership, no more buying and trading without government permission.

Marching isn't going to do.... we must stop feeding the monster that is eating us!

Bob said...

Anon 3:08......

What do you suggest?

We could all just stop paying taxes. That would get their attention. Right?

Anonymous said...

grand-dad, i belive the country is to big to control from here. but we can control the eastern shore. succeed from this bullshit federal union. elect local responsible trustworthy leaders, and hold them accountable. establish credible check points at all avenues to the eastern shore. remove all illegal aliens from this area to protect jobs and reduce crime. tap the massive natural gas supplies we have to fund our new local union. arm ourselves to the teeth in case all else fails. and to those of you who believe in a higher power "PRAY".

Anonymous said...

This is due to DEREGULATION!
Plain and simple!

It's only a matter of time before the utility companies start crying too...then what? We don't have any electric. Hide and watch.

As far as the banks...I say pull those executives who ran them into the ground and get their money...what's left of judgements on them to get it repaid and then throw their butts in jail. What they did was with criminal intent.

But at the same time all of this was happening, you also had a Board of Directors that should have seen there was a problem. But they didn't and they continued to pay executives all that money.

I was under the impression when you served on a Board of Directors you could be held responsible as well financially.