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Friday, August 15, 2008

What's the Deal? Is She Getting Paid for this Plug, or is Shep Shutting Her Up?


Anonymous said...

To me this is a civil war between Russia and Georgia. we should have nothing to do with it.

Anonymous said...

here we go folks, 12;00 noon condy orders russian troops out. WW III could be starting here.

Anonymous said...

Are you really that stupid? A civil war implies that a country is fighting within itself. Georgia isn't even part of Russia. It is a whole different country. It WAS part of the Soviet Union but became independent when the USSR dissolved. And people wonder why other countries think Americans are stupid.

Anonymous said...

certain areas of georgia wanted to return to russia, i dont think that georgia ever had the soveinty that the world thought. hence they just looked like they were independent. civil war.

Wymzie said...

Against the promises of Reagan to Breshnev, Bush Sr. and Clinton started pumping Georgia full of weapons and have continued to do so. We now have ops on the ground there and we are helping Georgia,as a matter of fact a unit out of Atlanta was deployed yesterday.
Russia has always thought of Georgia as part of the motherland and never wanted it to be independent or sovereign. It has teetered that way since the fall of the USSR and Putin wanted it back.
We are fools for being there.