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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Mother of All Bail Outs!


Anonymous said...

Excellent post! Thank you.


Tim Chaney said...

I like Ron Paul, that's who will get my vote unless a third party jumps in and impresses me enough to change my mind, which I really doubt.

Wymzie said...

If all the people who don't think Ron Paul can't win would write him in, I think he would win by a landslide.

I was watching youtubes of the early debates and Ron Paul was ahead of all of the other candidates by huge margins.

He struck a chord with Americans and he is speaking to the Heart of what makes us American.
However, that is the very reason he was blacked out by the MSM and why the establishment can't let him win.
Did you see the article about his plane almost going down the other day? He is saying everything they don't want you to hear, and they have to shut him up.
He is the only one that I will vote for.

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul was the only real candidate. Isn't it obvious that we the people no longer choose the people who ruin our lives? Everybody wanted Ron Paul. It was the Media who blocked him. Now the media is trying to convince us we must make a choice between these two pathetic non-candidates. Neither man is a viable Presidential candidate. Our Forefathers would be rolling over in their graves if they could only see down through all of the chemtrails.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's time to start paying for everything with CASH... did anyone catch what was said at 4:29... "all credit card transactions will be reported to the IRS." Gee... real glad Big Brother is watching... George Orwell was about 30 years off...

Anonymous said...

I like about 90% of what Ron Paul says. It's that last 10% that's got me running away, and fast...

I also suspect that I'm not alone and it's that 10% that will ensure that he will never be President.

Anonymous said...

1:12 am:
what's the 10%? tell me more.

Wymzie said...

Every single transaction tracked and recorded...
Next is the National ID Card with all of your med history, credit, criminal and association history that will be scanned whenever you buy anything.

Ever hear the words..."Mark of the Beast"?