After digging a little on the original real estate transaction all I can say is; folks I thought Boss Hogg in Pocomoke was crooked but he has a few lessons to learn from the 'Big City Politicians' in Salisbury...
A search of the Maryland Public records shows the City purchased this property from Salisbury Trust LLC November 27'th 2005 for the sum of $636,000.00
Salisbury Trust, LLC is owned by Curtis C. Coon LLC (An LLC owned by another LLC usually spell SCAM) of Towson, MD but don't stop reading, it gets better:
Curtis Coon (and/or unknown associates) purchased this property a few months earlier from a Cecil L. Decker Jr. for the sum of $175,000.00 on May 27th 2005.
$636,000.00 Sale price to City of Salisbury
$175,000.00 Purchase price
$461,000.00 PURE PROFIT
Everyone now realizes that Fall of 2005 was the "peak" of the real estate bubble but based on this simple prima facia evidence SOMEONE was probably trading on inside information to realize $115,250.00 PER MONTH PROFIT from a real estate transaction to a local government entity.
Lets be real for a moment here; how often does a municipal government make a mid six-figure real estate purchase decision in less than 120-days start-to-finish?
Heck they have not even decided how to hose the citizens on "disposing" the old firehouse yet and that has been on the table for over three-years.
How would the 'secret undisclosed by state law owner' of the property know that they would be able to realize a quick six-figure profit in exactly 120-days? (In Pocomoke the answer would be The Boss Hogg form of Government but Salisbury does not have a City Manager)
A copy of the documents is available on the Maryland State websites & I uploaded it to the web you can read it by clicking this link just in case some of you want to read the documents instead of spending time searching a government website.
As Columbo would say...
One more thing, this Salisbury Trust, LLC which is now defunct or an entity not in good standing because after the Fire House transaction they did not file taxes or corporate documents, can someone explain this one. (after telling us who really owned the property)
Having worked in the real estate industry for over 20-years, I know when an LLC who makes a quick profit that is owned by another LLC someone is hiding something.
The LLC that owned the LLC that bought and sold this property; is Curtis C. Coon LLC, but they are not listed in the data base of Maryland businesses. That would indicate it was either formed in another State and not properly registered as a foreign corporation to do business in the State of Maryland, is now defunct or it never existed to begin with.
So I checked the State database several ways and viola:
There is a Curtis C. Coon P.C. (Professional Corporation) listed at the same address as both LLC's involved in this transaction. He appears an attorney who once applied to be on the US District Court Bankruptcy 'Dispute Panel' in Baltimore but a Google search of his phone number only shows someone desperately trying to sell condos in Baltimore.
Maryland has laws surrounding the use of LLC's that require a court order to obtain information on its 'Members' or shareholders. Most people do not know that Maryland Corporations are second to Delaware in popularity because of how well ownership is shielded from prying eyes.
Non-corrupt municipalities (and the federal government) have disclosure laws which require LLC's doing business with the government to disclose who the 'members' (shareholders) are to avoid the potential for any undisclosed conflict of interest. (Boss Hogg's Pocomoke City has no such laws and it looks like neither does Salisbury)
From where I sit it looks like the taxpayers of Salisbury not only got hosed paying $10-Million dollars for this firehouse, they were raped out of an extra $1/2 million by insiders who did not want their identities known.
Full story after the indictments are unsealed... this should be interesting.
Any comments?
Billy Burke, Publisher
Exposing our 300 year history of corruption
It's Pocomoke..
Billy Burke, Publisher
Exposing our 300 year history of corruption
It's Pocomoke..
There really is a Curtis C. Coon -- he's an attorney in Towson at:
Coon & Cole, LLC
Real Estate, Commercial Law, Bankruptcy, Business Law, Estates and Trusts, and Civil Litigation
And, guess what: Mr. Coon has been involved in a matter in Harford County that has another stellar name in the Salisbury real estate scene, the one and only "K. Hovnanian" of (former) Salisbury Mall development fame --
Keep digging, you'll find some very interesting characters participating in this game. The same shell game Dunn pulled off with Sassafras (we didn't make a profit on the sale of that land) Meadows. They think everybody is stupid until they are caught then they try to hide behind their politician buddies. Newsflash, even the politicos will back off when the stench is as strong as it is in Salisbury.
It seems that Mr. Coon may be a player in the development scene in an area that rivals Salisbury in odor--
Why does not of this BS ever hit the Daily Times or be made known to the citizens of Salisbury. Every day it gets worse of what we are made aware of here in this post.
I am counting the next two years to leave this burg!
If I even have any money left to be able to leave is another story.
Riddle Me This Batman: If you put a Tiger in your tank who formerly lived in another State due North, just over the line and has four bugels to blow whilest performing his volunteer duties for the City Department in question, you will no doubt find your answer to said insider scamming.
Didn't they offer the site for $200,000, but the City turned that down, then tried to do a condemnation or so other suit?
The Tilghman Times can not print anything that would upset the Madame of Johnsons Pond. To print something like this would surely mean relocation for the powers that be over in the newly located facility. They only print slanderous, defamatory articles against those that would dare to run a clean campaign to ensure the puppet retained his seat on the council.
And you thought Greg Bassett was the editor? He is but one of the whores in the madames house.
Riddler: Know this has Gordy's name written all over it! But help us connect the dots--we almost have it all. Is Decker a part of this?
Doesn't Decker own the used car business that's coming to the site near the new Firehouse--has another used car place in Laurel, DE? Can't find it on Joe's post, but think he had something up on it awhile ago.
The rest of the story may be that missing piece of the puzzle, open up the flood gates
Pray tell if all of this is true and documented with a paper trail...what is the end result?
This is so morally wrong, but is it illegal?
Will we see the Chief and the Mayor and all the players thrown out of office? Arrested?
There has got to be consequenses for this type of behavior!
If someone has been elected to office appointed to office, or is a contractor for a government entity; full disclosure of all of their business associations should be available for all to see, and they should be easily available either online or in a flow chart form hanging in the lobby at city hall.
The more one digs into this the more interesting it gets.
Yes there is a Curtis C. Coon but his role could be simply that of an attorney doing legal filings for a client.
The addresses used on the documents also have some VERY BIG real estate developers tied to them in other filings & public information.
Involvement in real estate transactions has long been a way for politicians and/or government employees to RAKE IN THE CASH.
Anyone ever wonder why so many politicians have real estate licenses?
It's an easy way to pay someone off, simply write up a deal in their name, pay them OVER the table and they are in your pocket.
This particular transaction unfortunately is not that simple.
Keep the phone calls, e-mails and comments coming!
The Riddler said...
Riddle Me This Batman: If you put a Tiger in your tank who formerly lived in another State due North, just over the line and has four bugels to blow whilest performing his volunteer duties for the City Department in question, you will no doubt find your answer to said insider scamming.
7:51 AM
I was thinking the same thing and couldn't have written it better. Please call me so we can compare notes!!
The smell is not from the former dump and cranberry bogg. Its the familiar odor that has the flavor of Sasafras Meadow and Westbrook. You take a dash of land that is sold and flipped in a few short months and a pinch of profit over $400,000 and what do you have. An LLC that disappears after the heat is turned up when curious minds smell it baking in the oven. Add a hint of threat to those who inquire and you have a land deal that stinks to high heaven. Oh well ! Thats the way the politians and their friends do business.
Riddler and all,
Most of that land in that area is contaminated due to years of the various fuel oil businesses. Who owns a fuel business and serves on committees for the developement of that property. He was also chairman of the local LEPC which deals with fuel spills and contamination. Any more guesses? Here is another clue... he was Bubba's campaign manager twice.
This could be the information that everyone is looking for.
Mike Dunn , his father , Bob , who is in the real estate business.
Wonder what this means?
Keep digging, keep digging. Eventually someone will smell the corruption and the B!TCH will leave the GOB in cuffs.
Robin: Holy Tigermart Batman! Could the Riddler be serious?
Batman: Unfortunately Robin yes. There is corruption outside of Metropolis.
Robin: No wonder he's spiffing up his stores Batman!
Batman: Correctamundo Robin. Now go put on a new pair of tights. We've got work to do! To the Batmobile!
Somebody please, ell me about Cecil L. Decker...........
guess he had to spend some of that money he made thats why all the tigermarts are gettin a face lift here in town and that will be a big tax trite off to things that make u go hmmmmmmmmmmmm keep up the diggin sbynews
Didn't the city actually claim that $331,000 of what they "paid" for the land was a donation from the LLC? The number really sticks in my head, but I can't remember the details.
But the point is, the city didn't pay actual money to the tune of $600,00-plus dollars. About half of it was a tax write off for the LLC.
I just remember something from the audit discussions. Maybe the answer is in an audit.
I didn't realize Bill Gordy was Gary Comegys' campaign manager. Isn't that a conflict of interest? Gordy may be a "volunteer" for the city, but doesn't he make actual decisions for the fire department? If it's not illegal, is it officially unethical?
What a stench!
The campaign manager supervised the whole project. It's his baby. He finished up the illegitimate business, and then turned his attention (profits?) to the legitimate business. Looks like he spent a bundle!
Gordy's fire department vehicle parked again at his place on U.S. Rt. 50 East near K-Mart.
Hey, let's do a "Where In the World Is Bill Gordy" and track where and when we see his car parked.
Holy Subway Batman! It looks like we have a case of funneling project overspends into a private business. Didn't Gilligan's Island do both projects? Better make that all 5 projects.
During the campaign of 2003 my election theme was “Building Partnerships for a Better Salisbury”. These were not just words but have been a way of doing business. Look what has been accomplished.
Public Safety
Our Fire Department has also greatly improved over the last 4 years. I have worked closely with the Fire Chief and the Administration to move your Fire Department forward. The implementation of a systematic plan of facility improvements, apparatus replacement and personnel safety improvements have translated into improved service for our citizens. We funded six new positions within the department in FY-07 which allowed for a third Paramedic unit to be staffed 24-7. In FY-08 I voted to support funding for salary increases to help insure that we retain the highly skilled group of professionals that provide service to our citizens. Certainly equally importantly, I have supported benefit enhancements for our Volunteers, these professional men and women give freely of their time and energy to protect us and we want to continue to recruit and retain them as a valuable part of our emergency services team.
I want to continue to the “growth pays for growth” policy that I helped establish in early 2004.
City Advocate
I will continue to be an advocate for protecting and enhancing our rights as a municipal government.
By continuing to build relationships and partnerships, it is my hope that our collective voices will be heard and our needs will be met.
i wanna take dis time too thanke dugg chirch wit heppin me wit my webb site.
yo fren bubba yo nex mare
Don't look now but Gordo is the man behind the curtain in Bubba's upcoming campaign for the mayor race next year. BPT is now dead meat because of this blog and her misdeeds. He really could be R NECKS MARE!
Gordo applied for the chiefs job when Chief Higgins retired and he didn't make the cut because he wasn't qualified or credentialed. The Search Committee narrowed down the qualified candidates and the mare threw Gordo's name back in. The Search Committee narrowed down the qualified candidates again and Gordo didn't make the cut again so guess what? You're right, the mare through Gordo's name in again to make the top for interviews. The three volunteer stations and the paid firefighters couldn't agree who to support so the mare hire Brezler, an outsider from Baltimore County to shake things up and he did a good job of that. Guess who was in the middle of everything stirring shit? You guessed it right, Gordo again. Two years later when the damage was done Brezler bails out and Sea becomes chief. Gordo immediate becomes the 3rd ranking person in the department, but is actually running things behind the scenes. He makes the decisions on the new station, the new apparatus being ordered and who gets promoted. So this outsider from Delmar is bubba's campaign manager for two elections and gets a ranking position in charge of close to 200 people. Geez, you gotta love Smallsbury.
Wow that means Gordo will be pulling his strings instead of Barrie. NEWSFLASH...people know enough about the bankrupt, deadbeat dad to NOT vote for him again. Well not unless Richard Insley sends out another of his letters to the students that rent from the scum lords or Gordo has Bassett print a slanderous piece against the opposition like Barrie did to Tim Spies. A close eye is going to have to be held on the ballots, can't have all those residents at Parsons cemetery voting again.
An excellant post and some interesting findings about these crooks in our local government. I suspected it was bad, but sure never thought we were being taken for such a ride by these people. Do keep digging Joe & Boss and lets find out exactly who is involved in what!
A. Goetz
The Maryland Special Prosecutor needs to be informed of whatever is discovered.
Anonymous said...
The Maryland Special Prosecutor needs to be informed of whatever is discovered.
9:12 PM
Why, Democrats don't like to bust Democrats and they have had many opportunities with the mare.
So Gordo is behind Bubba, See, and the Mare? Was he involved in selling the property in the beginning? Then, after selling it he supervised the construction? Sounds like he may be the real problem in Gotham. What this town needs is an enema.
Bubba Mare?
Holy Shit Batman
So what if anything can be done about this, We can't seem to be able to get her out, so what else can be done. And I really hope no one out there would even think of letting Gary become mayor.
Wanda Disharoon
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