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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Is This News To You? Have You Seen this on CNN or Fox? I Didn't Think So

  • Did you think he had dropped out of the race when all the others did?
  • Have you heard ANYTHING about him on the Mainstream Media?
  • Did you think this guy doesn't have snowballs chance in hell?
  • Did you think that the Presidential race is only between Obama, Clinton, and McCain?
Well, you better think again...

MSM has virtually ignored this phenomenon.

MSM has done such a disservice to this country and it's voters by not covering this story, they are manipulating how we elect a President.

Over One Million Votes for Ron Paul


May 7, 2008

ARLINGTON, VA - Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul eclipsed an important milestone in yesterdays primaries in Indiana and North Carolina. By winning over 71,000 votes, Dr. Paul has earned the backing of over one million supporters across America. “By voting and caucusing for Dr. Paul, one million Republicans have sent a powerful message to our leaders that they want the GOP to return to its traditions of limited government, personal liberty and a strong national defense,” said campaign spokesman Jesse Benton. “Dr. Paul and the grassroots movement he has inspired are building a bright future for the Republican Party and the United states of America.”

Did any of you hear any of this? I doubt it.

What about this one?

Ron Paul's Book on New York Times Bestseller List


May 7, 2008

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA – Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul’s newest book, “The Revolution: A Manifesto”, is number one on the New York Times Best Sellers list for May 18th, 2008. The ranking is yet another of the many successes Dr. Paul has had during his presidential candidacy spreading his message of personal freedom and constitutional government.

Upon its official release on April 30th, “The Revolution: A Manifesto” was the number one bestseller on and remains the number one bestseller in political books.

If you are interested in what his stance is on the real issues that are affecting each and every one of us, and his solutions to them go here and read what he has to say.

Obama and Hillary are the same package in two bodies, and McCain is aligning himself with some pretty strange folks who want to help God bring about Armageddon even if that takes 100 more years in Iraq.

Let's do something different in November people...Lets Vote for a Man who believes in the Constitution the way it was written and cut the head off of this monster that these liars and thieves have created!


Anonymous said...

Tell me ur not joking!! Ron Paul is exactly what we need! There is hope for this country after all!!!

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul should be the only person any of us is considering. if you're tired of the same old same old then get your lazy butts out there and VOTE for change. We have become so lacksadaisical (sp?) about getting the government back to where it should be that it's shameful.

A good friend always says (usually about my relationships LOL) "when nothing changes, nothing changes". This, in the form of Ron Paul, is our chance to get our government back to where it should be.

Anonymous said...

I have said before that I like Ron Paul because he wants to use the constitution as it was written, not change it to what a party thinks it should be and take away our rights one by one.

I respect McCain for doing his duty and the suffering he endured while a POW in captivity. Having said that, to be honest I'm afraid he will have a flashback and be ready to launch a nuke or surely another war that looks like Iran.

Everyone knows that McCain has a bad temper, like LBJ I doubt good qualified people will be willing to work under him. LBJ treated his staff like crap and talked down to them in public.

I voted for Obama in the primaries, I'm tired of Obama and Hillary trying to one up each other, makes them both look like losers. This is for real, it's not a soap opera or so-called reality TV.

Thanks for this reminder that we do have other choices. Ron Paul in 2008. We need to do with our country like we need to do with our city of Salisbury, take it back and return it to the people.

Wymzie said...

Are u familiar?

I like him!

Anonymous said...

I think Ron Paul should leave the Republican Party and run as an Independent.

I don't agree with him on everything, but he is one straight shooter. Some people think he's too radical, but the one of the anonymouses mentioned Paul's adherence to the Constitution.
What a concept!

And he's not a nut job, which is how I felt about Ross Perot. Paul is SOLID.

Wasn't Ron Paul the ONLY one who voted against going to Iraq in the first place? Hmmm, a little visionary, perhaps?

I'll write him in before I'll vote for the other three.

Wymzie said...

I'm Impressed People!!!
Just think of what we could do if all 4 of you who responded sent all of your friends the Ron Paul Issues link!
We could actually change the world!
Obama and Hillary and McCain are going to vote for the finalizing of the North American Union, and vote for the 'Amero' (new currency to be used in Canada, US and Mexico) that is why they aren't doing crap to secure our borders.
If any of these three people get in our sovereignty is down the toilet.
Remember it was within 72 hours of Bill taking office that NAFTA and GAT were passed what do you think these bozo's are going to do?
If you haven't heard about any of these things that I have mentioned above do a google search for yourself, including a search on the Trans Texas Super Highway.
It's happening before our eyes and NO ONE is saying anything about it except for PAUL!

Anonymous said...

Ron Paul knows a lot about the elites which he cannot say out loud. He also knew he would not win the nomination. We are controlled by the media. Dr. Paul knows this very well.
My favorite Paul issue is the Federal Reserve. He has stated that it MUST BE ABOLISHED IMMEDIATELY. He knows it is the elite international bankers who are ruining our economy. He also knows the IRS is unconstitutional as is the Income Tax. There is a lot to know about Ron Paul and America. Most of us know very little about America and the corrupt government. Our representatives have been bought and paid for - and it takes tremendous courage to speak truth to power.
When people hear the truth about this government they react. Many people react the way they have been programmed to react - by the media and public education. We have all been the victims of mind programming. We believe the American Politicians are looking out for us. We believe the politicians ARE AMERICA! It is not America.

Anonymous said...

There has been for a very long time a transcontinental superhighway. It's called Interstate 35. Runs from Laredo, Texas to Minnesota, just short of International Falls.

Cross the Rio Grande from Juarez into Laredo and keep on riding north. Its never been hard for illegals to get here, they just make you think it's so hard. If it was that hard we wouldn't have so many of these so called undocumented workers in our midst.

Follow Joe Arpaios lead. When arrested and it's determined they are illegal, load them on a plane to Mexico City and drop them off. It's a whole lot cheaper than keeping them here waiting for Immigrations to come and get them.

Anonymous said...

If Ron Paul were to run on a ticket with Joe Arpaio they would win hands down. Unless of course the media were in control of everything we see and hear...and the politicians lied to the people...wait...ummm...Never mind :X

Wymzie said...

OK, here is a problem I'm having. It seems that what used to be left now seems to be right and what used to be right now seems to be left.
I think that there have been some major polar shifts in our beliefs about things over the last decade.
I never ever never, agreed with anything that the ACLU was promoting. However, as I have said before, I read information from all different sources to see what every one is up to. Over the last few months the ACLU has been heavily fighting for our civil rights on this Patriot Act, and now they are on the FCC to stop the consolidation of Media. They have stated that our media basically comes from about 6 different companies and that free independant thought is almost none existent because of the corporate backers and advertiser for these media giants. I am going to attach a form that you can read and submit to your congressman to forbid the FCC to allow and further consolidation of our media sources.
After reading the information, I signed my name to it. One of the FCC's plans is also to limit the transfer of thoughts and ideas on the internet. We cannot allow this to happen. If this does, we are done. There will no longer be the exchange of free independant thought with the ease that we experience now. Here is the form read and sign if you agree.

Subject: Stop media concentration

Did you know that just 6 media conglomerates control most of the media in the US?

In a free country, media concentration like this hinders vigorous public debate. The problem just got worse, when Bush's FCC basically gutted a rule that limited the number of both newspaper and television stations giant media conglomerates are able to buy up in the same city.

Fortunately, members of Congress are taking steps to reverse the damage. I just supported their efforts by sending them an email through the ACLU website. You can take action here:

Tim Chaney said...

Right the moderates want to be all things to all people and have lost the focus of the roots of their parties. Makes it very confusing, especially when the elders depend on their own party for info.

It is an age where a guy like Ron Paul is really needed to help our country move forward, I hope the movement grows so we can say it doesn't matter how much campaign money you have. It doesn't assure
a spot in the Oval office.

Just say NO~!

Anonymous said...

If you don't agree that the media manipulates how we vote, consider this: There's been a media firestorm over remarks mase by Rev. Jeremiah Wright---Obama's FORMER pastor; remarks not made by Obama himself, but by someone else. This story refuses to die down, but the fact that Clinton told an outright lie about dodging sniper fire in Bosnia was swept under the rug. The media holds Obama responsible for remarks he didn't make, but Clinton slides away with, "I misspoke." No, Hilary, you didn't misspeak, you lied through your teeth.

Too bad that Paul has been ignored. He's just what we need.