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Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Return Of Joe Albero

I have taken some off time and am pleased to let everyone know, I'm coming back. Thank You, ALL of you, for the support, phone calls, e-mail, personal contacts and belief that what is presented here is work that must be continued.

As some would believe I have done something wrong, let me assure ALL of you, I have not. My Wife said it best, the only person who should have been arrested was the attorney handling the transaction in question. Not that "I" would never wish that upon him or anyone else, it was not a pleasant experience.

In order to move on and forward, I need to clear the air and get a fresh start here. I want the Salisbury Fire Department and Salisbury Police Department to understand something right up front. I do NOT have an issue with the Firefighters and I do not have a problem with the Police Officers. I have a problem with the leaders of these Departments.

Today I spent the day talking with people in these Departments and today I learned something I wasn't aware of. You see, the comments on a Blog can create the image that they are/were a part of the Post. They are not. However, the final impression over the following day or days can leave that impression and I'd simply ask everyone to recognize that and not point a finger at me personally for the comments.

Everyone here knows I kiss no one's ass and I am not out trying to make friends here. I am simply defending my position to hopefully get those people mentioned to understand my goal is to make things better. Do try to remember who had who's back when it came to raises in BOTH Departments! Do also note that ultimately BOTH Departments did in fact get those raises, I just wish they could have happened sooner.

I believe in the Fire Department and Police Department and I want to see what's best for all involved. However, when a leader doesn't go to the Mayor and DEMAND more Staff and or pay, they're a poor leader, IMO. It shouldn't have to take a Blogger and Citizens to rally together in support to get their attention and in both cases, in these cases that's what it took.

However, $10,000,000.00 for a Fire Station is complete BS and there would be very few that would disagree. As a mater of fact, now the excuse is, it's there, let's all deal with it and move on. I don't disagree but I will say, it should be the very last time this should ever happen again and one way to assure the major spending is over is to remove certain people, (starting with the Mayor) out of Office.

Should we have leaders hiding 5 Fire Trucks in their budget from the taxpayers? Should it be found by a Blogger instead, or should we have more open government leaders and department heads simply stating this is what we need and why? So I exposed it. Does that mean I don't like the Fire Department? NO! It means I'm pissed off because See & Gordy, (IMO) are so out of control it isn't funny. Same goes with a $800,000.00 Fire Boat! You didn't see Chief See or Gordy coming public with this information. Again, it was a Blogger doing so and even after it was exposed they still tried and or are still trying to get this Boat. There are far more NEEDS right now and quite frankly the Fire Department blew their wad on the new Fire Station.

I am not against the Fire Department and IF you are a taxpayer in the City of Salisbury like I am, enough is enough! As for the Police Department, they're kicking a$$! If "I" had a beef with any of them I'd simply refuse to post their Press Releases and keep things quiet. I don't feel any ill will towards any Police Officer, I have a problem with their leader. Come on Folks, the Police Chief is suing me for calling him out on the TRUTH. Then I find myself in Jail for some bullshit charges? It is what it is and I'll face that and deal with it. However, the leader of a large Police Department is quite frankly embarrassing himself in front of all of his Staff because someone stated something about Chief Jack & Coke. Judge Judy said it best Chief, "Sticks and stones may break my bones but name will never hurt me." Grow some thicker skin and cut the crap. My God, we're all adults here.

I will attempt to end my Posts about the Police and Firefighters with, this does not reflect Officers/Firefighters and should only reflect Management. Hopefully that helps people to better understand that is the direction I intended it to be. All that being said, I hope we can start working together to better these Departments and reach goals that are important to the taxpayers. The Anti Albero Bloggers will do their best to tear this post apart, I'm telling you this is the direction "I" want things to go. If we can get there, great. If we cannot, well, we're right back to where we were just a few days ago.

In the mean time, I thank you guys/gals for all that you do. I hope, (just like it happened at the Salisbury Zoo) that the BS Leaders move on elsewhere and a new, more qualified leader comes in and manages each Department better. Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

"However, the final impression over the following day or days can leave that impression and I'd simply ask everyone to recognize that and not point a finger at me personally for the comments."

By moderating comments, you allow these comments about firefighters, police officers, etc. You may not have written the comment but you are responsible for the posting of the comment as the moderator.

Speaking for myself, that is where I find fault with you and yes, you have left a bad impression on me because of this. I know that I have personally posted comments before that were never put up. These comments were not vulgar, they just were not in support of your position.

Just yesterday you were on a "manhunt" with your "Wanted" post and you stated you believed they were part of the Delmar F.D. Did you suddenly have a change of heart? I'll believe it when I see it.

Anonymous said...

I knew you wouldn't just leave us.
Don't worry about what people think of you, if only GOD can judge us.

Anonymous said...

It makes for a job to stay positive in a negitive world, all we can do is try-- I said that~!

LadyLibertarian said...


joe albero said...

Stay on topic and keep away from the personal attacks and your comment will be posted.

Oh, by the way, you're welcome for the pay raise and the efforts it took to get them.

Anonymous said...

Joe, you have more courage than any single person I know. We all thought there was strong attempts to make the dissenters go away, but we didn't really get the true sense of it until we see what you have gone through. We ordinary folks just don't have the courage for it, but you do. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Joe , many people believe the same as you. These depts. are out of control and have been that way for so long , they think it's ok.They haven't any leaders! The ones they have set a bad example. The fire dept. and sal. police need to be

Anonymous said...

Joe, you have time and time again insulted individual firefighters, SFD, DFD, HFD, and the fire service in general. We know you do it on purpose, in a hope that it will increase your precious hit count. Don't try sucking up to us now that you are down and out. We know your true colors! PS- That was us laughing at you when you were released. We have pix of you to remember the moment!

Anonymous said...

Joe, you may choose not to publish this because it may not agree with your agenda, but how can you try to shift the blame for your latest problem with the courts to your attorney, who obviously drew the papers up, when it was you who signed them, thereby approving of it. Or did you not read it? It's time to step up and accept responsibilty for a change.

Anonymous said...

ok i dont tottal agree with FF comment but joe it has seemed sometimes that you have attacked certin members of SFD DFD and HFD but i do respect the fact that you are trying to turn over a new leaf. but you have to remember that if you are going after certin people in these departments thats fine pick at them all you want. But i dont want to see the day we you start picking on the members of thoses departments that are lets say the "low man/woman on the ladder." Because i can see it now the first time you do the personal comments will start right up again. Respectfully you do have a pretty good site but you have burned alot of people on here and they have come right back at you for it. so what im trying to say, well really ask, are you calling for a truce with theses people?

joe albero said...

Yes, I'm calling for a truce.

joe albero said...

anonymous 8:41,

I am not here to explain anything to you, especially someone anonymous.

You seem to be desperate to place blame in my direction. Like I said, when I walk on water it will show how perfect I am.

In the mean time, I didn't draft any document and I certainly didn't hold a gun to someone's head and or ask someone to do something illegal.

Mistakes happen, some innocent, some criminal. Let the proper authorities decide that.

I have nothing more to say about that. Know this right here and now. Any more comments in that direction and or challenging me in an ongoing case will be deleted, period.

Unknown said...

Glad to have you back Joe. Any intelligent person should be able to tell the difference between the truth and your personal opinions. This is YOUR blog and it's meant for you to say what's on YOUR mind. I haven't agreed with every single thing you've posted in the past, but I do respect the fact that you have the balls to say what's really on your mind. I honestly believe you have nothing but good intentions for this city and I think it's about time somebody stands up for they feel needs to be done. You take your personal time to find the good and bad and expose it to anyone willing to read it. For that, I thank you. Keep up the good work!

joe albero said...

Thank You Justin, that was very kind.

I truly do have everyone's best interest in mind and I look forward to a day where we can have leadership like a Mike Lewis & Rick Pollitt. Look, we all may not agree with their politics but NO ONE can argue that they don't also have their communitires best interest in mind by offering such open Government/Leadership.

The taxpayers deserve such a leader and Salisbury needs a whole lot of truth. It's coming, you'll see.

Anonymous said...

When you can get the city to give a fair cost of living raise, than i will thank you. You didn't do anything that got raises. Did you know that the SFD is one of the only departments in the east that does not even get time and a half for overtime? Every other agency in the city does. Do you know why? because Bubba says "We don't have to". You want us to believe you? Than get on our side. We really could use your help.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 8:41 PM, KARMA is coming for you, do no evil receive no evil. How many times have you had 50 pieces of paper have you read every single page, specially trusting that all is OK, when it comes from a Lawyer? HHHHMMMM, May you never have to go through a hard time, but if you do, remember what goes around comes around.

joe albero said...

Perhaps you should talk to others because you've conveniently forgotten my involvement with the campaigns and pushing Bubba and others into forcing a new pay increase for Firefighters. It became a part of the campaign and this Blog had a lot to do with that influence.

As I recall it though, the Fire Department turned their back on Bubba and supported Spies instead and the pay increase that was origiunally promissed was delayed because of retaliation.

I am on your side, should you be a Firefighter. Do you want a truce or do you want to blame me for what Bubba is and has done to you?

Anonymous said...

:( sounds like you sold out.

Anonymous said...

Nothing can take back the aggravation and grief your blog has caused my family and career. Too little to late Joe.

Anonymous said...

Well, when you back someone who has positive visions over the the current council, all you can do is hope for the best. There is no guarentee the they will do what they say once they are in office. I think that why Spies was endorced. Look at the current president. Total 180 over what she stated during her campaign. And its not just about firefighters, but all city employees. No blame to you, just think that we could all work together to priortize needs.

Anonymous said...

You have spread lies about the fire service for some time now. Many knowledgeable people have come to this site and tried to set you straight, but you profess to know it all. So know we are to believe that you're wanting to set that all aside, and be reasonable. Excuse me if I'm a bit skeptical on how long it will last.

Anonymous said...

11:29pm, Tell us who you are...the mare, comegys, weasle is that you? I know, I know..Ray Lewis? See? Gordy?
Well...who ever you are, if you were on the up n up you'd have n greif! If your wasteful and corrupt and leading our town into the sewer, be worried....real worried!!!

Anonymous said...,
LOL, I was wondering the something! If they weren’t so corrupted they wouldn't have anything to worry about!

SALISBURY LETS CLEAN THIS CITY! Lets start will the MARE, it's time to take our City back!!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

Welcome back Joe. I see a lot of the post do not understand you have to lead by example not by terror. They still want to complain and not realize they can be part of the solution. They still want everybody to fight for them and their rights but they do not want to be seen or involved. All they have to do is let themselves be lead by truth instead of their emotions and being passive (scared). Do what you feel is right and the truth will prevail.
Again Welcome Back.

Anonymous said...

You've been beat down by another blogger who gave you same of what you dish out. You just want some time to fall back and regroup so you can go after innocent people again another day. We don't want a truce. We're winning the war!

Anonymous said...

12:17pm....beat down? lol, I dont think so! I'm sure Joe was surprised to see strings go all the way to the comptrollers office, I'm not, I know for fact theres wrong doin running all the way to the top. Most everyone here is thankful for Joe speaking up against corruption and wrong doing here in Salisbury. "innocent people" where? Maybe your refering to some that got in his face n try'd to tell him how to run his own blog? "winning the war"?? lmao, you 6 r 8 anti owl's with nothing to do but hoot Joe isnt this n Joe isnt that,you had your fellings hurt and arent adult enough to get over it, you bunch r soooo disapointed he's not the "perfect" father of blogs, well guess what, he's not perfect, nor are the rest of us. Go on back to your nasty little sand box till you grow up.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have the full scoop on the officer from the WCSD who roughed up an innocent man at the Food Mart on Nanticoke Road? This man was aquitted on all charges, which by the way means he was innocent. Did the officer face diciplinary action for excessive force during an unjustified arrest or he he still out ther harassing people?? Did Mike Lewis handle this...he is the best remember?

Anonymous said...

The purpose of this blog is to inform the citizens of mismanagement. This would bring conversation regarding the different views of individuals who would like to comment.Without the views of the do not have a blog.

Anonymous said...

Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected on the 3 rd day. Joe Albero was deflated by the legal department and was inflated on the 2 nd day. Does this have any significance or pose a good omen?

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! You are certainly entitled to your opinions and I thank you for giving us the opportunity to express ours as well. If any of the discussions on your blog cause folks to think about issues and try to become part of the solution, then all the better! Anyone who thought the "comments" section were your comments is too stupid to be on your site.
Although I'm not a democrat, I love the passion Mayor Ireton brings to his position. I think we all need to give him some time to right the wrongs he inherited, and to make some progress on changes he's promised. Rome wasn't built in a day, as they say.
As for the police/fire adminstrators, the truth (whatever it may be) will eventually be discovered. Thanks, Joe, for your fearless willingness to share your opinions and to allow us to agree or disagree. The end result is that we are more informed. End of story. And a good story it is.