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Saturday, April 12, 2008

Joe "G" Says Goodbye

GO HERE to see the original post in The Daily Times.

Final Post

SALISBURY — This will be my final Shore Politics entry.

I have received an offer from one of our sister papers in New Jersey, the Courier-Post in Cherry Hill. I start this week.

It’s been an honor serving the Lower Shore for the past two years. I’ve learned a great deal about watermen and rural living. I immensely respect these farmers and seafood savvy professionals who keep us fed.

I’m going to miss the touch of God this region sees. I don’t think I’ll ever be in the presence of so many breathtaking sunsets.

I’ll miss my colleagues and leaders. They all want to be a part of history and make the Lower Shore a better place.

What I won’t miss are the constant naysayers. The bitter, cranky, nearly-fanatical critics who won’t be happy until taxes are nil and anarchy is achieved.

I’ve attempted to find moderate voices throughout my reporting. But those citizens unafraid to talk openly about ideas, programs and projects which might serve a greater good are fewer every day. Those opposed to everything have too loud a megaphone. Appreciate critical perspectives, as long as they’re constructive.

I wish the region’s leaders luck. There are many serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them. Recognize who is, and is not, to be taken seriously.

Future government requests and inquiries should be directed to my fantastic colleague, Greg Latshaw at or 410-749-7171 ext. 216.

Thanks Delmarva. I’m proud to have called you home.

Posted at 4:32 AM

All I have to say is, am I one of those "naysayers?" If so, BITE ME! If not, Good Luck Joe. LOL


Anonymous said...

Hey look if this crackpot is being transplanted to NJ somebody contact Greyhound....we could get rid of around 35-40 more and say we did it by using minimal gas and public transportation. I don't think the radioactive drinking water there will make much difference on his mind.....but maybe he can shed a few pounds due to dysentery though.

Anonymous said...

Good riddance, His reporting was biased, inaccurate and misleading. Fie on thee Joe, you never wrote any article that was not slanted in favor of the Barrie Tilghman regime. How could you defend such an immoral, unethical bunch of looters and plunderers? You should be ashamed of yourself!!Weren't you there at the city council when the only LOUD NAYSAYERs are Barrie, Gary, Shanie and Louise? They are the persons that are intolerant of any attempt at citizen input? That they are the LOUD FEW that control everything the city does?

Anonymous said...

Leaders? Huh Huh Duh ah shut up Beavis!

Anonymous said...

Our gain ( Joe G. going to NJ ) is new Jerseys problem now. This guy just didn't get it while he was here. He thinks we have naysayers, just wait till you get with the naysayers up there! Good ridance to a badly confused young man.

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe D, enjoy those hoagies up there. They are the best in the USA. Good luck to you and thanks for doing the best you could with what you had to work with.

Anonymous said...

I think he was told how to approach his job and probably did what the people who gave him his paycheck said. You might be giving him too much credit. The big problem with his employers is that THEY don't get it. It's easier to condone and endorse the "establishment" than to question and, ultimately, to go against it. Even if its crystal clear that they're wrong.