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Friday, April 18, 2008

Don't Fault Barrie Tilghman

Salisbury government is something. Mayor Barrie Tilghman's bureaucracy grows and grows. Property taxes rise. The only economic development that the city seems able to attract is retail or residential development. Yet, we have learned via the Daily Times that this is not Tilghman's fault. No, it's all because Wicomico County won't write her a BIG CHECK!

Taking a clue from her counterpart down the hall (Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt), Tilghman is blaming some amorphous government policy for the fiscal woes of Salisbury. Tilghman seems to think that the city's fiscal plight is because Wicomico County doesn't provide a tax differential. This is similar to Pollitt's now monotonous tactic of tying the county's revenue cap with its fiscal problems.

It should be noted that Tilghman has now changed her rhetoric a bit and has begun calling for a "tax set-off". As we explained in an earlier post, Tilghman wants the county to right a check, not provide needed tax relief to Salisbury taxpayers. It should be noted that our local paper has fallen right in line.

As we have stated time and again, a TAX DIFFERENTIAL is fair. Asking the Wicomico County government to simply write a check (Tilghman's newly named TAX SET-OFF) so that Tilghman may feed her bureaucracy is unjust to all taxpayers AND fiscally irresponsible.

Tilghman has proven time and again that she will spend every nickel that she can snatch, wheedle, or extort from the city's residents. Sure, there are a few residents like SU professor Don Cathcart (spouse of former councilwoman Lynn Cathcart) who have this strange notion that Salisbury residents are not taxed enough. However, I believe that this is merely a sad commentary on Maryland's system of higher education.

What other potential sources of city revenue does Tilghman have in mind? If she has specifics I would be happy to listen. Perhaps Tilghman could simply cut back on the subsidies provided to her developer pals? How about actually enforcing the city's code and fining her slumlord buddies?

I know, who am I kidding?

cross posted at Delmarva Dealings

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Anonymous said...

Although some amount of tax differential may be "fair" the County is now in such a fiscal bind that none is practicable.

Pushing for one is going to be a loser from the public policy point of view regardless of the outcome as it will drive another wedge between the City and County, something that Barrie Tilghman has done to extreme already.

Anonymous said...

It's just another noisy way for Barrie Tilghman to sound like she's doing something.

She knows damn well it's not going to be a reality any time soon. In the meantime, there will be a "study."

Anonymous said...

Moving to a County only gov would fix all these problems. And get red of a lot of the dumb a$$.

Anonymous said...

Is someone going to post about the big anti-Wilber, anti-Maloney victory yesterday? These weasels got their butts handed to them in their effort to turn a residential area into an apartment complex. Congrats to everyone involved, and please remember that we will have to keep fighting this fight unless the mayor is defeated in her re-election bid.

Anonymous said...

I have spent my entire life here,
more than 40 years as an adult. This city goverment is the worst that I ever recall. I wish Rick Pollitt and the COUNTY goverment would take over the city goverment, similar to Jefferson county taking over Louisville Kentucky. This is smart goverment,
smart growth. Our local goverment has too many people doing the same job.

Anonymous said...

Tax differental for what? Then pull the Sherriff Deputies outta the schools within the city limits,stop the sheriffs department from enforcing the laws within the city limits,have the city pay for school crossing guards within the city,etc.Tax differental bs!

Anonymous said...

tax differental so treatment plant Tilghman can build another deck on her house using city workers

Anonymous said...

It IS unfair to the citizens of the city to pay for the same services twice. These poor over-taxed people must subsidize the county police and many other depts. of the county without having any opportunity to use them.
If I had to choose between our mayor without a clue and county executive with part of a clue, I guess I'd pick him to run the show.
Is there going to be a "NONE OF THE ABOVE" box to check?

Anonymous said...

"As we have stated time and again, a TAX DIFFERENTIAL is fair. Asking the Wicomico County government to simply write a check (Tilghman's newly named TAX SET-OFF) so that Tilghman may feed her bureaucracy is unjust to all taxpayers AND fiscally irresponsible."

The same situation exits in Ocean City. The town goes to the Worcester County Council begging for relief, yet does nothing to help itself.

Add to that the special tax treatment for millionaire amusement park owners the Town of Ocean City championed.

Anonymous said...

Mr./Ms. 11:35:

It's the same in Salisbury -- TIF's for the likes of ALex Brown Realty, much of the City is an Enterprise Zone, and now they give tax breaks for building condos in the downtown area, and now they say
that the County should bail them out.

Anonymous said...

"It's the same in Salisbury -- TIF's for the likes of ALex Brown Realty, much of the City is an Enterprise Zone, and now they give tax breaks for building condos in the downtown area, and now they say
that the County should bail them out."

Sounds much like Baltimore City, except it is the taxpayers of Maryland that bails Baltimore City.

Anonymous said...

She just wants the money for a building with her name on it. I visited a similar building in Mexico, it was called "casa de puta's."

Anonymous said...

The only building she should ever have with her name on it is a mausoleum.

Anonymous said...

Campbell and Cohen posted the budget in pdf files on their website. Unbelieveable the information those 2 make readily available to us. They even broke it down so you don't have to download the entire thing all at once. It just amazes me how much these 2 accomplish when working with complete idiots.

GO C&C you 2 are da bomb.

Anonymous said...

A fair and more reasonable approach would be to separate the services offered between the city and the county, and then REDUCE THE TAX BURDEN accordingly. We cannot, I repeat, CANNOT depend upon the city to do whats fair, and, for God's sake, reasonable. They do not know the meaning of either of those words.