
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Friday, April 18, 2008

It's Time For A Vacation

Yesterday was certainly trying but it was a day in which I will soon get over. I can say I now know what it's like for those celebrities surrounded by camera people and even other Bloggers out to capture that Kodak Moment, LOL.

Nevertheless, it is what it is and I have to tip my hat to Charles Jannace and Bill Duvall for their relentless efforts to push the Comptroller into filing such charges. Talk about crazy, the Daily Times has two articles of interest in the Delmarva Section. One is a story about Sarah Dykstra killed by an Off Duty Police Officer. The Officer could receive up to 30 months in prison and a fine of $1,150.00. However, in my case, (you're going to love this) the Daily Times claims I could face up to 10 years in prison. How ironic!

The purpose of this Blog was to open the minds of the many believing the Daily Times was telling real stories when we all knew they were slanted, if they even told them at all. After this last go round, I have to decide just what I'm willing to go through any more and more importantly what my Family must deal with.

A friend of mine, Donna, makes a great point. We seem to be out there doing all of the work for the Citizens of Salisbury and when the time comes for them to step up to the plate and participate, no one shows up. Well, I couldn't agree more.

This kid comes around and says he's going to recall the Mayor, then Smith, then Comegys and rather than everyone coming together to support this young man, everyone challenges his right to do so. Quite frankly, it's sad to watch this Mayor scare the crap out of so many.

That being said, it's time for me to sit back and think about what I want to do. I want to thank all of you for your calls and messages. Once I explained to those close to me what actually happened it becomes very clear why things were done the way they were. Obviously I cannot expose that information until I've had enough time to discuss it with my lawyers.

I will say, it's VERY interesting how the Comptroller never contacted me to ask me anything. I am an American Citizen who has been paying taxes for many years. One would think I'd get the courtesy of our own Government for such before you go and file an arrest warrant for someone and treat them like a criminal. Jesus Christ, even Bush sent back all the Iraq families here in the United States before they ever investigated one of them after 911.

Anyhow, I have some things to think about over the next couple of days. Others will be posting here in the mean time but right now I need to think about what is best for my Family and make a decision as to where this Blog will go.


Anonymous said...

Joe, The powers to be were straddled with a person they could not control.The mistakes you made are human.However it opened doors for the bums to make their mark now.Take ur time but don't give up against the corruption in Salis.SALIS> needs you!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Joe! They're just mad you keep busting their corrupt ways. :) You are an inspiration and glad to see that there are still some good guys left.

Anonymous said...

Take the break Joe, you deserve it. You have gone none stop for last couple years or so.. At the end of the day you have to put yourself and family above everyone else..

Anonymous said...

Every single life is woven into the web of karma, which has no beginning or end. Until you accept that every life is woven into every other, you will never know who you really are.

-- deepak chopra, buddha: a story of enlightenment.

Anonymous said...

Well joe, this is why salisbury is so f-cked up!!! sorry to say it like this, but it's the truth. You scared them, exposed them for the money-grabbing bastards that they are,and now they want to keep you quiet. of course they do! This way, they can keep stealing and blinding the citizens of salisbury and the surrounding. these idiots get what they deserve if they let barrie the biotch and her a$$ kissing cronies back. jackasses!

Anonymous said...

What would be very interesting is how many other people have done the exact same thing and it gets pushed under the rug; I mean people such as lawyers, judges,etc

Wymzie said...

Fear and Intimidation is the only weapon that they possess.

Just like having my medical bills waived before all to see.

They steal from the public coffers, they Lie to the Citizens, they control every vice that plagues our society, and they each have a vested interest in shutting us up.

I don't know what to tell you Joe.
I have been told the same thing by a loved one.

Is it worth it?

My patriotic heart screams YESSSSSSSSSSS.

My logical mind of being a citizen of our globalized police state say's you better shut up.

Are we willing to pay the price?

I have found that while many will agree with me in private, few are willing to actually stand up in public and say the truth they know in their souls.

Government has always ruled through fear and intimidation and suppression of free thought and free speech.

Liberty is losing ground and until we loose it all; then and only then will people as a group stand up and say in once voice FREEDOM.

When they realize they have nothing left to loose, because they already lost it all a long time ago.

Until then my friend it will be lone voices beating the drum.

Anonymous said...

Take a breather, but don't give up the fight. Your courage is desperately needed.

Anonymous said...

Once again Wymzie, wise words to start off a new day. Thank you

Anonymous said...

I am sorry for the fact that you have become a target. You really are a service to this community and that scares many. May you find peace at this time. I hope that you will continue to do what you do best but understand that you must protect the ones you love.

Anonymous said...

keep up the good work joe, take some time off, but don't give up on the little people out there who don't have much of a voice. you do this community justice!

Anonymous said...

America---Freedom of Speech---Land of the Free!
Not around Salisbury for sure. The bad guys are always protected! Believe me, I know! I see so much dishonesty going on around this city. Finally, the citizens were able to find out the real truth what goes on around this burg! SQUASH!!!! So much for that!
Once the time is right, I plan to move away from this
corrupted city. I am tired of the good ole boy syndrome!

Anonymous said...

joe, you are just as bad as the ones you are on this blog taking about.also your mug shot was as bad as the landfill ones. you were quick to judge them. now the shoe is on the other make the mayor and other officials out to be crooks and you are no are getting just what you deserve. be careful whose toe you step on going to the top because you may have to come down the same way.

Anonymous said...

They been lookin to get ya!
It's hell at the top! Don't
give it up kid.I'm in an area that
many people live with delaware tags
on their vehicle. Some have had
illegal tags for years , I see anyone charging them.

Anonymous said...


i don't always agree with you. you've actually made me mad on a couple of occasions. but, that's good. you inspire me to use my brain! that's healthy. joe, you've already ruffled their feathers. they're not going to stop coming after you even if you stop this blog. joe... i have several "sayings" that i like to use in life. so now i'm going to give YOU one. "you gotta DO what you're good at". be strong and keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...


There are some things to think about. The anti-albero bloggers are brilliant. They are showing that they are all the things they accuse you of being. They report incorrect bond amounts without confirming. They report the charges being made against you as tax evasion. Not accurate. Then they roll around in it like pigs in slop. Above it all they speak poorly of you because you do these things and they turn around and do it themselves which makes them hippocrates - again something they accuse you for being.

I don't agree with everything you do or say but it is your right to do them and say them. You stood up and supported the citizens of Salisbury against corruption and were targeted by those who have connections and who were being damaged the most by the light that was beginning to shine.

Fuck the City of Salisbury. It's already a hole in the wall that will never be fixed because the masses have no balls. They won't stand up to corruption so they deserve what they get. Fuck the people who won't stand up for what's right. They are the reason the nation is like it is - corrupt.

If I were you I'd pack my bags and go to Costa Rico. The City of Salisbury and Wicomico County could kiss my ass.

Anonymous said...

As Wymzie said Joe, you and a few others are the only ones beating the drum for us common citizens. Don't let these two bullies push you into folding your tent. You still have plenty to say and I for one will defend your right to say it. Very sorry that you and Jen had to go through the humiliation of unjustified accusations. You need a rest and deserve one, but please don't throw in the towel.

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

How odd that wboc was tipped off and waiting. Another thing is, I have never heard someone say after moving that they canceled their voter registration, that's all they had to go on for such a spectacle?

If you steal a ton of money from the county you can get released on your own recognizance? I would now expect the attorney at the last council meeting to get charged with the same.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous 9:10
THe good ole boy system is anywhere you go.

All we can say is what goes around comes around.

Every dog has his/her day!

And just pray for what is right!

Anonymous said...

The use and/or abuse of a state's comptroller's office for personal retaliation is a VERY serious matter, and should be fully investigated.

Anonymous said...

Rehab, it's what all you dumbasses go for.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Can't do it in this forum, but help is on the way -- keep up the good work (illigitimi non carborundum).

Vox Populi

Anonymous said...

You are a fighter...don't give up! We need you to speak up for us. Just take a little while to get it together and come back swinging even harder!! We have your back!! Your family needs you now...we do too!

Anonymous said...

So it is OK for a developer attorney to sign an application for special commercial tax breaks ("Enterprise Zone") for residential condos (without using the word residential) but you get taken to task.

Who handled that Pittsville settlement and prepared the document you signed?

Anonymous said...

Let's take a look at Franchot's (and Gansler's) contributors to his campaign -- starting with last names beginning with "T".

Anonymous said...

Does it matter who prepared it? Joe signed it!

Anonymous said...

Joe, we all know that protecting your family is everything. You do what you have to. Just remember, you are making a difference. Before your blog, I had no idea how corrupt the 'Bury was!! It's deep and foul stench of lies and thievery are seeping out due to your hard work! Don't give up on Salisbury and the TRUELY honest people won't give up on you. My prayers are with you and your family..

Anonymous said...

anon 9:51, new jersey is a state...

Anonymous said...

The mayor said she didn't do favors for her pals. You have the copy of the memo where she did just that for Insley. She is a liar. Hang in there Salisbury, there is hope.

go Vox Populi--I'm with you, brother!

Anonymous said...


Believe it or not, there are still some good people out there in positions of authority. There's Mike Lewis, ummm, ok, so there's one good person out there. Anyway, I like what you do on your blog site. I agree with 98% of your opinions. I know you are intelligent because you live in Delaware. How anyone can live in the city of Salisbury and put up with all that crap is beyond me. I really hate to see you give it up. You would be amazed at how many of my friends and family read your site though they don't post to it. This blog is more informative than the Daily Behind has ever been. Good luck. We are all standing behind you.

Anonymous said...

We are all standing behind you.

This seems to be the sentiment of most of the comments this morning. What is wrong with that statement is the same thing that is wrong with the city of Salisbury.

Everyone is standing BEHIND no one is standing WITH anyone. We all saw the reaction of the administration at the last council meeting when it filled with all those black folks. They KNOW they will stand TOGETHER unlike the rest of the population of the city.

Take a lesson from our west side neighbors. Stop standing BEHIND. Stand TOGETHER (a novel concept) and take your city back from the rogues that have beaten you down.

You can only beat a dog so long before it will turn and rip your arm off.

Anonymous said...

You have never been one to crawl in a hole and let someone get the best of you or your family. Some people who read your blog may not agree with everything said, but agree that it takes a leader to expose people that no one else is willing to expose. I admire that in you. Stand up and fight. Do what you are good it. You sign your name to everything written. I always do the same. Too bad everyone cannot be as courageous.

Anonymous said...


I'm a broken record -- please scale back the blog to avoid irrelevant and non-productive verbal duels with Jannace, Robinson, Duvall "Off the Cuff" and their ilk, drop the "breaking news," police beat and smokey-joe stories, and target the City administration and City Hall shenanigans, with occasional coverage of other "Sins of Salisbury".

Anonymous said...

Wow...This is historic...may be read about in history books for our kids...Headline....The Day the Blogger's Reign Ended...

Kind of reminds me of when King Kong was killed or when the Roman Empire Ended.

Say it ain't so Joe....

Anonymous said...

"A friend of mine, Donna, makes a great point. We seem to be out there doing all of the work for the Citizens of Salisbury and when the time comes for them to step up to the plate and participate, no one shows up."

Yep, that's Salisbury in a nutshell alright.

Anonymous said...

It appears that the b*stards won a battle, but we cannot allow them to win the war. The biggest point in all this is WOULD JUST ANYONE BE ARRESTED FOR DOING THE SAME THING? The simple answer is no.
Don't let them win. This is a plea for ALL of US, not just JOE.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Albero,

I am curious to know why all of the letters of support you have received from "FRIENDS" have been sent as anonymous. I think we all know the answer to that! Its called that other computer you keep in the spare room!

Anonymous said...

Can't say I know all the facts on this one.

I remember Duvall posting something saying it's all over in Salisbury,it's hopeless. We should leave. Then a reply came in blasting him for a defeatist attitude.

If you want your "enemies" to call the shots, then don't fight.

Here's my name:

Bob Pinto

Anonymous said...

ANON 11:41,
How interesting that YOU didn't sign your name.
The reason most of us don't sign is because we fear retaliation and repercussions for coming out against the powers that be here is this small town. I for one do business with the city and have enough grief as it is, without telling them online how inept and idiotic I think most of them are.
The perfect example of this is what happened to this guy yesterday. Who do you know that has been arrested over something like this? I don't know anyone else.
I rest my case. And, until things change, will remain, respectfully, anonymous.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

joe, where will i get the real news???? egads!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why don't you pull some of the mortgages and deeds of the area landlords. I've personally seen a number of cases of tax and mortgage fraud. Who knows what else you could uncover. They really shouldn't throw stones when they have much worse and much more in their own glass houses.

Anonymous said...

Joe, don't go anywhere. Don't let DingleBarrie Tilghman and her minions run you off like that. If you quit running this blog you will be doing the citizens a disservice. The city is strangling and struggling to survive. If you discontinue this blog and exposing corruption this city will only get worse. Don't let the Shemale Hitler win this war!!!

Daddio said...

Is that all they could dig up on you? A land transfer deal from a couple of years ago?

They must be really desperate to call on the comptroller's office to file charges on something as trivial as this.

You would think that if the DailyRag could research this item as thoroughly as they did, why can't they use the same diligence in reporting on what really goes on over at the GOB?

Anonymous said...

If you quit, they win.

Anonymous said...


Guilty or not which is none of my business or anyone elses is nothing compared to the theiving corruption of the mare and shitty council. I will bet my bottom dollar that the tilghman administration was behind this. They are seeking revenge and trying to shut you up. Please don't let them stop you. Even the Ani-Albero Bloggers love you. You are the only thing keeping those morons in existance. For example your 100+ hits per article to Dummyfiles 1 to maybe no hits! Get my drift!!

Anonymous said...

Joe, I am sorry that you have had to deal with what we all call the big brother network. There has always been and will always be a network of many who with money and politics will always find a way to make us shut up. Look at it this way. You are making this decision to take a break because your family means more to you than any big brother network out there. They on the other hand are not concerned about what they do in their daily lives that potentially effects the respect they have for themselves or their families. Trust me, they too have to look at themselves in the mirror each day. Remember, the sun don't shine on the same dogs a$$ all the time. Let the people of Salisbury fight this battle themselves. If they don't like what the city is doing, they need to move. We did, to Delmar, DE. It is their responsibility to go to meetings ask questions and find out what they are paying for. God Bless you and your family.

And my name is Melissa Malone

"Love Many, Trust Few, and Paddle Your Own Canoe"

BossHogg said...


Welcome to my world...

We are here with you, beside you, behind you in front, back or wherever you need us.

This is a battle between good & evil, right & wrong.

They threatened you, I know it.

They bulldozed my building and stole my land... it does not seem it can get much worse but it has...

When local cops tell us to move, just let it go, let them (the corrupt P-City government) have their drug market... just move you can't do anything.

They have killed business deals costing me tens of thousands... Nothing compared to the millions others have taken but you know THAT story.

There is an old Sicilian saying my grandfather used to tell me.

Revenge is a dish best savored cold.

Anonymous said...

Joe, as another said, i didn't always agree with you, but - the general consensus of the people i speak to that would like a CLEAN, NON-CORRUPT salisbury say: you made us wake up and think!!! and that's what we all need at times, a good kick. and to the anom that says this coming from your "spare computer room" - tell them to go stick their heads right up barrie tilghman's a$$!!! that's probably where they keep it anyway. what they're tryin' ta do ta you is no different than barrie the biotch's nazi idiots that try and shut people up who disagree with her and her crooked -ass, f-cked up bunch of cronies!!!! STAND TALL, JOE - YA GOT MORE BEHIND YA THAN YA KNOW!!!!!

Anonymous said...

As you decide what to do next, seek to identify your purpose in life. For some, it is harder to abandon their calling than to deal with the consequences of that calling; for others, it is time to admit their true calling is not what they've been honoring. Whatever you decide, you will know yourself better when this is over.

Anonymous said...

man, anom 9:23 says it best: FUCK THE CITY OF SALISBURY. you stand up for these morons, and they won't even come out to support themselves, when city council & barriebitch are raping their asses clean, along with the wilbur jerkoff. take care of your family, Joe, and yourself. these bastards downtown will get what's coming. maybe the old-fashioned way when people have just had enough. a boot up some asses. Barrie first.

Anonymous said...

As ugly as this matter is, it is not a trumped up charge. If they hadn't found this, who knows what they would have framed you for?

Anonymous said...

I was really sorry to hear this happened to! It makes me even more furious with all the "city slickers" as they get away with murder. Just like the Village of Tony Tank Creek - money was stolen and as far as anyone knows, NOTHING has been done to the parties involved. Its the GOOD ole boy theory at work!
I hope to be able to leave this corrupted city in the next few years if at all possible. I am tired of all the stealing, lying and cheating going on. For once, we had a man like Joe to let the general public REALLY know what is going on. My subscription to the Daily Times is history. No way would I give them a dime!

Anonymous said...

Regardless how petty the crime...its still a crime, and if this was anyone one would be defending it!

Anonymous said...

Wong 642PM. A crime occured in the Village of Tony Tank Creek and nothing has been done to the alleged. As far as I know, he is still going about his normal day along with those involved.

Anonymous said...

What dosent kill you will make you stronger. How many of our forefathers lost their land, homes, their families and even their lives....fighting for Freedom, Liberty and Justice.
Joe, if there is any way I can help just let me know.

Anonymous said...

Don't let um get you down ,take some time off maybe we'll get in that 9 ball game .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Joe you rock! 90% of the time you are proved correct overtime. Keep plugging away as it appears to be something you love to do! I enjoy your site.

Anonymous said...

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't the chief sign court documents in regard to a lawsuit that listed his primary residence as Wicomico County? I didn't just fall off of the turnip truck.

I would have more respect for the chief if he had just said, "I have kids, and education is better in Worcester County," or "My parents are getting old and I want to live near them." Instead he said "that there wasn't adaquate housing here." What, Tony Tank or Nithsdale not good enough either?

Anonymous said...

As I said before, your blog is a great service to the Salisbury area. However the tone of anger and ridicule in your posts bound you to have enemies. You can get much more done in an mature and respectible manner. You have great talent and drive. Don't give up, just tone it down.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I hate to even think this but this is just the beginning of things to come. This is how it started out for Brenda Cox. Not this same exact thing but the same scenario. She ran Brenda out of business then out of town.

Maybe we should do the same as the anti alberos and have a meeting of all the victims of Barrie Tilghman? The anti alberos say they are meeting at Market St Inn. We'd have to rent the civic center to accomodate all the victims of Barrie and her administration, past and present.

Watch your back. Trust very few. There are those that would smile in your face, eat a meal in your home and still stab you in the back.

Siete venuti, avete visto, e si conquistò la loro pisciato off.

Anonymous said...

Please keep your blog alive. I faithfully read every post every day. It is a great vehicle of truth.

Anonymous said...

Joe, we are here for you. Never doubt for a moment that your friends are your friends. So sorry you made a mistake. So sorry they are trying to hang you. But, when you get too close to the corruption they get scared. They are scared, of course they handled this in the most outrageous way they could. Trying to cover up the 360 thousand, they know where...trying to cover up the land deals, they know where...the strange part is Joe, we know, and they do not know who we are...

Humans make mistakes, don't like it Joe, but, love ya anyway.

Chimera said...

Was that the same Brenda Cox who operated the Shell Station-and helped MDA raise money every Labor Day? What a shame-it was a nice family owned and operated full-service station, an asset to the community.

Anonymous said...

Was that the same Brenda Cox who operated the Shell Station-and helped MDA raise money every Labor Day? What a shame-it was a nice family owned and operated full-service station, an asset to the community.


Yes, it is the same Brenda Cox. She and her husband owned Buddy's Shell on Rt 13. They raised a boat load of money out there for MDA. They had a lot going on in such small space. Cavanaugh Motors donated cars to the event. Brenda tried to recall Barrie, now there is no Buddy's Shell. No 10's of thousands of dollars for MDA. No Brenda or Buddy Cox. Everything GONE because they dared to stand up to that bitch at the GOB

Anonymous said...

It comes as no surprise-but the timing is certainly interesting---I think people were really getting ticked with all the goings on this past week--David Moore, Captain Investments,Tony Tank Village, the Mayors bull etc. Yep- some of the big dogs toes are getting stepped on and they don't like it.
I agree with some of the other posters; you have a tremendous potential and I applaud what I believe is at the core-fighting government waste,lies,cover-ups especially when it breaks the backs of commom man. Not to mention the spirit. But, you had to know it was coming. I think if we stuck to the issues (of which there are many)and left out the pointless,vile, and crude venomous attacks on their looks and or family members and personal lives there would be a lot more support both on this blog and maybe even publically. The loose cannon approach-while making tittilating entertainment, did not further the cause,and undermined credibility. I am sure you have probably given this point some thought.
I really do hope you continue. You are FORCE to be reckoned with, and I believe you can continue to be so and even keep your edge----but within the bounds of decency.
It took me a lifetime to realize that while my fights may be valid- I can do no good if I self destruct in the process.
So in essence- I hope yu are uplifted by the support here,take your time for introspection, and come back bigger, and better!

And I hope the citizens start coming to the meetings and voice their opinions.


Anonymous said...

Joe, I'm not aware of any details regarding your what sounds to be a horrible experience and as a citizen of salisbury I'm saddened but unfortunately not surprised this has happened to you.

You do a GREAT JOB and all of us beleive in you and thank you for all your VERY HARD WORK on behalf of the "Betterment of Salisbury". I am however ashamed to live in a town that would allow something this bad happen to you. Not to mention what it has/is putting your family through.

I'm sorry you are paying the price for speaking the truth. I and many others like me commend you, we need you Joe, and we all will be beside/behind/ as another said wherever you need us. sign me up.

Your a very intellegent man Joe and I have read over 65 great comments here (well a sparce few Not so nice) but all in all everyone believes you were treated unjustly. I beleive many would be amazed at just how many people "would" come to your defence. evedenced here.

As for the one who said you were doing this on your "other computer"... do you really think Joe has the time to sit here and type up over 65 comments??? and also, this makes me think that YOU in fact are the type to have a second computer to type things for yourself... Ever heard of the pot calling the kettle black, takes one to know one....ect ect...

Joe I'm praying for your strength but ultimately I'm behind you even if you do take a vacation ...even for good. Its your life, your family, your well being.

God Bless you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Nalagirl said it well....although I read every word and mostly enjoy them all, the opportunity to be taken seriously and do the important work of uncovering and reporting on the misdoings of these unqualified, inept, and unfortunately dishonest people that are running our local governments is sometimes overshadowed by personal and/or immature comments.
It is clear to almost all of us that we cannot depend upon the DT to tell us what we need to know. does tell us, and gives us an opportunity to decide what is important to us, enough sometimes to rile us up and get us in motion. This forum is not just important, it's necessary. I'm sorry that you're experiencing these troubles, but please do not lose sight of the fact that, for some reason, this is your calling.
(You might want to invest in a bullet-proof vest, however).

Anonymous said...

There are SO many people living right here in Salisbury who have lied on their tax returns, hid money (cash), stole money, etc etc etc. Why have they never been investigated? Because they are good ole boys! I am so sick and tired of the good ole boys around here. They get away with so many wrongdoings. Even people who have been "tipped off" to the IRS still go uninvestiagted. Or if they are, its brushed under the carpet! Someday though they will have to "pay", one way or the other. Joe, you are a victim of the good ole boy system! Also, for standing up for what is right, you were brought down! Time will however, catch up to the old boys!

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ didn't send back the Iraq families, and neither did Dubya. I assume you meant to say the Bin Laden Family memebers who were flown home from American during the 2-day period in which NO ONE WAS ALLOWED TO FLY!
In which case, Dubya didn't send them home, he provided them escape. Let's at least acknowledge the truth of the matter. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

(You might want to invest in a bullet-proof vest, however).

Joe, you should take this comment seriously. Ask the widow of Earl Church what the good ole boys are capable of doing or having done.

Anonymous said...

Anonymours 11:39PM If you are implying the "good ole boys" might commit murder, then lets get one thing clear: "good ole boys" no longer serves as a sufficient term. Then they would be criminals. Good ole boy network implies people are helping each other (friends) get ahead in life, or business, or politics. Killin people goes way beyond good ole boys. Don't you think?