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Saturday, February 02, 2008

Send Your Concerns LOUD & CLEAR!

City by law must send its audit for State review to this:

301 West Preston St., Room 1202,
Baltimore, MD 21201

The Office reviews the audit reports of all county and municipal governments and community colleges (Code State Government Article, secs.2-1201 through 2-1222).

Citizens enmasse should write/email/call the following to express theirconcern regarding Salisbury's audit:

Bruce A. Myers, Legislative Auditor
(410) 946-5900, (301) 970-5900e-mail: fax: (410) 946-5999, (301) 970-5999


Anonymous said...

If you're a City taxpayer (or even if you're not) flood this guy with your concerns and do it today.

That State office has seen Barrie's handiwork before so let Meyers know we're mad as hell and not going to take this any more.

Tim Chaney said...

Holy Shit Batman~! Cookin' da books hare in Smallsbury. To bad we are not still in the Dark Ages, we could publicly flog all of them!

Tim Chaney said...

Just DO IT! I did....

Anonymous said...

Me too

bob pinto

Anonymous said...

Thanks to all of you who are logging on to kick this to the next level in Annapolis. We want them to know we're not taking this anymore. The spin from the City administration can no longer be tolerated.

It is up to us 'worker bees' to take the leadership now, as Barrie has failed, despite numerous chances given to her to get it right.

Anonymous said...

Where is Brenda Colgrove in all this? If anyone truly knows all where all the skeletons are it must be her, and she seems like a person that wants to do the right thing---so why not blow the whistle Brenda, listen to you conscience. And that goes to any other city employee who wants to do the right thing, it is what its going to take to stop the raping and plundering of the city residents by Barrie.

Anonymous said...

It seems that the residents of Salisbury are happy with the status quo -- they reelected Bubba Comegys last year, have already reelected Barrie twice, and when they had a change to have a referendum on the tax hike last year, didn't even support that.

Sure, we know that the mainstram media whitewashes everything in favor of Barrie, but nobody does much more than posting anonymous comments. Why don't they speak out at the Council meetings?

Anonymous said...

speaking out at council meets is tantamount to peeing into a wind.
weezie would gavel you out of order, as if she really knows anything about order, claim you are out of time, claim that your comments can't be tolerated and put you at the end of the meet when there are no ears left in the room.
i'm not sure the referendum wasn't successful, and we KNOW the voter rolls are sorely in need of being updated.
write to meyers.

Anonymous said...

Sign carrying protest before the meeting - and standing room only during. The media can't ignore it then. Maybe a phone call to FOX news can get some national attention. It's an election year....maybe a few incumbents can force something in an attempt to secure a few last minute votes from those on the "fence". Phone calls, folks, phone calls.

Anonymous said...

So what if Louweasel gavels you at a meeting? Speak out anyway! It's the only way anything will ever change.

It's a numbers game, and while the Dirty Dozen has grown larger (over 200 signed the petition!), it's still back down to the same group speaking out so they can be attacked as the "same old same old."

You elected two fine women who stuck their necks out for you. They are in there over and over, taking the beatings?

I may be an outsider looking in, but I watch that stuff on TV. And if you Salisburians aren't going to get out there and support these two good ones on council, get out there and raise some HELL, then all you did was vote to make two good women hurt their heads on a brick wall and let your city and your lives go to hell in in a handbasket.

For Christ's sake, get out there, stand up for what's right, and fight!