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Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Childrens Theater

You want to know how to prove Bill Ahtes and his entire Arts crew are full of sh!t? Just go to the most recent issue of Metropolitan Magazine and read the article about the Theater they're trying to build in DELMAR!

It seems that powerful people can get other people to say whatever they want and these people should be ashamed of themselves. The article says absolutely NOTHING about a building in Downtown Salisbury and or the efforts of that group.

So the show these people put off last week was a total line of sh!t and IMO, I want you to know this loud and clear Carlos, I'm VERY disappointed in you. You're efforts over the years has been extremely honorable, up until just recently. Just read the article and you'll see what I'm talking about.
OK, now I just read the propaganda piece in today's Tilghman Times. UNBELIEVABLE! Did they mention my offer at this exact same meeting? Nope! The alleged Theater would NOT be a hub for Downtown Salisbury. Although I love the idea of a Dinner Theater, this is not the place to do it.
Let me add, you have all of the Theaters at Salisbury University. You have them at WorWic. You even have them at the Youth & Civic Center, you have all the Theaters at the local Schools and Churches, yet this alleged group, (not the Children's Theater, mind you) involving Bill Ahtes and James Gillespie must have a multi million dollar Theater this group already failed at in the Boulevard Theater?
Now, all that being said, why would The Children's Theater want to have competition and be asking for donations in the Metropolitan Magazine article? Because Bill Ahtes wants all of you to believe there is a demand for such a thing. However, you put two of them together in a 5 mile radius and ONE of them is bound to fail.
OK, I'll cut this short and simply say, this is flat out stupid. I just hope all of you aren't stupid enough to not only fall for their BS creation, I hope each and every one of you see what this proposed building will do to the Downtown landscape as well as the historic pride of the old Fire Station.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like they're trying to scam both sides: Salisbury for a piece of the Firehouse caper and then those people who will answer Mir's call for donations to build the theater in Delmar. The Theater website also lays out the Delmar location--heads up Ahtes, Mir & company, we're not stupid here.

Tim Chaney said...

If the Library gets moved, there goes the #1 draw to the Plaza as it is now. Most downtown business goes into and out of one of the couple of government buildings and court houses. If you need an attorney it's a good place to start.

Other than that what is going to draw flocks of people down on the plaza? The proposal of architecture on the theater doesn't appeal to me at all, might as well just tear down the firehouse!

Anonymous said...

Looks more like a least thats a booming industry creating real paying jobs on the shore!

Anonymous said...

Nothing historic about those plans.

Anonymous said...

This Ahtes Scam is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Where did the money from the sale of the Boulevard theatre to the illustrious David Moore esq. go?