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Friday, February 08, 2008

Any Endorsement Would Do For Gilchrest

Wayne Golchrest is in deep trouble and he knows it. With less then four days left to the primary election, he is grasping at any backing he can get.

Well, he got one, from Mr. democrat turned republican, then turned libertarian, then turned republican, Ron Paul. Paul can’t even muster more than 4% in his own race, so I don’t see how this will have any effect on Wayne’s chances. But hey, these are desperate times for Wayne, and he’ll take anything he can get.

It's like my Father always told me, "desperate people do desperate things."


Anonymous said...

I don't know which helps Gilchrest more the Baltimore sun endorsement or Ron Paul?

Anonymous said...

Well as a libertarian I must chime in on this one.

First of all being the age that Ron Paul is I believe that being a democrat when he was first registered to vote, meant something entirely different than being a democrat today. The same sentiments go with the rest of the story on his party change. He was inspired, as were many people by Barry Goldwater Republicanism, and changed. In the 80's when Jerry Fallwell started the moral majority, the party completed shifted gears into being the party that believed in God and was pro Life and becoming the Nanny's that the party has evolved into today.

Turning to Libertarianism is a logical move for someone who was a Goldwater Republican. Read some of Goldwater's writings, if you are too young to remember him. He was a phenomenal intellect.

Unfortunately, our two party system, has all but eliminated any hope of election someone running on the third party ticket, so I believe that while Ron Paul is a Libertarian at heart, running on the Republican ticket was a very smart move in that he could get votes in the primary's as if you are an independant or libertarian you are locked out of the primary in many states.
Saying that his numbers are low, I would agree, however did you open your eyes and ears during the debates? Anderson Cooper allowed him a one word answer and cut him off, and when confronted about it promised he would come back to him and never did.
Fox's debate in New Hampshire was about as fair and balanced as elephant and mouse going for a ride on a seesaw. They wouldn't even allow him on the debate. Even though at the time he was far ahead of Guilliani and Thompson.

Paul is anti establishment plain and simple. And all of you old hippies who wanted out of Vietnam, and wanted the 'man' off your backs, and wanted to be able to live your lives the way you saw fit, not the way the establishment saw fit, have truly sold out if you don't bother to read Pauls materials and listen to what the man is saying!

Funny thing is guys, your kids are listening to him, and they are feeling the cause for change, and they are seeing the death and destruction down the road and they don't like it.

Put you tie dyed tee shirts back on for a minute and read what he has to say. You might have some clarity.

Anonymous said...

Actually Ron Paul has always been a Republican and he grewup in a Republican household. He was first elected to Congress as a Republican over 30 years ago and has been re-elected 10 times as a Republican.

After his first retirement from Congress he DID switch to the LP and run as a Libertarian- 20 years ago. He went back and has been elected as a Republican 6 times. He usually wins his primaries and general elections with 70%+ of the vote. He lives in a very Republican Texas district. He would not win so decisively if he were not a "real Republican." He was never a Dem or a RINO.

Personally I AM a libertarian, and to me Paul is not. He's more a conservative "'Constitutional" Republican.

I guess the current litmus test for being a Republican is you have to worship GWB ( NO "real" conservatives consider GWB one)who has increased spending more than LBJ and believe in initiating wars. At least that's the impression one gets. Not just here, of course.