
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not represent our advertisers

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

!!!!! Warning !!!!!

Hebron's Sirens Are Going Off, EVERYONE STAY AT HOME!


Anonymous said...

Hey JOE!!! Go F&*# yourself instead. Believe they were responding to a car accident, where a subject was fleeing from the police...Did'nt mikey call you and tell you this???

Anonymous said...

This is just wrong Joe. You will need those guys one day!

joe albero said...

Well, it's good to know the FF's are still obsessed over this Site. Notice, I stayed at home.

Anonymous said...

Firefighters are obsessed because you constanly run them in the ground or belittle the fire service with your rude and arrogant remarks. Just remember Joe one day you will need some of those fine folks. Your hits must be low lately. All the negative stuff for the fire service is usually how you drive the numbers up.

joe albero said...

HITS? My hits are so through the roof without the FF's it isn't funny! Obviously you guys look moire at the pictures than you read because I already explained it the other day. Nope, it's not for additional hits. It's to keep people off the streets while you guys go racing $800,000.00 vehicles. The end result, we get hurt worse than you do. Better to be off the road while you guys are on it, FACT!

Anonymous said...

Stop chasing fire trucks then, if your so concerned! Not much different than some jackass such as yourself taking pictures while driving 70+ on the bypass. Trust me i would not mind cutting you out of your vehicle cause of stupidity on your behalf. Its what i refer to as job security.

joe albero said...

I guess that would finally make you a hero? Shall we all assume you never use your cell phone while driving either, right? Women never put on makeup etc..

Anonymous said...

Nope you see heros die..I dont plan on doing that anytime soon. As for doing my job, i do it and do it well. Your so called job is full of bullshit and hate. Mine on the other hand is about compassion and truth. So next time you see the fire department Joe, try figuring out which one i am. Give you a hint. Keep running your mouth the way you do and i am sure we will meet. Assault victims are pretty high numbers carried in ambulances these days. Until next time Joe....FUJA..Oh by the way people. If you see Joe riding around taking pictures while he is driving, dont hesitate to call the police as this is considered wreckless driving..

Anonymous said...

and that makes it ok to do what you do?

Anonymous said...

Wow, this sh-- is funny. Anon 2:55 in no way is this reckless driving. Don't think you can quote the motor vehicle law or even enterpret it. If driving 120 mph or riding a wheelie on a motorcycle is not reckless driving than how can someone taking pictures. It's not the action that is reckless it is what happens if he wrecks or causes a collision. Ask all of the local judges trust me I've seen people get off on reckless many times for these same type of actions.

Anonymous said...

I can certainly make a lie up to the cop and say he ran me off the road in doing such. Dont think so Joe?? looks like your "other" personality is talking. FUJA

Anonymous said...

And by the way..the point is taking pictures while driving at 70+ MPH on the bypass is exactly the same thing Joe is criticizing the fire service for.

Anonymous said...

You're an a$$!

Anonymous said...

If the fire fighters paid as much concern to their jobs as they do this blog then JOE wouldn't have anything to say. WAY TO SERVE THE COMMUNITY D@$&HEADS!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dont the firefighters in our community have more to do than go online cussing and spreading filth! Do your jobs and we wont have anything bad to say about you all!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Joe
Like your Humor

Anonymous said...

I attended a funeral today and will attend another on Friday. I realized that life is too precious and short to take it for granted.

We all need to remember this. We were all placed on this earth for a reason and not all human beings are the same. We all make choices in life, some good and some bad. So instead of constantly bashing each other, take a step back and realize how lucky you are that you were able to be here today.

We can only control our own actions and hope that my positive actions have an impact on those that I come into contact with on a daily basis. I am far from perfect and none of us are.

As for this anger filled post, I am sure you have a heart and hope that some day you will realize that life is too short to live your life trying to make others miserable.

I hope all of you take the time to appreciate what you have today because others are not so lucky and tomorrow may not come.

If this does not get posted, so be it. It was nice to write it.

RIP Kyle and Dustin