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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Granddad Kicks Off 2008 With A BAM!

This is how it appears to most people on the outside looking in. If the person finding fault with the fire dept., the mayor, etc., was just some idiot who had no idea what he was talking about, no one would care. They would ignore him and wouldn't give him the time of day. The fire department wouldn't be coming on here and threatening him. The mayor wouldn't try to stop people from talking to him. The Chief and mayor wouldn't be trying to silence him through the courts. They have ALL tried to shut him up with threats! Threats! The city govt. and it's employees (as well as the loyal drones who refuse to question authority) have used threats to stop Joe from exposing what he finds. lets look at it.

The fire dept employees (not all - just those who would hide things from the public) threaten Joe physically and threaten not to help him should the need arise. Hell, one of 'em even went to his house to threaten him.

The mayor orders people not to talk to Joe under threat of disciplinary action. She had her atty. threaten to sue Joe and then actually filed a suit in order to shut him up.

The Chief of Police (and I use that term lightly) did the same thing as the mayor.

Joe is exposing things which would have been kept quiet 5 years ago. Just look at the things he has uncovered, accomplished, and aided with as a result of his tenacity and perseverance.

Shit being pumped into the river! BAM

The old mall..BAM


Downtown plaza....BAM

Mike Dunn's real estate fiasco..BAM

Mayors manipulation of certain
council members...BAM

Louise (needs no further explanation).......BAM

Unfair treatment of two council persons by the mayors cronies........BAM

Chief of Police who turned his head when a councilwomen was assaulted by the mayors daughter......BAM

a $10,000,000.00 fire house we didn't need......BAM

and $800,000.00 boat the FD doesn't need........BAM

...they can't take care of the one they have.....BAM

We could go on and on.

The stuff Joe is reporting is true....that's what has these people pissed off. They are so accustomed to having everything go unquestioned that they can't stand the public knowing what's going on and demanding accountability.

That's what Joe is really doing....he's bringing out the truth for the people and the people are seeing if for the first time and DEMANDING accountability.

The fire department, the mayor, the chief of police, and certain council people do NOT want to be held accountable. TOUGH SHIT.

This is OUR money your squandering. This is OUR trust you are betraying. If you don't like being held accountable, go find another job.

I appreciate what you do, Joe. a lot of things were accomplished in 2007 because of the things you've brought to light. You've also created a forum where people can report the things they know to be wrong within our govt. so that we, the people, can make changes for the better.

The spirit of the first amendment has never meant more than it does right here and on other blogs that challenge the govt. and demand accountability by the people.

I feel that in 2008 we should ALL fulfill our obligation to get information like this out in the open for all to see so that we can all work together to make the right changes at election time.


Anonymous said...



Keep it coming, please, in 2008.

Anonymous said...


This building lasted a long, long time. How long will the new one last?

Will it sink in the ground like the first McDonalds?

Will it fall apart like the Station 1 did?

Looking from the outside, it looks like a 10 million dollar price tag on a $300,000 dollar shed.

Anonymous said...

Grand Dad, I agree with you completely, Joe has exposed things that we would have never known or we would have been told everything is fine. Such as "the audit is complete" when in reality it was not. If Joe had not exposed the illegal dumping of waste into the Wicomico by the zoo and the WWTP the blame for contamination would be left on the farmers. I'll agree chemicals and manure tilled into the ground will cause some contamination but I will hold my ground when it comes to placing all the blame on the farmers. I don't know any farmers that live on the river with septic systems and drain fields leaching into the river. Joe has proven it is the city of Salisbury that is greatly responsible for killing our river.

I disagree with Joe on many things, other things I agree with him. I don't always like his tactics but no one ever accused Joe of being PC. I also know another side of Joe that many have never seen. I know Joe to be as kind, caring and giving, more so than others in his financial position. When reading his blog, sort through what you want and leave the rest behind. It's not that hard to do.

Happy New Year.


Anonymous said...

I second that emotion, Grand Dad--Joe, has brought things into clear focus with regard to Barrie's ineptness to administer ANYTHING.
Without Joe's persistence, many of us would not have had the courage to stand up and tell Barrie of our disagreements with her policies.
Joe gave us all courage to move forward.