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Monday, December 10, 2007

A Time Fore Change

Article published Dec 10, 2007

December 10, 2007

By Herb McMillan - The Maryland First Congressional District race has become the most hotly contested and closely watched Republican primary in America. Incumbent Wayne Gilchrest, who's sided with Democrats 52 percent of the time this session, is being challenged by conservative state Sen. Andy Harris, and as of last week, state Sen. E.J Pipkin.

Mr. Gilchrest cosponsored legislation to give amnesty to illegal immigrants. He is pro-choice, and voted for taxpayer funded abortions. Mr. Gilchrest has consistently voted for non-war-related deficit spending and joined House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to vote for an Iraq troop withdrawal timetable. Prior to Mr. Pipkin's entry, Dr. Harris had closed the polling gap on Mr. Gilchrest, and raised more money.

President Bush won 62 percent of Maryland's First Congressional District vote in 2004. Re-electing a liberal incumbent to maintain Republican control of this seat is not a political necessity. All of the candidates, including the incumbent, are good, patriotic, honorable men. The question for fiscal and social conservatives is which candidate to unite behind.

I served in the Maryland General Assembly with Dr. Harris and Mr. Pipkin, representing an area partly within the First Congressional District. Dr. Harris, an anesthesiologist and Navy Reserve Commander, served during Operation Desert Storm. He also served as Senate Minority Whip during the Ehrlich administration. Mr. Pipkin is a retired investment banker in his second state Senate term. I like and respect both men. More importantly, I know their voting records, and they measure conservatism far more accurately than campaign soundbites.

Dr. Harris and Mr. Pipkin both have strong anti-tax records. However, Dr. Harris has consistently voted against bloated budgets that created Maryland's structural deficit. Mr. Pipkin hasn't voted against a single budget, and state spending has grown by over 25 percent since he became a senator five years ago. This year, Mr. Pipkin broke with most Senate republicans to vote for Gov. Martin O'Malley's budget. It exceeded tax receipts by $1 billion, increased spending by 8 percent, and eradicated a $1 billion surplus.

During Maryland's special legislative session, Mr. Pipkin said, "Maryland doesn't have a revenue problem; Maryland has a spending problem." That's true; but unfortunately Mr. Pipkin is part of the spending problem.

Dr. Harris is part of the solution. A true fiscal conservative, he recognizes the direct link between spending and taxes, and understands government must live within its means, just like we do.

Mr. Gilchrest has voted for greater firearm restrictions. Mr. Pipkin says he's pro-gun, but Dr. Harris actually has an outstanding Second Amendment voting and leadership record. Dr. Harris and Mr. Pipkin oppose drivers licenses and in-state tuition for illegal immigrants, with Dr. Harris taking the lead on these issues. Mr. Gilchrest supports benefits for illegal immigrants, and cosponsored amnesty legislation. Mr. Gilchrest and Mr. Pipkin have voted for stricter environmental regulations, and increased car and power-plant emission standards. Dr. Harris opposed these measures.

There are significant differences between Dr. Harris and Mr. Pipkin on social issues. Dr. Harris is pro-life. Mr. Pipkin and Mr. Gilchrest are pro choice, and have voted for taxpayer funded abortions. Mr. Pipkin voted for the Medical Decision Making Act. This bill had little to do with medical decision making, and lots to do with homosexual "marriage." It established a state registry for gay "life partners" and was viewed as a first step toward legalizing homosexual "marriage" and civil unions. Dr. Harris, who strongly supports traditional marriage and opposes civil unions, voted against it. Moderate Gov. Bob Ehrlich vetoed it, stating, "It codifies a new relationship of "life partners" that could lead to the erosion of traditional marriage." Finally, Mr. Pipkin voted to fund a free needle program for drug addicts. Dr. Harris believes drug addicts should seek rehabilitative treatment or buy their own needles, and voted accordingly.

An objective view of the record leaves one wondering why Mr. Pipkin decided to challenge Mr. Gilchrest. His Web site says he's an "Eastern Shore Conservative." Yet Mr. Pipkin's state Senate votes for big-government spending, greater government regulation, expanded government programs, and abortion mirror Mr. Gilchrest's votes in Congress. Why would Eastern Shore conservatives trade a liberal congressman for one that's almost as liberal when they could elect a proven conservative like Dr. Harris?

Republicans lost their congressional majority because they failed to lead in accordance with conservative principles. They said all the right things, but didn't do them. It's easy to campaign against taxes; nobody wants them. Its harder to vote against excessive spending; everyone wants something.

To regain America's trust and deserve the majority, we must elect congressmen who not only say the right things, but do them. Actions speak louder than words, and Dr. Harris's consistent, conservative record speaks for itself. The Republican Party needs a strong dose of conservative medicine, and Dr. Harris is the right prescription for an ailing Congress.

Herb McMillan served in the Maryland House of Delegates from 2003-2007 and chaired the Taxpayer Protection Caucus.


Anonymous said...

According to this Pipkin voted for O'Malley's 1.5 billion excess Budget. Why does he call himself a conservative? republican?

Anonymous said...

"A Time Fore Change"

I think the title says it all!!

Anonymous said...

If you are tired of all the negative TV adds call WBOC. Many of the adds they run are by PACS and WBOC is not mandated to run them under election laws.

Anonymous said...

Like the ad says, Gilchrest and Pipkin: Two peas in the same liberal pod...

Anonymous said...

Pipkin voted for the O'Malley scam budget death deal especailly for the lower Eastern Shore, and he dares claims he's for the shore - You've got to be kiddin me. The guy is a scum bag like the rest of them.

honestaby said...

This article clearly & objectively shows the differences between all three candidates.
If you want someone that will continue to squander our money vote for either Gilchrest or Pipkin. I you want a fiscal conservative that fights for our hard earned dollars, vote for Andy Harris. It's that simple.