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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Doomsday Budget Meeting Part I



LadyLibertarian said...

Boy, oh boy, Joe. The "eliminate the tax cap" group will be back on a tear when they read this.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like another attempt to repeal the only protection the taxpayers of Wicomico county have. This has to be published by Rick Pollitt since he is the one banging the drum the loudest. Can you imagine what would happen IF we repealed this cap? Not only would the state drain our wallets but the county would nail us as well!!

LadyLibertarian said...

amen, brother (or sister)

Anonymous said...

Reads more like political mumbo jumbo to me. Another attempt to do the opposite of what the tax payers want - repeal the tax cap!
Why not work up a layout of exactly what that would do and publish it here Joe? I bet that would be really eye opening. Something like 2/3 of the county voters wanted the tax cap, so lets leave it alone. Rick and the Council can survive without such a drastic measure.

A. Goetz

Anonymous said...

Work with what you have, make it work and live with it. Taxpayers don't have bottomless pockets nor do their employers.

People in this area got the highest raises in the state? Maybe because tax assessments have went up 80%, gas 60% and utilities another 70%. I got a whopping 5% raise this year which is good, however considering for the last 10 years my raises were only 2 to 3% a year hardly keeping up with expenses.

Oh hell yea, we folks, I should say us working folks and elderly on fixed incomes are just rolling in money we don't need and want to give to the state. Stop handing out corporate welfare is a good place to start.

Bob said...

Stop handing out ALL welfare to any able bodied person. This would require people to work. What a concept! Close the borders. STOP requiring our schools to spend valuable resources to cater to kids who can't speak english. Stop requiring all state agencies to provide special accommocations for illegal immigrants. Stop providing healthcare to inmates that working law abiding citizens can't afford for themselves. Common sense from common citizens could fix these budget problems quickly. Rick needs to remember that the same people that elected him, voted for the property tax revenue cap. If they were capable of making an educated decision to vote for him, they were capable of making an educated decision to put the cap in place. Also keep this in mind, Rick....The citizens are growing tired of not being heard and taken seriously. They, too, will grow tired of listening to to you repeating over and over about repealing the cap. The people have spoken! The cap is in place! Move on!