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Sunday, September 30, 2007


Since everyone else has slacked off recently, it's time for me to do the same. I'll be back but I'm going to relax for a few days and take it easy. Try not to miss me too much. LOL


Smokey said...

I'm thinkin people have slacked off in here because of this new format, it's really a pain to make a post, especially when you're just used to signing in and staying signed in; one tends to forget his registration name and/or password.
I'm a prime example of

strike one...let's try again
strike two!
GRRRRR....tryin for the 3rd time!

I actually had to leave the site and go to google blogs to login and come back and am finally posting this on the 4th attempt :(

Chimera said...

Yeah I have trouble with Blogger too-it never remembers your info

BTW,if a big news story breaks you will cut your vacation short-you know you will!