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Friday, August 31, 2007

Robinson Admits/Proves He's Obsessed Over Me

Can you believe this guy. Here's his most recent comment.

John R has left a new comment on your post "SALISBURY FIRE DEPARTMENT IN NATIONAL STUDY":


I have never been in the Coast Guard or any armed forces. And COAST TO COAST,your source, know that i have not because I told her I was not. Her, eh? Hmmmmmm!

I never Sued COMCAST SPECTACOR, (I never said you sued anyone John?) But we did settle out of court. See I am not afraid to defend my reputation. ANOTHER LIE POSTED BY JOE. And yes, I know who told you that too! He is very sorry and apologized for telling you something he only half knew. (Interesting, because that person was YOU, Idiot) By the way I got $5000 from COMCAST off my BILL. I can say that now since COMCAST no longer ownes the Shorebirds. And my Problem wasn't with them it was with Steve Yaross the GM.

And it was 120,000 half my income i was losing. And it was not from the store. It was from buying estates and selling them. Maybe I can buy your COMPOUND if the ATF doesnt take it over and burn it down like WACO - first. (Sorry John but you couldn't afford my lifestyle and you know it)

I noticed you forgot the fact YOU LIED and got caught and now your trying to twist everything! How about MR. H. he said he never talked to you and you posted on my blog as comment he was you source. JOE YOU ARE A LIAR. OK, whatever that means John.

Oh by the way if needed I know of someone who has every post digitally archived so you can get your web site back up again! Obsessed over me, eh?

Since you know I had you investigated you know I know a lot I have not and will not release about you. Talk to your ex wife latley? WOW - I sure can push your buttons! BEEP. BEEP. OK Ladies & Gentlemen, are you getting as freaked out here as I am?


HAVING FUN BUT I GOTA GO TO WORK.. Wish I was rich and retired like you...

Sorry to bore all of you with this Post but I just wanted everyone to see just how messed up in the head this guy is. Anyone who would go to that kind of extreme honestly needs some professional help. Anyone know of a good lawyer? LOL


Historical Wit said...

Yeah, but it make for a great soap opera, lets call it As the Stomach Churns....Flava baby!

John R said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Luckyduck said...

The only thing that freaks me out is how obssessed you are with Robinson... We could call this soap opera The Bloggers & The Bullshit....

John R said...

JOE -- you forgot to mention this picture is DOCTORed up by you. THAT AFRO IS YOUR WORK!

Oh... was i RIGHT ABOUT the lawsuits?? Its not about the money its about your sources... alomost like someone is feeding me information isn't it???

Nice comment why not just you lied instead you say.. WHATEVER is your response in regards to the source that said you never talked to him.

I guess whatever now means, i lied and got nailed, he called me to tell me you lied....

HA NOW THATS FUNNY.... I will be here till the day you stop posting. PROMISE.
YOU ARE MY HERO.. Obsessed -- Who is ROBINSON1320 NOW? I just wanna help your ratings...

gotta go get that coffee... i ll check in at 1 ish to see what else you post

I need to figure out a way to make people pay for this soap opera!!! For the record-- I do not lick balls- I leave that to the pros!

John R said...
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John R said...
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John R said...

what are your real numbers... if number 1 why not post a meter... i think your number 2...

god this is fun

how long till joe stops me.. who is taking the over and under on that one!!!!