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Friday, January 26, 2007

Fertilizer For Our Bay Shuts Their Blog Down!

This morning brings a cluster of frustration as Delmarva Dealings is completely shut down, (possibly for 48 hours) due to server errors.

Then, SRR, Seweromico River Rat couldn't take the heat yesterday so he cut off any and all comments because the truth was getting too close to home and his fear of being outted as to who his actual identity is came to a reality and he shut down.

This particular Blog Site was loaded with half naked women in which he was stealing photos from other Blog Sites and using them as if all these beautiful women were actual clients of his on his fishing boat.

Not long ago I confronted him on the fact that I had found the website that was in fact hosting all the photos he was producing and I could quickly see that he was using them for his own pleasure. I posted the website, (if you'll recall) and he became very upset that I had exposed the truth and ruined his fun.

With no more photos to steal he went into a spin on pointless information on his Blog with no local news and nothing more than a personal diary, as we see all too often on these local Blogs. Even I'll pull it every so often and share something personal but certainly not every day for weeks on end.

Anyhow, because he's gone, I'll keep my mouth shut as to HIS identity and sincerely respect his good decision to close down a site that was simply wasting space. I'm sure he'll continue commenting and based on the fact that his site is gone, I'll treat him like a gentleman.


Historical Wit said...

Seriously, Joe Albero is not the end all of how to runa blog. Dude you may be impressed with yourself for getting 5000 hits a day, but look at a site like Daily Kos if you want to see how to run a blog. That site gets a million hits a day during the slack time and during elections upwards of a million hits an hour.

Blogs are online journals for the person who owns it. What you did was bully SSR. Typical for a bronxie.

joe albero said...


There came a day in my life several years ago, where I decided, I can continue working my manufacturing business and make millions upon millions of dollars or I could sit back and decide enough is enough. I chose the enough is enough because what good would any more money do me.

The same goes for the Blog. I'm not interested in the millions of people coming to my Blog Site. I'm more interested in MAKING A POSITIVE DIFFERENCE for this community and I have done just that.

Attacking my Blog because it has made a difference and or me personally because of the position I am in is NOT a responsible Blog. It is an immature person who can't get past their own ego of losing in a game I actually have no interest in.

If you want to stick to the information being shown and proven and challenge me on my posts, that's perfectly fine. However, stay the hell away from attacking me personally, my wife, our children and our Family. That is what is killing the other Blogs because pussy's, (yes, even you) hide behind false names and go on personal attacks against us.

All you're doing is helping people like Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Jim Rapp and others to hurt what is keeping them straight in the first place as they have never been made accountable for anything until Duvall came along.

So act responsible, quit attacking the messenger and keep it clean. If you don't, I will find you!

Anonymous said...

wow, bashing a reader of the bolg AND a threat! what a Friday

joe albero said...

Don't you worry caterina,

We're about to fix ALL of them.

Keep a good eye on this Blog Site this weekend because we're going to make an announcement that will blow all of them away.

joe albero said...

Historical Wimp,

When you're man enough to make threatening statements against me with your real name, then I'll leave your comments up.

joe albero said...

Historical Wit said.....

Thanks Joe, You prove my points for me. Where did I attack you or your family?


Historical Wit said... Just posted a go fuck yourself post at joes blog. at 2:48, lets see how long it take him to delete it.

Historical Wit said... Wistorical wimp, good one Joe, better tradermarker that one. And the reason we dont use our real names is in reality people like me dont want assholes like you in our lives. Unfortunalty Joe Albero can not distinguish between the alternate reality created on line and the one you actually live in. In short most of us take you for what you are, good entertainment value. But you can't leave it at that, see your dumb enough to show up at someones house and knock on their door to expose their personal business on your rag tag blog. But I'm helping people, I'm helping the community. No your not. You created a vehicle to cause damage to people you don't like, which is like 80% of the people around you, maybe more. Your blog is nothing more than a self serving innovation for your very loud voice. People may listen, but your day in the sun is over. So pick up your guns and carry your melodramatic ass back to the Albero batcave and sulk over a glass of single malt scotch that we all know you spent sooooo much money on. Shheeess. I said it before and I'll say it again, beware dull witted rich white guys with axes to grind. They are stupid enough to do stupid shit. Yeah its killin you you cant erase these comments huh? Got that twinge that your buddies in high places might read something funny about your pathetic ass? Yeah as mad as you are, they are laughing when they read shit like this.

Joe Albero is the American Psycho. January 26, 2007 1:12 PM


See Folks, you can't trust these phony jackasses.

joe albero said...

Historical Wit said...
Joe is a bully and like a scared little shit, he was trying to use personal information about ssr against him. Joe a classless moron of the lowest order. He threatened me for attacking his family. Go read the post and see if you see that there. It sucks what he done to ssr. Not man enought to take care of business, so he bullies people he don't like. Dealing with Joe is like dealing with a spoiled 12 yer old, in truth he probably never matured mentally past the age of 12. If I didn't think he was such a ignorant shit, I'd feel sorry for him.

2:57 PM