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Friday, December 01, 2006

A Lesson On How To Install Christmas Lights In Just 20 Minutes

The first step is to go out and purchase a Fork Lift. No ladders required. No moving the STUPID thing every 3 feet, up and down, up and down! With a Fork Lift you stay up and simply drive it around from spot to spot installing the hooks and lights. By the time you're done with the ladder you're using every curse word known to man and then Christmas Sucks! (LOL)

A Fork Lift can help you while smoking that cigar and installing the lights all in one shot! I recommend this to all men who are subjected to this torture each and every year and you'll have the entire job done in 20 minutes.

Merry Christmas!


joe albero said...

Nah, I've got a much bigger one that could do that job though.

Anonymous said...

dude you look like George Peppard from The A-team with that cigar.

I pity the fool who uses a ladder!

joe albero said...

"I'll Bust You Up!"

joe albero said...

We live in Delaware and it isn't required! There's a NO HELMET LAW here! LMAO!