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Friday, December 01, 2006

An Addition To Tim Chaney's Letter

What you haven't been told about some of the other illegal activities from the Salisbury WWTP was the fact that the WWTP was illegally dumping more than a million gallons of water a day from the Plant directly into the Wicomico River.

The first photo shows a unique man made stream coming from a hole in the ground, (I called it the Bat Cave). The second photo is of the stream coming from the beginning of that stream and the third pictures is as it flows its way towards the river.

Tim, I have hundreds of pictures proving this to be a fact and if there's anything I can do to help you, don't hesitate to ask.


Anonymous said...

you aint also bright a fella? What the hell are you talkin about there nosweat?

Anonymous said...

where that other comment go?

joe albero said...

It is ON the WWTP property. If you know the main buildings, it's directly across from the Lab. There are two concrete water thingamaboppers that are visible and then you go behind it and they were pumping the water with TWO DIESEL ENGINES into the stream and then into the River. The MDE is completely aware of what they were doing and shut them down the very first day they raided the Plant. Barrie, if you want to challenge me on ANY of this, bring it on!