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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Did You Visit Your Children Or Grandchildren At School This Week?

This week parents and grandparents were invited to visit their children/grandchildren at School and see their Teachers work in progress. My wife went the other day and I chose to go on Friday, knowing the Teacher would be in a great mood. I didn't want to get sent to the Office!

I arrived and the children were playing in their playground like a swarm of bees. After all the screaming and yelling was over and they headed back to class, they lined up and marched like little soldiers and formed a line in the classroom so they could all get a drink of water. No noise children, no speaking in line. Yeah, Right!

You then had your drink and went back to your table and lay your head down till everyone was finished while listening to classical music giving that calm factor effect. Worked for me, I almost fell asleep listening.

After an hour or so of the slowest teacher I had every heard in my life, I couldn't take it any more. I earned my brownie points, I lasted longer than my own goal and even my wife's goals for me, I'm outta here!

I was dreading the question from the Teacher, Mr. Albero, why don't you tell the children what you do for a living? Well, I snap pictures of dead animals at the Salisbury Zoo, I get great close up shots of the Mayor not wearing a bra, I get to stand in piles of shit taking pictures of illegal activity at the Salisbury WWTP and best of all little boys and girls, I don't even get paid for it!

Yeah, it was time for me to leave, so I did just that. My Grandson was very happy to see me and quite honestly I was very happy to spend such quality time with him as well. However, enough was enough. Till next year............


joe albero said...


You know what they say Folks. The best revenge is to live a good life.

It just kills these people showing such jealousy how good a life I have.

That's right Folks, I never earned a High School Diploma. Instead, I was in a 100 mph impact car accident where I was a passenger and was very severely injured.

Rather than being able to return to High School my Jr. year, I spent most of that year rehabilitating with 8 broken ribs, a broken arm, a broken leg, punctured lungs and a rubshered spleen.

The Principal assured my Mother and me that when I returned, as long as I carried a "C" average they would pass me for the first half of the year. I did so and when the final report cards came out they had failed me because I failed the first part of the year.

We fought this Principal as hard as we could, (we were broke and couldn't afford an attorney) and to make a long story short, I quit School.

I never gave up or used excuses for not getting a High School Deploma. I can assure you I worked much harded than you and this is why I am in the position I am today, I earned it!

I moved to Virginia Beach and opened up my very own Used Car Lot and it became a huge success. I sold that business and moved on and today I'd say I'm more financially secure than any person I have ever met in my life.

To the Principal of Bowie High School, Bite Me! That goes for KBA & PRMC Boy as well.

I'm living a good life and you just can't stand it. Thanks for the messages and proving to me just how jealous the two of you are of me. This is great!

Townie said...

"I never gave up or used excuses for not getting a High School Deploma."

Isn't that entire comment an excuse for not getting it, and isn't quitting school, "giving up"