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Sunday, October 01, 2006

Today's Wildlife Photos

While visiting a friends house yesterday I caught something moving about out of the corner of my eye. The 4th pictures shows the den this Fox is living in. We sat in amazement that the Fox simply wasn't afraid of us and just kept doing his/her thing. The final picture was taken in a shadded area. It's amazing how different it looks from sunlight to shade. Enjoy


sparkly1 said...

I had never seen a fox in the wild until I moved to Delmar. The development here is chasing them out of the woods into residential areas. Grapevine had a complaint about them killing cats earlier this week.

joe albero said...

Cats are non natives and they eat small birds and mammals, so too bad. This is part of the natural life process.

Do keep in mind that we have 3 cats, so don't come back at me like I'm the Anti-Christ. I used to own a home on Kiawah Island and we used to see and hear the alligators eating small dogs all the time too. This is life Folks, like it or not.

swampcritter2 said...

Joe, Nice enough pictures but this is not a healthy animal. Looks as though he has sarcoptic mange. Almost totally lacking fur on the tail. I don't know where your friend's place is, but I'd wager it's not far from a chicken farm. Many foxes will supplement their diets feasting on dead chickens that have been composted. They contract all manner of skin diseases, mange among them. Drive up around the Blackwater Wildlife Refuge some day, and I,ll guarantee you'll get some stellar pix, plus see what a healthy red fox is supposed to look like. Also foxes in close proximity to us humans is not unusual. When cats start disappearing and then reappear half-eaten it is more likely the work of a coyote. They have made inroads into the area as of late.

joe albero said...

Cool info swamp, thanks for sharing.

joe albero said...
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joe albero said...

Here's what's funny about what you're asking. Jennifer and I were there and as always I snuck the camera into the car and put it in the trunk. When we got there and hung out for a few hours, we were just about to leave to go out to dinner when I saw this Fox out of the corner of my eye way out in a field. I said, do you think I have time to get the camera? Jennifer said, WHAT CAMERA? Rather than answering I ran all the way out to the car, (which was quite a ways away) and came back feeling very rewarded it decided to somewhat stick around. This of course delayed dinner because I just had to keep shooting. I believe I got some 60 shots of this little thing, most of which were too far away for my liking. Anyhow, to answer your question, pretty much so, the camera goes everywhere with me. I've learned my lesson whenever I don't bring it.

sparkly1 said...

This looks like the fox in my neighborhood. There was a male and female. This spring they had a litter. The den was very close to the road and the adults could be seen at night in front of it. Unfortunately one got squashed by a car. It's tough being a single parent. I worry about rabies, with these guys. The wild life in Delmar is very interesting. I have a huge ground hog in my back yard. In July of 2005 two baby deer came into my back yard, maybe 10 feet from the house and napped for almost an hour. Oh, did I mention the big snakes??? I have pics . . .

swampcritter2 said...

Iyeska, It's important to remember that when a trapper takes a fox he will trap the fox on the ground. To be legal this almost always necessitates a leghold trap.I don't believe any other type of trap is legal for fox in Md. Fox are notoriously difficult to trap. Some people have a problem with trappers. (I personally don't) It's important that a trapper, hunter or any guest on your property sign a statement assuming liability for damages or incidents that may occur. A trap that can catch a fox can also catch domestic critters as well. I had a dog that was once caught in a trap and had his leg broken. I was not pleased.

joe albero said...



joe albero said...


I also left Ocean City for $1.6 Mil too. Money talks, BS walks! Anything is for sale, monetarily speaking.

Anonymous said...

If they are out in the daylight and seem to be walking like a drunk ABSOLUTELY keep you kids and yourself away. He could be rabid. This includes Racoons and opossums, dogs, cats, people. etc.
Living out in the sticks (by the way I love it) brings these types of "nature" visits, Along with deer, rabbits, racoons, opossums, an occasional teenager with a broken down car, who by the way was trying to get lucky with his girlfriend, haaaaaaa