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Friday, October 06, 2006

More Mall Grafitti Overnight!

The Maryland State Police have simply had enough of Chief Webster and they're bringing in their own "Gang Task Force" to take control of the City of Salisbury's Streets once again. That sure does say a lot about who's in charge now and what's NOT being done and or getting done.

From what I've come to learn there is quite a bit of Federal money the City has not taken advantage of referencing Gang money and there's not been enough reports, (according to the State Police) from the City and or Chief Webster. My guess is, the Chief can't afford their numbers going up and up and Barrie Tilghman has asked the Chief to keep it quiet.

I spoke with a Real Estate Agent not long ago and she said whenever a Client asks about crime in the City she simply tells them they count every broom stick that is stolen so you can't really trust the numbers.

In other words, they lie because the numbers would drive anyone away! There is a post that will follow this one showing the City is being forced to investigate what's going on at the Old Mall and the pictures in this post were all taken this morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The shame of this is, some of these people obviously have talent.
they could probably make a fairly good living doing art mock-ups for the Daily Times!