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Monday, October 09, 2006

More CJ Jannace Signs All Over The Place.

Pittsville is just loaded with CJ Jannace signs as well as Mike Lewis and James Gillespie signs everywhere.

Heck, I even found a CJ Jannace sign on Rt 54 in Delmar. Hey, that wouldn't be BJ Corbin's House, would it?

Say Goodnight Gracie!


Anonymous said...

doing a little moderating there Joe?

joe albero said...

Sounds like this crackerjack is a bit jealous.

Townie said...

I like the fresh cut grass at the "WORLDS LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF SPECIALTY LIGHTBULBS" building.

I can personally gaurantee it didn't look like that yesterday morning. It looked more like a jungle.


Chesapeake Dogs said...

We had a ton o' rain over the weekend, Townie. Lotsa folks' grass got high quick. It's when it goes on a long time that it's a problem.

So, ya gonna sit outside Mr. A.'s with a ruler waiting fer it t'hit 8, 10, 12 or whatever the inch-height law is there so you can "git him"?

Sounds like something the Mayor would do, frankly. Like stakin' out Mrs. Campbell's house when her li'l boy was havin' a yard sale. I remember when that was on the blogs. Just shakin' my head.


Townie said...


I appreciate what you have to say, so don't take anything the wrong way. I'm just pointing out Joe's hypocracy. He talks alot about others mistakes, when he has his own flaws he needs to fix.

I.E. he complains about the old mall needing to be torn down. That building in Pittsville looks like it needs to be torn down too. Or at least remove the trash from the yard around it like the broken down yard swing, and the rusted out trailer from the back.

He picks on other developers. I remember a post on Hadley's blog, entitled, "What a real developer does". with some pictures of Joe's building in Powelville. Anyone who has ridden by that knows that Joe "developed", (and I use that term loosely), just like landlords develop their properties in Salisbury. The job on that building was "Half-assed". And that might be stretching it. A fresh batch of dryvit on the outside and a metal roof, and that's it. What's he going to do to the old synagogue downtown. Palmer Gillis already renovated it years ago. I bet Joe can find a way to develop it like everything else he touches.

This is the first time I have ever seen the grass at the Pittsville location cut, and as of yesterday morning before I commented on it, there were no CJ signs up at all. There was an old Doris Schonbrunner for sherriff sign up. Joe neglects his properties just like most landowners in and around Wicomico County. His holier than thou attitude that he portrays on the blogs is just a front for what he really is. It's easy to just post the pictures YOU want everyone to see. That way you can skew the truth. Joe's no more honest than the Mayor or Mike Dunn, and his criminal record is worse than theirs.

Don't believe Joe most of the time, because he has his own agenda, honesty not being a part of it.

He of all people should not be throwing stones.


joe albero said...

Crackerjack & TOWNIE,

You're both so full of shit it isn't funny. Granted, the grass did get out of hand only because the contractor that had been hired for the past 2 years suddenly stopped doing the lawn and I wasn't aware of it. However, not a single letter from the Town of Pittsville.

Mind you, interesting how Paul Wilber lives in Pittsville and can keep tabs on this property regularly, so which one of the two of you is Paul Wilber anyway?

Nevertheless, that building has certainly improved a ton since I purchased it. Like the exterior or not, it is one of the soundest buildings I have ever owned.

As for the half assed dryvit, eh? I think not! That building is brand new on everything inside and out. You need to get over your jealousy and also remember what those buildings looked like when I purchased them. You're both idiots and very spiteful.

TOWNIE, you're a complete liar where the grass is concerned and you need to get a life. If you continue the lies and attacks you will be eliminated from ever commenting on here again. Besides, you're being paid a salary by the taxpayers, GO BACK TO WORK!

By the way, thanks for letting me know about the grass. I took care of it immediately, in case you hadn't noticed.