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Saturday, July 29, 2006

Mike Lewis

With all this hoopla going on about the Sheriffs Race I have been trying to get together with what I felt the front runners are to get to know them better. To my great pleasure I have not only met some wonderful and new people, I am convinced that the people I have in fact met so far are extremely dedicated to their goals and they have the proper backgrounds to be in this race.

What I'm about to say is my own personal opinion but I wanted to share it with everyone to see how they felt about my idea. I have met Mike Lewis personally and I watched him recently speak at the NAACP meeting the other night. He is a VERY convincing man with a fabulous career and the state of Maryland had been very fortunate to have such a professional Trooper keeping us safe, especially in the drug enforcement area. I have come to learn in person that Mike has an almost hypnotic kind of personality, which is very rare these days. I say this in a positive fashion.

However, I tend to wonder if he isn't truly missing his calling? Mike is a NO BS kind of guy, (which I like very much) and he's actually the man they need desperately in the City of Salisbury as Chief of Police. The crime is in the City of Salisbury, (in my opinion) and they have young Officers that are in desperate need of the right kind of man that can lead these young men into becoming unbelievable Officers. So call it selfish but I really wish Mike could have been able to take over Chief Websters place rather than the County Sheriff because I personally think he'd be wasting 90% of what he's so good at.

They need to get the drugs off the street in the City folks. They need to clean up the neighborhoods where everyone knows the drugs are severe. We don't need TOUGH Sheriff's Deputies, we need TOUGH City Police Officers and Webster just isn't cutting it.

I'm NOT at all stating Mike Lewis wouldn't make a good Sheriff, so don't even go there. My point here is to simply say, what a shame the Mayor isn't begging Mike to come on board as Chief of Police for the City of Salisbury where Mike could put his gifts to great use where it actually belongs rather than only getting 10% of that action in the Sheriffs Department. This is purely selfish, I know.


Hadley V. Baxendale said...

I don't think that Joe's major point is that Lewis would be better at Chief than Sheriff. I think his point is that things are so bad in the City that he's desparately needed in the City and to that I say, Amen. If he gets elected Sheriff, however, I think it is fair to say that it will have a spill over effect on the City especially after morale in the Sheriff's Dept. heaches a new high, and the Deputies are more effective. One thing is for sure and is the only thing overlooked in Joe's thesis: Czarina and Lewis wouldn't work together for three seconds. He's a no BS kinda guy and is beholden to no one especially some no-nothing politician who engages in cover-ups on a regular basis. She needs someone who has some measure of political baggage that she can exploit when she needs something. There's no scratch my back, I'll scratch yours, with Lewis.

All in all, a nice thought provoking post, Joseph.

joe albero said...

Hello Mike Houck. ;-)