A senior official within in the department tells ABC News that one of the deputies, only identified as a 31-year-old mother of a 6-year-old boy, was shot in the jaw and arms but is critical but stable condition.
The other deputy, a 24-year-old man, was struck by gunfire in the forehead, an arm and a hand. He is described as alert. Neither of their names have been released to the public.
Meanwhile, the search continued Sunday for the gunman who shot at the deputies Saturday as they sat in a patrol vehicle outside the Metro Blue station at Willowbrook Avenue and Compton Boulevard.
The other deputy, a 24-year-old man, was struck by gunfire in the forehead, an arm and a hand. He is described as alert. Neither of their names have been released to the public.
Meanwhile, the search continued Sunday for the gunman who shot at the deputies Saturday as they sat in a patrol vehicle outside the Metro Blue station at Willowbrook Avenue and Compton Boulevard.
And the NFL honors the group responsible for the shooting
This is what you get when the media and democrats identify the police as the enemy. They glorify / amplify the hate and violence coming from the BLM.
Too bad they didn't die! I keep telling you corrupt pieces of shit, you want tyranny you better be ready to fight and die for it, the citizens want freedom and will fight for it!!!! Now This is a different situation, I believe this was a drug deal or something that went bad, but still I shed no tear for any corrupt piece of shit cop who gets shot! They don't care about us, and outright murder people and never get charged!
But lets wait for the slaves and the ass cheek sucking cop lovers to chime in first, who adamantly defend and welcome the abuse of cops!
To add to my last comment: Have you all noticed this is mostly happening in CALIFORNIA???? Do you think that is a coincidence??? That the cops in CA are ruthless and out of control with abuse and corruption!!! People have had enough, and since the system set up to protect us is being used as a weapon to hurt us and ruin lives in most cases, where do people turn to for help??? Judges and DA's won't prosecute cops let a lone charge them 90% of the time... When in Texas, Leon Valley to be exact, you have every citizen who now wears their own body camera to protect them from the corrupt cops who took over the city, speaks volume, but I don't expect any of you slaves or ass cheek sucking cop lovers to research anything and get facts first... Yes we expect you to blindly follow and worship and lick the ball sack of cops, while you lick their boots...
2 very different responses from the 2 candidates for POTUS...trump calls for justice to the fullest extent of the law...Biden blames guns, not the shooter.
8:24 you hide behind anonymous, but one day when you lying on the street lifeless you'll be identified. I only wish I could be the one to see the whites of your eyes just before the trigger is pulled!Someone will get the honor, hopefully sooner than later!
Just like fat people blame a "glandular problem."
You must be one of them that think you should do and take anything you want you don't need to work for it what the matter did you get caught breaking the law and now its not you fault its the cops for not letting you have your free shit
8:24, you belong in California along with the rest of the thug low lifes.
Police are the enemy
Enforcing unConstitutional Statutory Laws
8:24 Now fo black on black crime you clown.
Perhaps keyboard warrior you would post the address of your parents house where you no doubt live in the basement and I'll come by to peacefully protest your very existence?
8:31 You sound big mad. I’ll say it again. When you stop killing your brother and sisters of color then maybe most decent people will care. You can cry all you want about the cops but in the end the black man is his own worst enemy.
8:24 let me Start and End by saying FU! Bring It!!
Luckily the little Mugsy was a bad shot and the pair will survive.
Obama empowered the underbelly of society.
This is what we get.
gee i wonder if 8:24's name appears in a criminal case search multiple times???
the cop made me inject heroine
the cop poured the alcohol down my throat and made me drive
the cop beat my wife not me
i needed that pack of cigarettes I stole
no one deserves to be gunned down like this. I agree, with 9:48 with an attitude like that you dont deserve medical help or compassion
8:24 you are without any doubts a mental case. it is a complete figment of your delusions that police are running around murdering without consequences. If you are saying this you are nothing but a liar or I'll give you the benefit of the doubt a raging lunatic with suffering from both delusions and paranoia.
Almost every single police shooting is justified. if you are honest you will admit this. If you mental state is of a normal person you will admit this. The very few that were determined to be unjustified justice was in fact served and again if you have one drop of honest (or not tainted with mental illness) blood in that body you will admit this.
The black lack of community is going to eat them alive. The demise of the African American community is a direct result of the thug culture that is being taught by other blacks.
Congresswoman Iman Omar and AOC downloaded this to their phones to share a laugh. Democrats are despicable!!
8:24 900 black babies aborted daily in America. Over 3500 young Black men will die at the hands of other young Black men this year alone but the cops are the enemy. Stop drinking the kool aid you mouth breather. You and all those like you are the reason this country is in turmoil it has nothing to with All colors of America that obey laws and work for a living.
The 13.4 percent of of the Black Americans do not agree with your actions nor your rhetoric. So with that said you BLM types represent less than 3.5 percent of our total population. So why is the media allowing this small group of people try to hold America hostage. Obviously this has nothing to do with actions by the police or racism. This is a marxist attempt to sway the election. As the democrats sit silent as this violence continues it is blatantly obvious they are very much behind this behavior.
We can not condemn the Black race because the truth is a minority of the race supports this BLM movement. I do not know why these multimillionaire ballers are so supportive of a false narrative. Is it Black guilt or just plain ignorance to the facts.
The fact is in Chicago last weekend more than twice the number of black men were killed by other black than police in an entire year nationwide. So in one weekend in one city alone 18 killed another 65 wounded. So it is plain to see who is killing who. Now with those numbers who are perpetuating the vast majority of armed crimes in America you guessed it Blacks. So would not the numbers of Black men killed by police be significantly higher due to the fact they are involved in an outrageously higher percentage of murders in the U.S.
Last year 10 million arrest were made by police. Take that number and divide the total number of Blacks killed by police. It is less than 1% of the total contacts with police that resulted in deaths of both White and Black. So do BLM really have a legitimate claim. Does the Black communities in which these shootings took place really care. I think if they did they would be trying to stop the 900 abortions a day of Black babies. The over 3,500 young Black men killed by their own race annually.
Time for ALL Americans to stop this lie that is leading to a divided nation. Forget about what political party you identify with and recognize what is actually happening here. Defund the police I do not think so. This only plays into to the hands of this nation's enemies. The police are doing an awesome job considering what they are faced with daily. As parents we need to educate our children to the facts and not allow the education system to pollute our children minds with lies and political propaganda. Stop letting Hollywood and Athletes be our children's role models. These people generally make more than the President of the United States doing what, acting and chasing a ball around. Time for change.
Disgusted in Delmar.
Find out where these protesters live and camp out in frint of there houses calling for THEM TO HURRY UP AND DIE
7:59 Exactly right.
10:20 You’re a full blown idiot.
Boycott all NFL thugs. Black,
White, Hispanic or green.
8:24 what drugs are you on?? Drug deal gone bad?? WOW. I hope you don't have any offspring. The BLACK POS shot two WHITE COP'S. ITS A HATE CRIME DIPSHIT. I want to know why they put 2 rookies essentially together in Freaking compton?? Two WHITE ROOKIES at that. GEESH.
Now that officer is a HERO !!
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