DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Miss Edna is About to Lose Her Home -- a tax sale tragedy in Wicomico County
Is it possible to buy a home for $268.13 and legally kick out a 74-year old woman from the home she has lived in for the last 26 years and who has nearly paid off the mortgage? Apparently yes, it’s not only legal, but it is happening right here in Wicomico County. The staff in our office at Habitat for Humanity are sick about this situation but the fact is there are few resources to help older adults once they have become behind in their property taxes.
Keeping older adults safe in their homes should be a priority for the counties, cities, and municipalities. Can Wicomico County and Salisbury afford to deal with the alternative? Are the homeless shelters equipped for a senior tsunami? I don’t think so. We need more than a conversation about this.
Here is Miss Edna’s story. She gave me permission to share her experiences because she hopes the public can somehow help her and others in this unfortunate situation.
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I saw this last night on WMDT
Apparently there are many in Wicomico County that have been paying their property taxes for twenty plus years without any problems and then they fall on hard times and cannot pay the outrageous tax bill and lose the the home they have lived in for many years.
I have heard from a friend at my church who works for the county that there are many people out there who are delinquent on their tax bills and will be losing their homes to tax sales this year!
It doesn't seem right to have worked all of your life and struggled to make your mortgage payments and pay your taxes and then in your senior years face the possibility of losing your home that you have worked and paid off, to be taken from you from the government because you are retired or have lost your job and are on a lower or fixed income!!!!
What a shame they have plenty of money to spend on rainbow cross walks and plenty other useless things but no way to help the older folks in need. Step up to the plate to those that paid for the mural on rt.13 isn't this lady one of the reasons you did it now you can really honour someone by helping when it's truly needed.
Is this the fault of Bob Culver or Jake Day? I’m confused. Can’t Bob or Jake just ignore this by wiping Miss. Edna’s $268.13 delinquent taxes off the books so that she can keep her home? This is an absolute travesty. While you’re at it Bob of Jake, can you do the same for me?
Where's the son?
Or let me know where to take the check. I'll pay her taxes today.
There is a woman in Somerset that lost her property to a reverse mortgage company because of back taxes. She was kicked out and left with nothing. She had been offered 6 million for the property just a few years prior. Preying on the weak and helpless is big business.
There is no ability to legally "wipe out" a property tax in either city or county laws. However, this does not preclude this woman's city and county council representatives from reaching out to acknowledge her circumstances and engage community resources and members to help remedy the problem. Here are some political points to be had, you slackers.
In the meantime, I'm going to make a donation via Habitat's website.
I would donate to her. I will not donate to an organization that I don't know where the funds would go. Anyone know her last name or how to send her money?
Hats of to H4H, great save! Tax abuse is a crime.
The Community Foundation should set up a fund to address this and solicit donations!
No offense but why just make her an exception to paying her taxes? Should we make a law that after 20 plus years in a residence that you not longer pay property taxes? What about others who pay, save the money throughout the year by cutting things from your budget, what about them? Is it fair to pay one and not all? What makes this extenuating circumstances? How about we eliminate all property taxes?
@10:48 that's BS!! ask Jake day about wiping out a 5,000.00 dollar deliquent city bill for his buddy over at EVO
You people who are fools who are willing to pay Miss Edna’s delinquent property taxes. As one commenter mentioned, there are many home owners facing losing their homes due to delinquent taxes. How about you take a collection and pay all their delinquent taxes also? Why then should anybody want to pay their delinquent taxes?
I agree. Be careful here people. I’ll bet there are many in Wicomico who would love, and expect, even demand, that someone else pay their delinquent property taxes. By the way, $268.13 divided by 365 days in a year is only 73 cents a day.
I think after age 65, there should be a total cap on property taxes.
You have paid your dues!
I heard they do this in the state of Delaware, that why many retirees are move to Delaware. It is unfair to have this lifetime burden, when you have worked your entire life and you have reached your golden years and are on a fixed income. That's why so many are leaving this state both young and old because of taxes and fees here. I just helped to move my son to South Carolina. Did you know there is no landfill fee there. If your are a resident there, you can haul your trash for free anytime you want. It all a part of your taxes! Here we have county employees paid for with our tax money, and yet we still have to pay a fee to haul our trash!!! Explain this Culver!!!!
I'm with you, 11:54. Totally.
I feel that a person in her position, buying a home and has religiously paid mortgage and tax bill for 17+ years and reached age of 72, should be exempt from property taxes. With the property tax you NEVER own your home, the government will always be your land lord ready to evict you at a moment's notice!
I agree. It seems like she has paid some on the tax bill. County and City taxes are not that low. Some should read the entire article to see that her income was cut and that is why she couldn't afford to pay the rest. Now since she didn't pay on time the greedy lawyers want another thousand dollars to do NOTHING.
Seems like her SSI I being garnished for some reason. It is not simply cut in half for reason unknown. Sounds like a decade long problem of poor money management. Yes I feel bad but as American we often pay and donate to others food, medical care, education, and others. What’s next. Unfortunately we can always pay for the mistakes of others, sure its bad but we all have a story to tell. SSI is not a life sustaining income that’s why everyone needs to have personal accountability for their future, it’s not no ones fault but their own. Sad yes but true
You own nothing but the clothes on your back. Look at the statist in the comments. You like your "freedom" so much don't you? You have no idea what freedom really is. People are so ignorant to what has happened since this country was founded. People revolted over a tax on tea because they understood freedom. Looking at the comments many of you beg them to tax your property tax your wages and sell your "freedom" back to you. Idiots. It is why our country is in the shape it is in.
Disabled veterans are exempt from property taxes in Wicomico county and maybe MD. I know 3 houses not paying taxes. Just saying... not complaining
If you pay every month to tax assessor, you will owe nothing or very little at end of year. As taxes rise each year figure how much more to pay each month. I’m over 80 living on Social Security. It’s difficult but pay my taxes.
If I owned the home but the county was stealing it from me, I'd burn it to the ground. It is mine, they get the land.
Is there someone that does pro bono work locally that could also help her? Another attorney talking to
the person handling the legalities for the intended buyer may be able to get the bill reduced and so it would just be her back taxes and a smaller legal fee.
It seems with this small a bill the county could have
given her more time and referred her to resources.
The county also could set up an oversight committee of
“volunteers” to look at these tax problems of senior citizens to work out a solution before having a tax sale.
Did you read the entire article? Chances are you didn't. I want to see Social Security take away half of what they pay you and you can try to figure out how to pay your bills. The problem is even at this point if SS figures out they made a mistake she still will lose her house and they won't be held accountable.
I believe she has one year to pay and reclaim her property unless that option is no longer available or she has already used that option.
So true
We never own our own homes even if we pay off the mortgage completely. The government will take your property away in a heartbeat for not paying taxes! Now that's the f'd up part of this story.
Name and shame the lawyer and his client, which most likely will turn out to be one of the many slumdog millionaires we have in this area!
Anonymous said...
There is no ability to legally "wipe out" a property tax in either city or county laws. However, this does not preclude this woman's city and county council representatives from reaching out to acknowledge her circumstances and engage community resources and members to help remedy the problem. Here are some political points to be had, you slackers.
In the meantime, I'm going to make a donation via Habitat's website.
January 17, 2020 at 10:48 AM
LMAO!! Thanks Molly. I love how you post this comment and then try to make it sound like you are an anonymous good citizen to increase your donations to pay for your damn job! You are a SNAKE!
You have to be 100% disability rating, which is very hard to get
When you're on a fixed income 73 cents a day plus .xx cents a day for other utilities, food and living expenses adds up.
You would be prosecuted for arson
1:12 PM - Only VA approved, 100% disabled vets can get County tax write-offs, not just any disabled vets.
@1:12 please get ALL the facts straight before commenting on something you know nothing about. The ONLY disabled veterans that don't pay their property taxes are those rated at 100% disabled. The majority of these veterans experienced some war trauma either leaving physically or mentally disabled
SS might not have made the mistake. She might have been receiving more than she was supposed to, based on info she gave them.
I didn't think you could garnish SSI or social security income.
I'm single and over 65. I don't mind paying taxes. But I have no kids. I owe nothing to this failed education system. Seniors should not have to pay a dime to public education anywhere.
It needs to be a reduction in our taxes. If you only owe a couple hundred dollars, it's more than been wasted over the years in the education system and should be let go.
It can be garnished for taxes, student loans, and back child support...but not to the tune of half the amount. However, if you have an overpayment they can take more. I'm guessing something like that happened, but the writer didn't provide that information.
Then Miss Edna should have sold the house and moved into a 1 bedroom apartment.
She had a very low mortgage payment. There are no 1 bedroom apartments with rent lower than that.
Anonymous said...
There is no ability to legally "wipe out" a property tax in either city or county laws. However, this does not preclude this woman's city and county council representatives from reaching out to acknowledge her circumstances and engage community resources and members to help remedy the problem. Here are some political points to be had, you slackers.
In the meantime, I'm going to make a donation via Habitat's website.
January 17, 2020 at 10:48 AM
LMAO!! Thanks Molly. I love how you post this comment and then try to make it sound like you are an anonymous good citizen to increase your donations to pay for your damn job! You are a SNAKE!
Ok readers. Who is the 'investor' that paid the tax lien, and the Baltimore lawyer? I'm confident somebody knows.
if you try to make a donation to help her, through habitat then why is there a space to put a donation fee in? why are they making you pay a fee to do a good deed in giving a donation to help her? If it is to help save her home then 100% should go to her....sounds like they are trying to scam off the top to...using her to scam money from people that have compassion and sympathy of others plight.
Its thd new Medicare costs.
I'm retired now, living on a calculated income (earned retirement) that should allow me to live relatively comfortable for my duration. If I loss my property because of excessive hikes on property taxes, I guarantee you I will be going to prison for life. I have a running list of our county officials and their actions. They are being watched !!! Keep cheering
How much does a one bedroom apartment cost per month & how long will stay at that rate oh smart one
Drop the homeowner's insurance first
I though you had too be three years behind for them to be able to action off land. what happends when you get to the point you are not capable to write a check Think about this, you stop paying taxes when you draw full retirement. Getting old is not for the weak.
74 is not that old that you can ignore your tax bill (that you get every year you own property), and subsequent delinquent notices. Property owners evern get notice of the sale. Not only that, but the property owner has the right to recover the property from the tax sale buyer, and void the sale, by just paying their damn taxes and all late fees and costs associated with the sale. Nobody would pay their property taxes IF THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO, under threat of losing the property. 74, or 44, matters not. Property taxes have to be paid. It is a cost of ownership. Most mortgage lenders require that the mortgage payment includes property taxes. Did she stop paying the mortgage too? If so, the property was going to be foreclosed on anyway. No sympathy here. Age makes no difference. And I'm a senior that is saying this. If I find I can't pay the taxes on my paid off house anymore, I will sell it and downsize to something I can afford.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
If I owned the home but the county was stealing it from me, I'd burn it to the ground. It is mine, they get the land.
January 17, 2020 at 1:24 PM:
You do know how asinine that statement is, right? People like you that "think" of things like that is why there are fire marshals and investigators. Once a fire is deemed suspicious, the insurance company will not pay out, Not only that, but you should see how many years a prison sentence for arson is. I don't believe you are serious, and it's just your anonymity that makes you make ridiculous comments
Miss Edna is a freeloader, that wants to live off of everybody else while living in "her own" home. It doesn't work that way. Go ahead, take up a collection for her. That's what she wants. While you're at it, collect enough so she can buy some stuff, and slip down to the casino and see if she can get rich.
12:44 actually has a good idea.
Agreed. Wicomico County voters imposed a revenue cap on County property taxes limiting the amount of revenue the County could collect from its property owners. Why can’t Wicomico County voters demand senior citizens not need to pay property taxes? Where is John Palmer when we need him?
Let the family members that are living with her pay the taxes.
For the non reading social security trolls this women lives ALONE and does not have anyone know the area. Thank you
I told you all this would happen and now it is, I told you so yet again!!!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm single and over 65. I don't mind paying taxes. But I have no kids. I owe nothing to this failed education system. Seniors should not have to pay a dime to public education anywhere.
It needs to be a reduction in our taxes. If you only owe a couple hundred dollars, it's more than been wasted over the years in the education system and should be let go.
January 17, 2020 at 3:54 PM:
Property taxes go to pay for far more than just the education system, although the BOE is often the reason property taxes constantly keep going up (those overpaid teachers, with the great benefits, a 9 month work year, and a great taxpayer funded pension, need, no demand, pay raises every year). And ALL the businesses that pay property taxes have no kids either. I'm sure YOU think YOU shouldn't have to pay property taxes, and will think of any reason you can for not having to pay them. No kids is no reason for exempting anyone from paying property taxes. And rightfully so.
January 17, 2020 at 10:11 AM:
Fiscal irresponsibility is not planning for the day that we all face someday when we no longer are able to work, or we choose to retire. Like the old saying goes, "A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part." Owning a home and retiring without a plan to pay for it and the upkeep (including taxes), is foolish and irresponsible. She should have thought of that long ago. But somebody built her a house, and now she wants someone to pay her taxes for her so she can keep it. Too bad, it won't be me. She should have SOLD her home and lived off the proceeds in her retirement, for the rest of her days, instead of letting someone else have it because she she wouldn't (couldn't) pay the taxes. And just because someone was able to "purchase" her home for a pittance because she wouldn't pay her taxes, doesn't make her any less culpable for her situation. It is a self-inflicted wound.
January 18, 2020 at 2:54 PM:
Probably all are on public assistance themselves.
Anonymous said...
There is a woman in Somerset that lost her property to a reverse mortgage company because of back taxes. She was kicked out and left with nothing. She had been offered 6 million for the property just a few years prior. Preying on the weak and helpless is big business.
January 17, 2020 at 10:31 AM:
If what you say is true, then that woman you "know" is just stupid, not weak and helpless. The stupid people will always be taken advantage of. Why would anybody in their right mind take out a reverse mortgage on a property worth 6 million, after refusing a 6 million dollar offer? Every mortgage company requires the homeowner to maintain the taxes on the property, and reverse mortgages are no exception. It's all in the legal papers that are signed by the borrower. Again, if what you say is true, she defaulted on the loan when she didn't pay the taxes. She was being PAID by the mortgage company, and there was no reason not to use some of the money and keep the taxes paid. Yep, just stupid.
January 17, 2020 at 12:44 PM"
Get your facts straight! You have to be a deadbeat on your taxes for three years before it forces a tax sale on the property. That's way more than "a moments notice."
January 17, 2020 at 3:02 PM:
Perhaps drawing on someone else she said she was married too, but wasn't. Common law doesn't count for SSI.
She had a very low mortgage payment. There are no 1 bedroom apartments with rent lower than that.
January 17, 2020 at 6:42 PM:
If she sold the house, she could have afforded the rent. That's what was suggested.
January 17, 2020 at 9:38 PM:
What you said sounds like a not-so-veiled threat against the county officials. Maybe law enforcement should be looking for you.
Well I read Molly's "story" about this delinquent homeowner, and all the vitriol about all the greedy mortgage companies and tax collectors. The homeowner can not afford the house and should have sold it long ago. She has neglected repairs on the house and failed to pay taxes on it. By failing to maintain the property, she also caused the value of the home to decline. She doesn't deserve to be a homeowner. She couldn't even afford to buy it under conventional lending terms and had to take out two mortgages. This woman should have never been able to buy the home. She was put in a home she could never afford, no matter how many payments she made. Funny she made house payments while she wasn't paying taxes for the last three years, otherwise, Molly would be talking about the foreclosure on this woman's home, and not a tax sale. Putting poor people into homes they can't afford doesn't do ANYBODY any favors. And Molly needs to get off her high horse. That self-righteous BS doesn't float with me.
That sounds about right.
That's what they want! Buy her house pennies on the dollar and turn it into a slum rental
I think the person was talking about you. Social security collecting troll sounds like a accurate description. I would say racist but I think Trolls see color just meanness. Most Trolls Probably grew up 70 years ago with a dead beat drunk father and never got over it. Whatever the case be HAPPY.
There are lots of people who are not very educated, but think it's great to own a home. Too bad they don't understand what they're getting into. And it's easy for them to be taken advantage of .
I watched the Wicomico County Council meeting a while back and I saw Molly Hilligoss, Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity of Wicomico County, beg the county council for tax breaks for her Habitat houses and this is how she rewards them by openly attacking them on blogs, social media and the Press??? What a Piece of $hit this Molly Hilligoss is!! I hope they tell her to stick that tax break up her a$$!
Keep this in mind. When one revenue source is reduced other revenue sources have to be increased meaning YOU are paying for her tax breaks.
6:46 Spoken like a true Slum Lord. Everything we have as Americans is taxed. Literally everything. This country was founded over a war fought due to taxation without representation. Why should we pay a property tax on land we supposedly own. We have already paid tax on the loan. Greedy money changers and that 1% continue to suck every cent they can from us. Our damn pay checks taxed to death. Go to the grocery store taxed. Gasoline taxed. The vehicle you drive taxed. The joke is on us greedy bankers and politicians have destroyed this country. Tick Tock.
3:54 AMEN!! 100% agree!!!
January 20, 2020 at 9:16 AM:
Now you have taxation WITH representation. It's your representatives that are taxing you. Quit your beefing or vote for someone that won't tax you (like that'll ever happen).
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