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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Hoax of 'Climate Change'

Obama knows. John Kerry knows. And Al Gore, the man who has made an enormous amount of money perpetuating the biggest hoax foisted on the human race, knows. Human-inspired “climate change” is a ruse. It is all a control-grabbing, land-grabbing, money-grabbing hoax. For instance, Al Gore, the king of carbon credits, whose home has a giant carbon footprint, and who flies all over the world in private jets, has raked in millions from his green investments and "sustainability research." This, after preaching (An Inconvenient Truth) that fossil fuel is the culprit in “global warming.”

The real inconvenient truth is that the earth’s climate has been warming, cooling and dramatically changing since the beginning of time. How many of us know that Chinese sea captains reported melting ice caps as far back as 1434? Mega earthquakes and tsunamis as well as blizzards, raging fires, crippling droughts, powerful storms, horrific tornadoes and scorching heat waves have been around since antiquity. “Climate deniers,” as the alarmists so lovingly refer to us, do acknowledge changes in the climate, but most of us do not accept the premise that human activity the cause.

Recently, the hoax has been ramping up. President Obama, who has been likened to “Spock” by his climate change cheerleaders, exhorts that slow “climate change” progress can be blamed on “confused, blind, racists shrouded with hate Americans.” Obama is a far cry from a cool, rational Spock character; his cynical rhetoric continues to divide Americans and cuts off debate.



Anonymous said...

Dave T: These lies, this manipulation, and the suffering caused to others from it, should be punishable to the most severe extent possible.

Anonymous said...

Normal but sometimes extreme fluctuations in weather. Just look at history.

Anonymous said...

It is easy to understand the hoax of man made climate change when the left resorts to name calling (Climate denier) instead of discussion about the subject.

Anonymous said...

There can be no legitimate discussion of climate change without acknowledgement of geoengineering efforts. The various militaries around the world are conducting weather warfare upon populations which include both chemical and biological contaminants.

Do your own reading:

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Climate changing cycles have been occurring for thousands of years before the industrial revolution. I have no problem with cleaning up water and air for our own healthy environments. But enough of the over-taxing liberal policies to force changes on those already taking initiatives to improve our environment. Go take your protests to Russia and China.