In a 2am tweet, Trump wrote: 'There is no reason for these massive, deadly and costly forest fires in California except that forest management is so poor.
'Billions of dollars are given each year, with so many lives lost, all because of gross mismanagement of the forests. Remedy now, or no more Fed payments!'
On Friday evening Trump issued an emergency declaration providing federal funds to help the thousands of firefighters struggling to contain the flames that have already torched more than 200 square miles across the state.

My president is one bad ass. He tells it like it is and pulls no punches (intelligent man). Except for that punk news boy last week, would had been nice if he didn't hold his punch and let the turd keep his White House credentials if he would of had nerve to come back after a good old whooping. Better yet the young female intern should have dropped kicked the sissy.
Over 30 dead, hundreds missing, entire towns incinerated, and this is all he can come up with? If poor forest management is to blame please realize this fire started on Federal Land not California managed forest.
IF everything is burned, nothing left to catch fire!!!!!
Maybe Trump's threats concerning forest management funds would make sense if these were, indeed, forest fires. But they're not. They're brush fires, and forest management has nothing to do with how they've spread, as the president of a firefighter's union in California has explained. So, President Bad Ass (as the 1st commenter would call him) really should try and find at least a few facts before he pushes "Post" on Twitter.
Happens EVERY YEAR Let it burn.
1250 buffoons like you really shouldn't be allowed to vote. None of this is true. I guarantee you have no clue about fire management out west and never had an interest in the topic. Now you swear POTUS is right but you don't know a thing about the facts behind the situation.
Sounds like 'job security' to me. Imagine what they make in overtime.
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