People across the Twittersphere and other social media platforms are directing a number of highly vile, and even racist comments toward Federal Communications Commission Chairman (FCC) Ajit Pai.
Many internet users are apparently trying to make their cases that internet regulations imposed under the Obama administration — colloquially referred to as “net neutrality” — are beneficial by starting Twitter trends like “#AjitPaiSucks” and posting other extremely derogatory comments against Pai — all without even attempting to delve into the nuances of telecommunication policy.
And it wasn’t just on Twitter. Commenters submitting feedback on the FCC’s official public filing system left very racist comments, despite the intention to create fruitful discussions about policy.
“F **k you Pai. F** ing brown immigrant comin over here and tryna f** k over our american freedoms. GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY YOU DIRTY SNEAKY INDIAN,” reads a comment from a user listed as “Jeff.”
More liberal love here..
if liberals are against it, it must be good for the country.
Funniest part? President Obama nominated Pai to the FCC in 2012, and EVERY SINGLE DEMOCRAT SENATOR voted for him!
the Party of Liberal Jim
Poster 1:20 PM: You act and say as if that means anything!!!!!! There is no left or right, red or blue, there is only one color and one political side and it is against the betterment of america... It doesn't matter who voted for what, you should know by now, the politicians always vote for things you don't favor, and will say they do, and then they won't vote for things you do favor... You should also know, they only give you lip service and tell you what you need to hear to vote for them, and then they do the opposite... You should also know, they never give you anything that will help you or better your live, but to take away something and will hurt you or someone else's life...
Operation chaos working perfectly.
Proceed with caution. Everything you type, post and share even cloud storage unless officially copyrighted will become property. This is not your old telephone party line. Chit and chat bitch and moan post photos it all becomes property.
322-Sorry, I was never stupid enough to think that the government would give me anything. #YoureThe47%
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