Over the weekend throughout the country, many protests about one temper tantrum or another were in play but the one that most intrigues is the Richmond, Virginia tussle over the Robert E. Lee monument on Monument Avenue. Once again, sides divided argue over monuments that no one seemed to care about until Donald Trump won the White House.
These same protesters, if local, have walked or driven by this monument for their entire lives, just like we've walked passed the markers downtown, without so much as a second glance. Therefore, why is it now such a critical mass subject?
It's not like the history associated with these markers and monuments will change if they were to miraculous disappear overnight. In fact, by going on about their relevance/irrelevance, people seem to be making much to do about basically nothing. The only thing this history raiding has done has demonstrated how much Americans don't know about their own history.
Now days, all these protests seem to be the latest fad and for some, a revenue stream, lacking any real integrity or conviction. This very long temper tantrum by the Left has all come about because they didn't get their way - nothing more. At some point, one has to wonder: Are the original crusaders from the real Civil Rights Movement miffed with the younger generations minimizing their history and in some cases, dialing back a lot of what their hard work and sacrifice accomplished?

Wouldn't it be interesting if the protesters were tested on the history they're complaining to see if they even understand what they're protesting in the first place? Would it be another Wally moment?
The dems and the others that are never happy about anything but stay in this country and complain & complain, they are the people who think that life is never fair for their color, religion, the moan and groaners. I have heard a German lady that I knew (just this one) who moved here after WWII and lived on American Social Security, bought homes lived a better life complain and complain that the Americans killed the ones in the concentration camps, and the children in the gas chambers that all Americans were loosers and murderers. If you are not happy here move out of this country, but don't take away everything that is our history and what we love and our men have fought for. Go find that perfect life out of our borders.
Thornton, in regards to your last questions, Yes, it would look a lot like the interviews of the Women's March "protesters" who had no idea why they were there except for reading the word "equality" and "women's rights" off signs that were supplied to them, but could go no further with their explanations. Same with the geniuses interviewed on Youtube on Fleccas Talks.
Also, see this!
The one in Salisbury is in a place in which 99.9% of the people visiting Downtown didn't even know it was there. There's a concrete wall 3 to 4 feet above the sidewalk and is in a grass area most respectable people would never walk on out of respect. The walkways in front of the old court house come nowhere near it, so yes, you are spot on with this article. No one cared until some Liberal or Liberal Group made a stink about it.
Our country is being hijacked by a bunch of wining babies and the John Wayne's of this country are all rolling over in their graves. Men are no longer men. Women are no longer women and IF someone does act their own gender they are now the odd man out.
So how do we fix this problem. Well, thinking out of the box, why not create reservations, (like the American Indians were forced into) but this time make it reservations Snowflakes WANT to relocate to. They can start up their own businesses, (since they believe they'll actually be supported) and announce what they stand for. They can then PROVE to the rest of America that their products and morals are better then what we had in the past in America, rather then shoving their ideas and beliefs down our throats.
IF what they say and believe is so true and they create their own monuments, wouldn't those reservations get a TON of visitors from around the world to build their economic development? It wouldn't be segregation as they would all CHOOSE to live and work there. Wouldn't it be interesting to see how many big manufacturers would actually relocate there and all their products can have rainbows on them instead of the American Flag.
Each state can take land and offer it to these Snowflakes where they can homestead there like we did hundreds of years ago in America.
I, for one, loved the America I was raised in and believed in. Is this a good start?
Thats a great idea Joe, only thats already been done and all those experiments failed. Those liberal experiment areas are...most of california, chicago, philli, NY, Baltimore...and soon salisbury. All destroyed, bankrupt and repairable, now they seek ut other areas to destroy them also. Youd think theyd eventually learn, their rainbows and unicorns, freebies and festivals wont sustain an economy.
I love America too, but until the snowflakes melt (which they will), I must wait.
(1) Itching the infection only irritates it.
(2) Medicating it, makes it dormant to come back later (aka antibiotics)
(3) Cutting it out/eliminating it, leaves a deep scar (which may/may not be bad).
(4) Leaving it melt away, leaves a mess which then can be cleaned and disinfected!!!!!!
Time will tell!
It's funny my family farm had an original Mason Dixon sandstone marker on it and in Jr. High I tried to find more. I found one being used as a front step to some white trash trailer in the woods they thought is was a grave stone LOL. Even worse they thought it was OK they were using some grave stone as a step. Only on the Shore. If it were not so broken down then I'd guess it was a meth lab now but they did not seem smart enough to make Kool Aid.
The Liberal Snowflake Idiots are all up in arms over a new tropical storm being named "Lee". Saying that it will decimate black people living in the islands because it is a "Racist Storm".
The counter culture movement of the 60's was a KGB PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATIONS scheme to undermine America and they never dreamed of how successful it would become...According to the memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev. Pop culture is just a continuation.
In the end, the sun comes out and snowflakes melt.
Great article as always.This bunch has pissed and moaned and got what they wanted since Johnson was in office.They know the squeaky wheel get the grease and the free stuff too. I they had jobs and worked and tended to there younger ones like there supposed too they would be to tired to b#%&*!
11:56, Let THEM go bankrupt then, that's my point. Why should WE change our ways and pay for rainbow events like Jake Day's Festival. Let it be held in San Francisco or Key West, as an example. I'll go back to a $300,000.00 investment WBOC made to find out who their real audience is. Guess what, it was all rednecks, hence the new show, (at the time) Outdoors Delmarva. I'd be using those results to realize IF I wanted something to be successful I'd have a mud bog / tractor pull contest. Hey, how about a COUNTRY MUSIC FESTIVAL? Since when have you EVER heard people around here interested in a Folk Festival? How about a HIP HOP FESTIVAL, since that's what the majority of the actual Salisbury Residents actually enjoy. I mean, let's be real here people. 80+% rental properties, HELLO! So the elite good ol' boys want to bring in a rainbow festival for the 1% ers using YOUR tax dollars, (because the City will lose money for THREE YEARS) and you people just let it happen. The local media is playing this up without ever mentioning the actual commitments and particulars, like the demand of SEVEN stages, 800 volunteers, the whole nine yards. It's all about trickery and lies, feel good crap. Where are they going to park 70,000 vehicles, seriously? You people have no idea what's coming. Here's another one for you. When they serve alcohol, is EVERY server going to be TIPS Certified? Will the Wicomico Liquor Board actually make sure they are, or will they turn a blind eye to the good ol' boys? Lots of questions ahead but I'll repeat, let them go bankrupt.
Very simple way to put an end to all this crap, if you want it moved, than you come up with the money, no taxpayer funds will be wasted on this!
Wonder how many know where the original marker stood or when and why it was moved to the Wicomico County lawn. If the ones protesting the hardest bothered to look for answers before protesting - the number of protesters would be. I do not call them uneducated fools because I believe name calling makes people dig their heels in deeper and become more unreasonable to deal with. Public schools should be educating our children in U S History, like most Private Christian Schools do. I have 2 grands in private christian schools and two in public school. It is a world of difference
Professional liberal agitators are bred on college campus's and go into communities to create hostilities between the residents in a classic divided and conquer strategy at the grass roots level.
Is it time for the universal service like they have in Israel? Young people having to work for the government for two years prior to going to college in order to learn things like history because they're not getting taught history in school anymore. They are also not getting taught values at home and then having school reinforce those values either. It's painfully obvious in our communities.
Maybe the CCC should be brought or the WPA because not only did the young people learn about civic duty, community service and earning a living, they also learned respect. Something that's lost on a lot of younger generations today, including people in their thirties and forties.
Schools are more interested in building buildings instead of teaching kids things like values and history, 428. Do you really think today's young adults or people in their 30s and 40s could handle something like the CCC or WPA work? They're a bunch of marshmellows. They would fold the first day.
Leave the monuments where they are and stop going with the crazy flow. We here on the shore are much better than that.
Two years of government service for all high school graduates (and dropouts)? DEFINITELY!
To understand what's wrong with higher ed., just visit Salisbury University.
I see that CNN/PMSNBC is already back to 24/7 Trump....still flooding in Houston, FLA still a mess and other storms on the horizon.
Boy our national priorities via LAME STREAM media suck!!
Quit poking the hornets nest every time this issue dies down.Time is the only thing that will change anything for the better.Let it go.
Guess you weren't downtown Friday night, 807. They were prostrating historic markers down there. Seems you're the only person letting it go..........
I'm not a snowflake. I agree with you on that -they will melt. I don't like being put in that category. When I was 18 I moved from a small town that no longer produced coal to California where my high school sweetheart (my husband of 50 years) was drafted in the Navy to join the Vietnam program. I got a job at the Naval Air Station CA. Married in small chapel at the Base before my husband left for WESTPAC. Later moved back to East Coast and raised one daughter while I continued to work. It wasn't easy -but I wanted the finer in life so I worked for them. My daughter is a hardworking individual - gives up her vacation so she too can take advantage of the American dream. These people who live here off the American people and complain should be rounded up and sent back to wherever they came from. Nothing is free. Love America for which it stands or go elsewhere.
Most of the people who complain are not even active participants in their government; city, county, state, national. We have a collection of "sheepeople" who are lead by the liberal agenda into believing they are embarking on "a cause". These brain dead people are only provoked by others. They in the past never questioned or brought attention to any of the aforementioned monuments. We are allowing these idiots to erase our culture and history. I find a lot of things offensive in this country, however I also can choose not to endorse or participate. If you don't like these monuments then don't view or visit them. We cannot allow our freedoms and history to be a political issue. Our past whether it was good or bad defines who we are, we cannot erase our history. I am tired of people who don't participate in bettering our society being brainwashed into stupid causes.
New to Salisbury - I am amazed how many people in my neighborhood that have all the toys - boats, RV 2 homes and are a product of being born with a silver spoon in their mouths. They all seem to have inherited the wealth from their parents. Ages 30 - 73. My point none have any respect for anyone else. It is me me. I guess in Salisbury they are called elite.
They don't care about America. Yes they are marshmallows.
Military draft would work. They teach discipline. My husband was in the Navy and couple of years and his actions still reflect respect taught
There is a winder street in town. What's to be done with it? A name change ?
Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Same thing happened in Germany, Russia and China. When communist regimes took over, they removed all historical references so the people would learn new history which was whatever the powers that be fabricated. Now the same thing is happening in America. You are repeating history and it's not the good history you're repeating.
Failure to teach Civics in school has caused a lot of these problems but I do agree a draft or mandatory universal service is also needed for all younger generations including some older ones, too. I know a few fifty-year-old men who don't know what it is to be a man, either. They are nothing but disrespectful idiots who don't do for their own what they should while they milk the system because they can't do the jobs they want to do. Weak pathetic individuals that had they been in the armed forces, they would have toughened up at a young age and had some kind of code which they lived by.
Is Salisbury University a school for rich kids that can't pass the entrance requirements. I see a lot of US students driving very expensive cars and I wonder what are they doing here at SU. I could be wrong and assumed it is not a good college. Just really know the dorms are very expensive.
At least a couple of braves souls had enough guts to stand up and speak out at the county council meeting, recently when the likes of BLM came out to demand the markers removal. Where were the rest of you computer warriors?
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