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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

You Need To Watch This


Anonymous said...

preach it, brother, preach it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks just what I needed today.

Anonymous said...

That is exactly what is happening. But it is not just "prayer shaming," it encompasses the whole of Christianity. Now to even say you are Christian brings it on. I've seen people mention Christianity on this blog and get ripped a new one, nothing against the blog, it is the people and their attitudes. I have been saying the same thing for years. You kick God out of schools, out of government buildings, off of monuments, heck, as I type this there is an ongoing lawsuit to take "In God We Trust" off of our money.

I think there may truly be some atheists who do these things but I also think there is more to it. Look at the three videos on this blog this afternoon about Muslims and Islam and how they have "taken over Britain" and "taken over Sweden" and "taken over Germany" and it becomes a little clearer why there is such a backlash against Christianity.

I can only speak for myself and I will say this. Don't come to my house because I am ready to go and be with my God, Jesus Christ TODAY! That will not bother me. I am old enough to not care and I love my Jesus enough that I will be glad to join Him today. I worship my God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I was saved by the blood of the lamb, Jesus Christ the Son of God on the cross when He paid the penalty for my sin. I will gladly tell this to any "person" willing to listen but I wouldn't tell these animals anything. When you deal with "wild animals" whose intent is to kill you, you get a weapon and you be ready to deal with the consequences--either way.

Do you really think our country is not doing the same thing to us with our southern border? We have no clue who or what is coming across that border or how many of them are coming.

Anonymous said...

Fools, because of our Constitution, any right given to Christianity must in turn be granted to Islam. When they overwhelm the ballot box, will you then understand what our founding fathers sought to protect us from? the slime of sharia is already creeping...

Anonymous said...

This is a Catholic school production but they don't even mention Jesus. They ask us to "stand with other faiths in prayer". Really? Why would I stand with anyone who prays to false gods? In this country it's ok to pray as long as you don't mention Jesus.

Anonymous said...


As long as "Christians" are the majority, prayers in schools and religious based law is all well and good, right? When Muslims are the majority, those prayers will be five times a day towards Mecca and sharia law will oppress us all...especially women.

Keep your God in your own home, and in your own heart if you must. But don't insist on your God being anywhere you wouldn't want Allah instead.