Is socialism now out of the closet?
It appears so, at least according to a new Gallup poll
With self-avowed socialist and Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders running for the Democratic nomination for president, Gallup polled Americans on their feelings about a potential socialist president.
The headline, “Poll: Most Americans unwilling to vote for a socialist,” lent a sense of relief. After nearly seven years of enduring European-style socialism pushed by President Obama on everything from health care to energy, it seemed that the country had resisted the full-court socialist press.
But the poll results were more disturbing: “Just 47 percent of Americans would vote for a socialist if their party nominated one, while 50 percent said they would not.”
“Just 47 percent?” While half of those polled said they would not vote for a socialist, a full 47 percent would. That seems like a frighteningly high percentage willing to go down the road of France or worse, Greece. (This, of course, assumes that the respondents even knew what socialism is.)
Many (if not most) voting-age Americans don't really know what socialism is, and why it is bad.
They think it's mostly about sharing things and income equality. Warm fuzzy idealism.
Most don't know anything about the old Soviet Union. Our public schools have made sure of that.
It's all about a group of elites that will take everything from everybody and set themselves up for life. Tax rates that leave you nothing. Total dependency on the State.
And virtually nothing you can do about it.. one-party rule. (We're almost there.. )
my Kid sure knows what Means to be an American! does yours? the problem is the flooding of immigrants, satanic rainbows, racial strife, un trustworthy police fiscal doom and lazy marxists that have no desire to strive for the American dream. They seek handouts and a free ride. The Democrats and Republicans have sold out the working stiff to the UN , agenda 21! and a NWO! . Keep an ear on the rail because depopulation is on the too do list! and after all the patriots are gone. It is smooth sailing, with good little commie robots
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