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Friday, May 29, 2015

Schools Ask 12-year-olds If They've Had Anal Sex

Schools across America don’t need Common Core or its invasive testing component to dig deep into a student’s personal and family life.

Public-school systems have been awash in a culture of privacy-destroying data mining for years, say experts on student privacy.

The recent bombshell reported by showed that students as young as 13 or 14 are being given surveys asking their sexual orientation, how often they have sex, whether it is anal, oral or vaginal sex, how often they carry guns or other weapons, and the list goes on.

“This is obscene,” said Boston radio talker Jeff Kuhner, host of “The Kuhner Report,” which did an hour-long show on the survey earlier this month.

Kuhner was talking about the popular “Youth Risk Behavior Survey,” which is given to children in Massachusetts schools, grades 7-12, as well as schools across the country.

The main reason the surveys are given is to create misleading “statistics” that are used by radical groups from Planned Parenthood to LGBT groups, which use the data to persuade politicians to give more taxpayer money to their organizations – and let them into schools to help solve the “huge” problems that the surveys reveal, according to Mass Resistance, which has filed a bill in the Massachusetts Legislature requiring written permission from a parent and requiring schools to show the surveys to parents before subjecting students to them.

“It is a very emotional appeal, and millions of dollars are budgeted on the basis of these very questionable surveys,” the group says on its website.

Mass Resistance says the surveys, which have been conducted in public schools since 1991 (with questions recreated every two years), are invasive, damaging to young minds and “grossly unscientific.”



Anonymous said...

That is gross thinking kids that age have anal sex.

All this is doing is putting the idea that anal sex is ok and pushing the left wingnut agenda of gay sex

Whoever administers this survey should be charged as a sexual predator and be placed on the Nation Sex Offenders Registry!!

Ben in Salisbury said...

The tabloid trend of the news has long bothered me. The followings are facts that have been scientifically proven:
-People of the same physical and calendar age do not develop at the same physical or mental rate.
-Various socialization practices of families and society are not taken in and processed at the same rate in people and that is at any age.

Asking a question that is probably going to be misunderstood by more of the kids asked will not get an answer that is usable. So WHY ASK IT?
Learn what ever it is you need to about you inside and outside self when you understand. This is a waste of time and so obviously stupid I am enraged at the ignorance. Being a teenager of the 70's my generation of guys lied about sex so you may need to check your so called statistics

Responsible education Not Tabloid Headline Crap

Off my soap box now

Anonymous said...

start with the WorCo Bd of Ed!

Anonymous said...

Some commenters are obviously unaware of the "agenda" for children. How can population reduction be achieved more quickly?
Think about it.

Anonymous said...

Ask mayor jane Ireton.

Anonymous said...

Good question if he had Dennis Hastert as a wrestling coach.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you, 1:27. Any teacher administering this test and the school principle should be tried as a sexual predator and put on the list.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is wrong with these sick jackasses???? Why doesn't the law get involved in this?????

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Some commenters are obviously unaware of the "agenda" for children. How can population reduction be achieved more quickly?
Think about it.

May 29, 2015 at 2:41 PM

You might have a point, but this is still perverted child abuse.