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Saturday, December 06, 2014

Stand with Hillary Country Music Video Is Predictable and Inauthentic (a Lot Like Hillary)

Not since U2 gave its new album to every Apple iTunes user whether they wanted it or not has music felt this much like a threat.

Produced by a group called Stand with Hillary, the country music video walks a fine line between over-earnest promotion and accidental satire. But the group behind the clip appears to be completely sincere. The Washington Post reportsthat Stand with Hillary's creators are "Daniel Chavez, a longtime Democratic political operative, and media producer Miguel Orozco." Orozco wrote the song which is a very different flavor from his previous efforts for Obama in 2008.

The clip features a bearded country singer singing Clinton's praises with lyrics such as "And now it's 2016 and this time I'm a thinkin', guys put your boots on and let's smash this ceiling." That comes as the lead singer in the clip (who also drives an earth mover to show how blue collar he is) smashes a glass panel with a sledge hammer.

There are many flavors of country music but if I had to identify one defining characteristic of the genre it would be a certain striving for honesty and authenticity in the lyrics. That makes it a very odd fit for Hillary Clinton who is better known for being predictable and inauthentic.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For a fun, idle time waster, search Twitter for #HillaryCountrySongs.