DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Dozens Protest Commonwealth Attorney’s Decision On PETA Investigation
ACCOMACK COUNTY, Va. (WAVY) — Dozens of people gathered in Accomack County Monday morning to protest the Commonwealth Attorney’s decision not to prosecute two PETA workers accused of stealing and euthanizing a family’s dog.
Protesters said they will ask the Commonwealth’s Attorney to reconsider his decision not to prosecute PETA.
The investigation began last month when an Accomack County man claimed PETA workers stole and killed his pet chihuahua. Wilbur Cerate said home surveillance video shows a van with “PETA” on the side, enter his driveway. Two women are then seen getting out of the van, one walks up to his porch, picks up the dog and places it the van. Cerate said the two women returned three days later and told him his dog had been euthanized.
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They should have been locked up for stealing this poor puppy. It's bad enough that they stole it but then to have it put to sleep. Little dogs get adopted out quicker than any other. What could have been there reason for this. This is NOT ETHICAL!
4:44 - you should open your mind and look at the other side of the story.
No collar, no tags, and no leash...by definition, that is a stray dog.
We own small dogs like these folks did...we have them micro chipped, keep their shots up to date, with collars and tags.
While I love our dogs and hate to see any animal taken and put down for no reason - these folks don't have a legal place to fight from.
The dog was on THEIR property! They had no right to even come onto the property. How do you justify killing the animal no matter whether it was a stray or not?
To find out the truth about PETA google PETA kills animals. The statistics and countless stories show their truth. Quote: The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) requires all animal shelters to report the number of cats and dogs they take in each year. From 1998-2013 PETA received 35,190 cats and dogs. Their own records that they provided to VDACS shows 31,190 animals killed. That's 84.04 %. Search for yourself, they are a heartless cruel group presenting and pretending to be animal advocates. PETA should be eliminated, shut down. The bad they do to and against animals far outweighs any good they claim.
Come on my Property PETA and my 10 Gauge talks...
It is my understanding the PETA had been to that particular trailer park on several occasions, invited I might add, to take care of numerous stray/feral dogs living about.
First off the owner does bear responsibility for allowing this dog to roam, without tags and I won't even go into the lack of responsibility for allowing this small dog to roam knowing the wild dogs are around.
Secondly, what they did isn't criminal. There was no intent. It's not like they went there with the purpose of stealing the dog. Intent has to be present in order for something to be a crime.
Maybe someone should follow those ladies home, take and euthanize their pets.
THANK YOU 4:59! Who gave PETA the right to step into a situation that should have been handled by the AC or HS of that county/state.
5:42 - First, what do you not understand about "the dog was ON HIS PORCH." They trespassed and took the dog! QUOTE: "Two women are then seen getting out of the van, one walks up to his porch, picks up the dog and places it the van." This dog does not fit the definition of stray at the moment he was taken.
Second - there was INTENT. The dog was NOT wandering around on the street at the time the PETA women were there. I don't give a rat's behind about what the dog has done in the past....in this particular moment the dog was where he was supposed to be - on his property. Why would they single out a dog on a porch, a SMALL dog at that, unless they were given a specific description. That means they went there with the intent on locating THIS dog. It is well known in the animal lovers community that PETA does not rescue....they kill domestic animals. They left that owner's property with that owner's property with the INTENT to kill it. Period.
With that said, I agree about the tags etc. Understand, however, that dogs slip collars and lose tags. That may not be the case here, but do not group all into one lump. Sometimes it is not owner irresponsibility, it is the nature and temperament of the dog.
The fault lies exclusively on the dog owner. Management of the trailer park (Dreamland) had requested PETA's help to round up stray/abandoned dogs and cats after a neighbor complained his farm animals were getting injured by them. Trailer park lease also states no animals are to roam free.
Also this dog owner has requested traps from PETA previously to trap cats living under his trailer. PETA also provided shelters for 2 other dogs he had tethered outside. This is not a good pet owner.
While I agree, dog should have been given a chance at adoption if feasible but the fault for the fate of the dog lies solely on the back of an owner who has no business even having a pet of any kind.
6:20 - why PETA? Do they not have a Humane Society or Animal Control? How about the state SPCA? How many of those animals were not TRULY strays....dogs and cats accidentally get loose every day. At least at the HS/AC/SPCA they would have at least been given a week to be claimed. Guess it doesn't matter because now they are DEAD.
I hate to say it, but neither the quality of the owner nor the dog's past actions matter at this time in this specific case. Bottom line is....this dog was NOT roaming at the time he was taken.
The owner/management can call whomever they choose to handle the situation.
If you read the report issued by the States Attorney/District Attorney (not sure what they are called in VA) it states there were numerous trailer park residents who observed what was going on. None interfered. FYI- The dog in question was seen roaming the park, by the PETA workers and others, going into a shed and on and off the porch. The tethered dogs weren't taken. Bottom line at the very least the dog should have had tags on which by the way happens to be the law. When you don't follow the law, unfortunately there can be consequences.
What's interesting about this whole thing is the surveillance video. If you watch it (it can be found online) it clearly shows the woman going on the porch getting the dog. BUT if you notice the time stamp 17 seconds is spliced out of it at that moment. It goes from 1:52:16 to 1:52:33. Makes me think the dog was roaming on and off the porch.
There would be no other reason to not show the whole tape unless it disproved the owners point.
Then if you watch the owner he says every time when he would come home, the dog would run up barking and that day he didn't. Proof right there the dog was left to roam on a regular basis. It's probable that if the dog had been tagged this would not have happened.
I'm guessing the local animal shelters were called, but I know from experience they can't do much on a large scale and evidently there were many dogs who had been abandoned at that park. They don't have the resources. Not many will do anything at all about cats.
The local shelters didn't do anything. In Nov of 2013 neighbors spoke about the problem to the Accomack Board of Supervisors about it, so the county was aware.
According to media reports from Nov 2013 there were about 26 stray dogs roaming Dreamland and some neighbors of the park had their pets attacked by the dogs. Local animal control was contacted 4 times by one neighbor alone. There were 6 more attacks to pets and dead raccoons found which could spread rabies.
Cereta the dog owner was well aware of the problem and should have kept his dog indoors. This wasn't a case of the dog getting loose. This dog roamed free all the time.
This happened in Hopetown. Wild, stray and abandoned dogs are a big problem. The county and PETA have been rounding up the dogs for a year now, which Mr Cerata was aware of, because he himself requested traps be set under his home at one point in time.
When he noticed the dog missing he should have called authorities immediately since he knew what was going on.
While it is a shame the dog was put down, the owner has no one to blame but himself and himself only for not taking the proper precautions with his dog.
I rank PETA equally with the EPA., 'nuff said?
Not just the residents of the park had problems but the whole area. People nearby had chickens, pet goats, turkeys killed and other animals and pets mauled by the stray dogs coming out of that trailer park. Last year they rounded up nearly 30 stray dogs. The problem is ongoing with these trailer park residents. They get puppies, they grow up and they let them roam with no shots much less spay or neutered. Then the dogs become wild. By this dog owners own admission this dog ran free all the time.
As a real animal lover I find it nauseating and quite disturbing that some choose to stand by a person who not only tethers 2 other dogs, but also contributes to the roaming dog problem by allowing his own dog to run freely without any identification.
As the owner of an adorable precious little Chihuahua, I have to say that Chihuahuas are among the most friendly and affectionate of dogs. They would NOT harm anyone or anything! They're simply not capable of it.
The innocent little kidnapped murdered Chihuahua in question here certainly could not have harmed any livestock. That's a ridiculous accusation. The most they might do is bark.
All stray dogs and cats are in the horrible situation they're in because of STUPID people. They've been abandoned by ignorant people who have no respect or compassion for animals just like PETA. Dogs and cats depend on human beings to
care for them, not harm or kill them. Rescue a homeless dog and give it a good loving home and you will receive devoted unconditional love from that dog for the entirety of its life. (Something we don't get from humans).
To those on here who defend the dog killers, what makes you so sure the Chihuahua wasn't microchiped or up to date on its shots? They killed the poor little dog immediately without bothering to find out anything about it.
I agree that the dog's owner was wrong to allow the dog to run loose unobserved for its own protection. If its true that he was a negligent dog owner then at least the innocent dog should have been turned over to the Humane Society and been put up for adoption. Small dogs, like Chihuahuas, are adopted quickly.
PETA is NOT pro-life for dogs or cats, their objective is only to capture and kill. An end must be put to this evil murdering organization.
I am certainly not a violent person, but if ANYONE ever tried to take and/or harm my dog I would absolutely HURT them! No one would ever want to try me! I love my dog more than life itself. In fact I love all dogs (and cats). Wish everybody did.
I don't know why I would even address your ridiculous comment 11:12 because to say any dog would not harm anyone or they are not capable is, to put it to you bluntly is unbelievable stupid.
The dog was not chipped nor did it have tags on. Common sense dictates that the owner would be saying so. Who knows about shots. No dogs with even a collar on have been taken in this year long round up of strays so doubtful a collar was even present.
Not only that the owner was aware that PETA was rounding up stray dogs because he had contact with them 3 weeks prior asking for traps to be placed under his house. PETA also provided shelter for his 2 tethered dogs.
He should have called them immediately when he noticed dog was missing which according to him was that afternoon.
You-11:12- have absolutely NO clue if the dog was put down immediately so don't you dare even go there. Lying and making up things that fit your narrative is dishonest.
By the owners own admission on tape, the dog roamed all the time. He stated that whenever he came home the dog always came running to the vehicle barking. For you to defend this owner shows you are just another irresponsible pet owner.
It's real easy for all you supposed dog lovers to sit back and offer up your opinions after the fact. Don't bother though because it's meaningless.
Until you all go out in these trailer parks and other areas prime for dumping and abandoning dogs you aren't helping the problem and are just contributing to it by making excuses and enabling people who shouldn't have pets to begin with.
I wouldn't be so quick to believe PETA's explanation that the dog was in fact euthanized.
It is not uncommon for that excuse to be given to irresponsible pet owners when an organization wants to get an animal out of a horrible situation such as this poor dog was living in. With the stray dog problem Hopetown is experiencing, no responsible pet owner would allow a little dog to be roaming freely ever.
It wouldn't surprise me if this dog wasn't taken in by a loving person or wasn't shuttled to a faraway rescue while waiting for a suitable home to go to.
You got that right!!!!!
Do you think they have pets?? I seriously do not think so! These people don't have any hearts either.
Let's get their address and go to their home and take what we want from their front porch "WITH NO CRIMINAL INTENT".
So the dog has to pay for the owner not having tags???
God bless you!!!!! Well put, I stand with you!!!
You must work for PETA(?)!!!
8:13 - You are an arrogant ass. I did NOT say no dog could cause harm; I said Chihuahuas could not cause harm to livestock.
I did not lie about the dog having been euthanized within 3 days. Read the article, it clearly says the two women returned to the dog owner's home in 3 days and told him his dog had been euthanized.
I did NOT defend the dog owner; I defended the dog, all dogs. I said the dog deserved to be put up for adoption, not killed.
How dare you imply I must be an irresponsible dog owner. No one has ever taken better care of any dog than I do my dog. He is treated like an overprotected human baby, and I would never ever let him out of my sight. Again, you don't read well at all. I said "I love dogs, all of them."
It's overbearing people like you I can't stand.
When did PETA become an animal control organization?
Oh, never mind, it's Accomack County.
I wouldn't be so quick to believe PETA when they say the dog was euthanized either.
I am well aware of how these places work and I would bet the dog is in a foster home/shelter several states away.
11:05-PETA, ASPCA, HSUS and all the other nationally recognized animal right organizations do become "an animal control organization" when the problem is to big for local authorities to handle and are asked. They just didn't appear uninvited.
All the above mentioned organizations have divisions devoted exclusively to operations such as this and do it on a daily basis.
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