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Sunday, January 05, 2014

SFD Calls For Service 1-3-14

  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 23:22:16Nature: Syncopal EpisodeCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 21:48:28Nature: Pro Qa EmsCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 18:54:46Nature: Chest PainCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 18:49:41Nature: Medical AssistAddress: 825 E Church St Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 18:45:43Nature: Medical AssistAddress: 825 E Church St Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 18:41:01Nature: Assist Fire DepartmentCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 18:39:28Nature: SeizureCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 18:27:39Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 17:20:38Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 16:45:02Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 15:17:43Nature: Pi AccidentCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 15:13:37Nature: Pi AccidentAddress: E Salisbury Pkwy and e Main St Salisbury, MD 21802
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 13:13:40Nature: Subject FallenCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 12:31:19Nature: SeizureCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 12:06:59Nature: Chest PainCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 11:13:54Nature: Medical AlarmCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 09:52:33Nature: Automatic AlarmAddress: 1305 S Division St Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 09:03:19Nature: Abdominal PainCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 09:03:16Nature: Pi AccidentCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 05:19:53Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 05:15:50Nature: Pi AccidentCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 02:58:38Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 02:55:08Nature: Subject FallenCity: Salisbury
  • Friday January, 3 2014 @ 00:41:23Nature: Chest PainCity: Salisbury


Anonymous said...

Salisbury Emergency Medical Services!

Anonymous said...

Just wondering who cleared the ramps of snow at station 16? Saw the dedicated volunteers at stations 1 and 2 out with their snow shovels. Oregon mandates that have to have over 4" for city to plow. Does this apply to the Taj Majah on Cypress St?

Anonymous said...

D Shift started shoveling early and A Shift finished with some assistance from Public Works. Since you aren't even able to spell Taj Mahal, perhaps you could quit trying to be so devisive and offer to assist shoveling an entire block the next time it snows.

Despite the rantings of a few uninformed individuals on here, the career component of the Salisbury Fire Department is comprised of "dedicated" men and women who come to work at their job just as anyone else does. They're certainly not getting rich and work in a pretty stressful environment where they obviously get Monday Morning Quarterbacked to death by a group of individuals who either can't take the pay cut or can't pass the minimum testing and credentialing requirements in the first place to even attempt to do the job and actually see what it's all about.

Get over yourself and either become a career firefighter and actually do the job, or quit whining about them when you've not been one and earned the right to whine. Become a volunteer and help make a difference at least.

Ask the man who broke his leg last night at a fire about his dedication. And where were all the dedicated volunteers the city supposedly has to offer when their assistance was requested and help had to be obtained from Fruitland and Delmar? The few dedicated volunteers were there working along side the career men trying to make the best of a bad situation. Maybe 15 or 16. There are 130 or so listed on the roster. Where were all the rest of the "dedicated" ones?

Use facts to support your argument. Not hate or ignorance.

Anonymous said...

You failed to mention a house fire at around 2 a.m. this morning on Martin St. One firefighter suffered a broken leg while performing his duties.

Anonymous said...

Where were all these dedicated volunteers this afternoon ? The Engine from 16 was on Martin St. handing out smoke detectors and nobody else.

Anonymous said...

4:37 He broke his leg from a fall. I have heard several calls today for people that have fallen. Should we label them as hero also since you think that is the label you should wear? 4:24 I thought you didn't need the volunteers? Now you are complaining that they didn't come and do your job for you. If you don't like the pay and hours and job duties that your job entails I suggest you find a different job. Your title as firefight doesn't make you automatically a hero or better than anyone else or require everyone else to respect you because you are a ff. Your entitlement mentality is no better than those that collect welfare because they don't want to work

Anonymous said...

4:24 pm said...

They're certainly not getting rich and work in a pretty stressful environment where they obviously get Monday Morning Quarterbacked to death by a group of individuals who either can't take the pay cut or can't pass the minimum testing and credentialing requirements in the first place to even attempt to do the job and actually see what it's all about.


Wah, Wah, Wah!

Take a pay cut? The paid firemen are some of the highest paid employees of the city of Salisbury. Quit whining and trying to make you guys sound like a hero. So what someone broke their leg. That doesn't make them a hero. People break their legs every day and they are not heroes. Many times they are doing something they weren't supposed to be doing. Just because you have 1 or 2 fires doesn't justify your existence as a paid fireman to sit around the majority of time you are on the job. You are an uneducated fool bragging about nothing.

JoeAlbero said...

I was asked to pop on here and take a look at these comments. Allow me to share the OTHER side to 4:24's comment.

You can sit there and point fingers at VOLUNTEERS but let me just say this. YOU are the kind of blind eyed person that makes it an almost impossible work environment possible for Volunteers at Station 16.

Oh, it's EASY to sit on this Blog through comments and make it LOOK like you encourage Volunteers but IF that place was anywhere near what it was DESIGNED to be and had the proper LEADERSHIP and MANAGEMENT you'd have Volunteers lining up like it was DESIGNED to be in the first place.

Let me say this as well. WTF are YOU doing with 130 ALLEGED Volunteers on your roster IF they aren't SERVING to the level and commitment YOU require.

Stop the BS and start acting like real men and clean up house.

Yes, my name ins on my comment because guess what, I'm a real man, NOT an alleged hero. You guys watch too may Batman and Superman movies over there.

Anonymous said...

Kudos to Joe.

Anonymous said...

Its interesting that the individual above would state there are 130 volunteers in Salisbury. Weld... where are you getting those numbers from? That number is very not accurate. There are alot of volunteers listed on paper but how many of those can ride a fire truck? How many are cadets, probes without a fire 1 or haz mat, how many are EMS Associates? Maybe the handful of volunteers you did get were all that were available. Maybe they where home with their family that the did not vet to spend time with during the week due to work and running calls through out the week. I am sorry for your 2 days at best you work a week allowing you to spend time with your loved ones. Didn't see any of you paid division come back to help. As far as discrimination of volunteers. It is all TRUE. We are treated differently, different requirements to drive equipment or disciplinary actions for everything or turned down for help with recruitment, paid division gets to have overtime to recruit for paid peoples. Lets talk about when volunteers need thing for their jobs with the fd and get pushed to the back burner or get hand me down junk not good enough for the paid division. I see all this as opertunity for a volunteer though. I see it for myself. I am just sitting back watching the show, waiting, compiling information to SUE the city ads as well as the SFD for discrimination.

Now... you talk crap about the volunteers... who pays the bills, pays for the crap the City won't. i.e. fire trucks, SCBA, Data terminals, Radios, A command vehicle, Chiefs or staff cars, a boat lift, furniture and numerous equipment for the citizens of Salisbury. In return we get crap from the paid people. Because the same classes and training that I have sat in with them makes them better than me some how.
So keep talking crap its ok we can take it. Boohoo when you can't get credit for what you don't do. Just be prepared to take the credit for what you do. I'm sure the court and the public would see it the volunteers way.