Incident: Warrant
Date of Incident: 2 December 2013
Location: Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Robert Leon Lewis Jr., 18, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 2 December 2013 at 10:20 AM, a deputy arrested Robert Lewis on a District Court Bench Warrant. The warrant had been issued after Lewis failed to obey the conditions of his pre-trial release in a trespassing case. The deputy transported Lewis to the Detention Center where he was detained without bond.
Charges: Failure to Follow Conditions of Pre-Trial Release

Lewis, Robert
Incident: Possession of CDS / DUI
Date of Incident: 2 December 2013
Location: Gunby Road, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Scott Michael Davis, 30, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 2 December 2013 at 1:00 PM, a deputy arrested Scott Davis in connection with an incident that had occurred back on 21 Nov 2013. In that incident, the Sheriff’s Office and EMS were summoned to the area of Gunby Road in Salisbury for the report of a vehicle stooped in the middle of the road with the operator passed out behind the wheel. The operator, Scott Davis of Salisbury, was discovered to be suffering the effects of being under the influence of what was suspected to be Heroin. That suspicion was supported by the discovery of heroin along with paraphernalia that included a syringe inside the vehicle. Upon the initial arrival of EMS, Davis was found unconscious with the vehicle in gear and his foot on the brake. Davis was transported to PRMC at the time of this incident. The investigating deputy applied for and received a warrant for the arrest of Davis. Upon arrest he was transported to the Central Booking Unit where he was processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, the Commissioner detained Davis in the Detention Center in lieu of $20,000.00 bond.
Charges: Possession of CDS, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and Driving Under the Influence of CDS

Davis, Scott
Incident: Wanted Fugitive / Possession CDS
Date of Incident: 2 December 2013
Location: 100 block of S. Division Street, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: Hezekiah McBride Purnell Jr., 47, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 2 December 2013 at 2:00 PM a deputy responded to the Wicomico County Library after receiving information that a wanted fugitive, Hezekiah Purnell, was inside. Upon arrival the deputy located Purnell sitting at one of the library computers surfing the internet. Upon being taken into custody, the deputy located a baggie of what was recognized as marijuana in Purnell’s pants pocket.
Purnell was wanted on a total of four (4) warrants:
- District Court Bench Warrant issued for Failure to Appear in a Marijuana Possession case.
- District Court Bench Warrant issued for Failure to Appear in a CDS Paraphernalia case.
- Child Support Body Attachment
- Child Support Body Attachment
Additionally, Purnell was also charged with Possession of CDS due to the marijuana located in his possession. Purnell was detained in the Detention Center on bond.
Charges: Possession of CDS, Failure to Appear and Child Support Non-Compliance

Purnell, Hezekiah
That's a good looking group of outstanding citizens.
Is Hezekiah male or female?
drugs and trespassing. meanwhile the thugs are uploading pics of themselves holding semi auto machine pistols. Sure glad the police got these hardened criminals off the street. I feel a lot safer. NOT!
This community continues to go further down the sewer. There is little a law abiding citizen can do but sell out and move.
Hey Joe, maybe you could do a story on those trying to get help for drug abuse in the state of Maryland. As far as I'm concerned there is none, well unless you have thousands of dollars or live off of the state. These doctors that have gotten caught prescribing too many perception pills have left many lives in ruins. Maybe instead of funding for bullshit programs and paving roads that don't need it Maryland can put their money into the people, citizens of this community that need it most.
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