Sen. Harry Reid, Nevada Democrat, said he wants to tweak the rules to stop Republicans from being able to filibuster when Mr. Obama nominates someone to fill an executive branch or independent agency job — though Mr. Reid would continue to allow filibusters for judges.
“The changes we’re making are very, very minimal. What we’re doing is saying, ‘Look, American people, shouldn’t President Obama have somebody working for him that he wants?’” Mr. Reid said on NBC’s“Meet the Press” program as he defended using the so-called “nuclear option” to change the rules.
Boring, Where are the firefighters eating lunch today?
they will have to live with it when things change
if you can't win the game change the rules.democrats are starting to aggravate me..
Let me get this straight. It is okay for the Dumbocrats to filibuster, but not okay for the Republicans to. The Dumbocrats are not thinking this through; when they want to filibuster they will be held to the same rulings they want to push on the other team. DUMB, DUMB, DUMBOCRATS.
Reid is as sleazy as they come, hence his nickname. The people of NV need to out this dimwit.
He will change it back after they get what they want . No morals these Dems. should realy look how under handed the party is from the top to the little mayors.
I'm with 1:44.
The dems & repubs are on the same side. Vote independent only.
We're all Bozo's on this bus...
Dirty Harry is looking to change the rules again. This time he came up with another fancy name "nuclear option", wow, so mysterious. We should call it - Dirty Harry Sleaze Ball Option, much better description. Everything coming out of his mouth should be flushed right down the sewer. People of Nevada, is this the best you got? Get rid of this clown.
Whorehouse Harry...what a hypocrite. Obama keeps getting in liberal/socialist/communist/muslim brotherhood (fill in the blank) types...our country has never been so close to going under...Obama and ilk have got to go!
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