A mother at a Wisconsin public school said her daughter’s eighth grade class was assigned a worksheet with some eyebrow-raising definitions for “conservatism” and “liberalism.”
Conservatism, it stated in part, believes in “preserving traditional moral values by restricting personal freedoms” while liberalism is for “equality and personal freedom for everyone.”
“This is indoctrination,” Tamra Varebrook, a Republican activist in Racine, Wis., told TheBlaze on Thursday after her 13-year-old daughter showed her the crossword-style vocabulary sheet from Union Grove Elementary School earlier this week. Varebrook first talked about the assignment with the news arm of the conservative Education Action Group.
The fact is, conservatism, in it's truest form, is dead. Not from the lack of public support, but from the spineless GOP leadership who know nothing about it, and vote that way.
12:04 I hate to say it but your right. Now for the 8th grader. They ment free stuff like food stamps,cell phones, housing . Free to kill babies free to take no responsabilty for yourself, free to leach off others, free to have 5 kids that you dont care for and free be be a wast of life.
Conservatives are all about controlling what you do in the bedroom.
129-Not true conservatives. What you speak of, really harkens back to the late 60's, when the dixie-crats left the democratic party and started voting Republican. The dixie-crats/"religious right" do not have a long history within the GOP. It's a relative new thing, and it's bastardizing(can't think of a better word, Joe) the true conservative ideals.
Only because you want us to pay for everything that goes on in your bedroom.
>>>Conservatives are all about controlling what you do in the bedroom.<<< Well, I'm conservative and I couldn't care less what you do in your bedroom - as long as you keep it there and don't get all up in my face with your particular perversions. I don't give a damn what you do with consenting partners.
4:29 Well they sure pull the strings of the party and they are strangling it to death.
An example would be the double down on gay marriage because the bedroom crowd blackmailed the party?
Fools, where were they going to go?
You bumps on a log give me a headache
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