Sublease offering flexible size and configurations. Tenant seeking to downsize and will vacate 100% or sublet portions of office, warehouse, or manufacturing. 100% HVAC with multiple loading configurations and functional sections. Designated enterprise zone offers qualified employers tax credits.
The information we have provided is current and accurate. Eight years ago the Daily Times had more than 100 employees and now they are down to a little more than a dozen.
One can only wonder what the RAIN TAX will cost them for their roof and blacktop? Great endorsement guys! The property above IS the current location of the Daily Times.
Hey Joe why don't you buy the property with that $250,000 they wouldn't let you give them for the firehouse?
They will get a waiver of some sort from the rain tax--just like any business will that is willing to donate large amounts of money to the Democrat Party. Just like the "lockdown" proposal of Ireton--it will only affect a business that hasn't donated heavily to the Democrat Party. This is how Facism works.
I worked in the building when it was Wheaton Pharmatec and Helvoet Pharma. I had a feeling back when the plant closed and no one would step up to the plate to keep them in town that it would only be a matter of time.
What a joke , Joe rent the daily times your bottom office space in your building it would be perfect for them and there 8 Employees?
I dont know why you EVER gave them an Interview in the first place, They are the bottom of the barrel Pt Media.
This blog is so much better than the Daily Times.x.
They could set up what they have left in a trailer park!
Gannett is not the only publication with a downsizing problem, or putting a building up for sale. Readers are being misinformed when one publication is singled out.
I stopped getting that liberal rag 7 years ago. Glad we have an alternative source for news and comment now. Usually I'm sorry to see any business go belly up but not in this case.
The Daily Times have hurt themselves by being a liberal Democratic publication. If you send them something that is anti Obama, O'Malley, or Conway and Mathias, they won't print it.
Thanks for the location. Now I know where to throw these orange bags they throw in my driveway.
Used to get that piece of crap paper for the ads. Not anymore.
There aren't any ads left in the paper. Sad how the owners have neglected what used to be a jewel for the community. Just more out-of-towners taking money out of the pockets of the local folks.
Thought the rain tax didn't apply to Eastern Shore counties.
Ireton has his rubber stamp to raise city taxes, and raise water/trash fees, that will just be less money the residents of this city have to spend and won't be good for any businesses. Lose lose situation. Jimmy wants to appear like he's going to be business friendly, however his fees and taxe hikes are just taking the backdoor approach to kill what few businesses are left.
wow seriously? they are worse than the enquirer!!! no one buys that wasted paper anyways... if i ever found a free one id let my dog use it to piss on... oh yea and id hope Jim Ireton's face was front and center!!!
Let's bring the rain to them. They keep throwing their orange plastic bags with Daily Slimes iin evertyone's driviveway. it's time to bring them back to their driveway.
what if my rain from my roof goes to my yard/grass?
I am fed up with this State.
I've saved mine up in garbage cans, so when I get enough to block a driveway, I do it at that building! It's fun! I collect from a few neighbors as well.
Obama Motors said...
Let's bring the rain to them. They keep throwing their orange plastic bags with Daily Slimes iin evertyone's driviveway. it's time to bring them back to their driveway.
April 12, 2013 at 3:36 PM
Absolutely. I now look forward to them throwing it in my driveway so I can return the favor and throw it back into their driveway. Let's see how they like it.
So, hey, there's a GREAT trailer park behind the old Boater's World building and Shell on North 13. Rent is cheap, and they may be able to survive on their last 375 subscribers!
Can Ireton match OMaleys 37 new TAXES/FEES?
I watched wboc at 5 tonight and there wasn't a single local news story. I am sick of all those commercials too.
change channel - 47 and 16 are about the same, weather every 3 minutes. Those commercials pay the bills
James Liarton is a real loser and I am still waiting for the Mojo's Victims to do the right thing and step up to the plate.
The DT brought this on themselves. They could enjoy readership at 40x if they ever decided to print the truth.
Wanna bet that the remaining people at the Daily Times will be gone by year's end
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