In a world of numbers now in the trillions, sixty six thousands doesn't sound like a whole lot. Well, my fingers tell a different story. My keyboards that no longer show the letters on each key tells a different story as well. I can tell you at 7:00 AM we already have Posts ready to go from 8 AM to midnight. We have toned it down somewhat by going to every 30 minutes after 5 PM but there's plenty of news out there we feel concerns our way of life and we're delivering what we feel might impact you.
We have experienced record breaking days for about a week now and yesterday was no exception. How and why, I just don't know. All I can say is, Salisbury News is kicking some butt out there and we thank each and every one of you for your support.
I thought I'd also take this opportunity to share with you the three little newborn kittens have been adopted by a wonderful Fruitland Family. They have hundreds of animals on their Farm and this is nothing new to them. They are in very good hands and we hope to keep you updated as time goes on.
Again, we thank you for your support and please don't forget those advertisers on Salisbury News. We don't just let anybody advertise here so please show your support and keep your money local. Have a great day.
P.S., We still have plenty of tee shirts and bumper stickers for anyone who'd like one, or two, or three. LOL
Joe, I heard a rumor that former John Robinson is Dr. Delusional and runs the site with Grinch, have you heard that?
Completely untrue. While we hear Taylor has ties to the owner of the Site, at this time we are keeping quiet as to who actually owns the site. We do know who it is. We have backed up their files and soon enough we will file suit against the owner. John Robinson has nothing to do with the site.
Don't you worry Josh, we're coming.
I am having my coffee as I type, like I do every morning with Salisbury News. Absolutely Love,Love,Love the site Joe.
Oh, Sooo happy about those little kittens----There's a Special place in heaven for you Joe!!
Thanks for saving them & thanks to the people in Fruitland!!!!!!
so does the person posting the 100,000th post get a free t shirt?
Anonymous 10:17
I want to spend the day with Joe!
That should be the prize!
joe thanks for the news! many things I didn't know about going on in the country until I read it on your site.
Yeah Josh, I thought that would shut your BIG MOUTH up. Get a really good lawyer because your going to need it. Ladies and Gentlemen, after these depositions are done I think it will be very interesting to see who's been tied up with whom. People are turning on this guy so fast it isn't funny.
I heard it was josh, now i know cause i read it on here
Josh who? Who is this guy? What has he done? I'm so confused.
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