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Sunday, October 09, 2011

A Death From Cancer, And A Search For Answers

Randy White had just buried a daughter, dead at 30 with a brain tumor. Now his other daughter had been diagnosed with growths in her abdomen.

When doctors told White in 2009 that their conditions were likely caused by something in their environment, the Frederick native thought of Fort Detrick. His children had grown up near the Armybase.

Detrick was home to the nation's biological weapons program from the 1940s through the 1960s. It remains a key center for medical research.


lmclain said...

Other than living near Ft Detrick, there was ANOTHER commanality --- they thought their leaders were always acting in their best interests. Sure, having a daughter dead at age 30 with that (very common) BRAIN cancer and then another daughter developing tumors, well, THAT'S just a coincindence and had NOTHING to do with a "cancer cluster" or ANY secret (actually beyond TOP SECRET) research. Just as the military placed American soldiers in trenches 500 yards from an atomic blast (for research purposes, of course), they have always accepted a certain amount of "losses". Not theirs, of course --- just ours. BUT, I can also understand the viewpoint of those who say the government is always interested in whats best for us and would never do anything to harm Americans. Okay, okay. I made that last part up....

Anonymous said...

Very sad for the family.
I pray and hope things get better.

Anonymous said...

Okay, okay. I made that last part up....

October 9, 2011 8:52 AM

I think you made the whole thing up.