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Friday, June 17, 2011


How about that - The Russians captured the Pirates, tied them up, put them on the boats, then set them all on fire - puff no more Pirates! 
NO POLITICAL CORRECTNESS BS HERE!   This video shows Russian Navy commandos on a Somalian pirate ship shortly after the pirates had captured a Russian oil tanker.  The  Euro Union navy that patrols these waters would not interfere because they feared there could be casualties.

All explanations are in Russian with a single exception of when a wounded pirate says something in English and the Russian soldier says "This is not a fishing  boat".  All conversations between the commandos are in Russian.  If you don't understand Russian, the pictures speak for themselves.

The soldiers freed their compatriots and the tanker.  The Russian Navy Commandos moved the pirates back to their own (pirate) ship, searched the pirate ship for weapons and explosives and then they left the ship and exploded it with all remaining pirates hand-cuffed to it.
The commandos sank the pirate ship along with the pirates and without any court proceedings, lawyers etc.  That is, they used the anti-piracy laws of the 18th and 19th centuries where the captain of the rescuing ship has the right to decide what to do with the pirates.  Usually, they were hung.

I would think from now on, Russian ships will not be targets for Somali pirates.


Anonymous said...

That made my day !! The Russians were laughing as the boat blew up !! F$#@ the pirates !

Anonymous said...

good for the russians, at least some govt has some sense. if all govts would do the same thing, pirates would be as scarce as chicken lips. thanks sjd

Anonymous said...

that concludes our "geterdun" moment in world history.

Anonymous said...

The United States would have spent more than a billion dollars keeping these guys locked up waiting for a fair trial while feeding them and giving them shelter, probably better than any of them have ever had. Eventually they would have been deported to do it again.

The U.S. sucks in matters such as this.

Anonymous said...

Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!

Anonymous said...

Obama says "no leave my peoples alone you DAWG."

Alex said...

The video is titled with an old Russian expression "без суда и следствия", meaning without investigation and trial. They used this back in Stalinist times. Basically, it means that the crime is so evident that the sentence can be carried out right away.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you screw with the russians (especially at sea), you might be screwing with the wrong guys. Good for them in this case. F'in pirates. To heck with all of 'em.