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Friday, April 22, 2011

SAPOA President Calls Police on Salisbury Councilman

As reported in this morning’s Daily Times, Salisbury Area Property Owners’ Association (SAPOA) President Kris Adams filed a police report alleging that Salisbury city councilman Tim Spies "… insulted her and she perceived a threat". This incident occurred Monday evening in the council chambers after the swearing in of new council members.
No charges were filed. Spies was not even aware that the Salisbury Police had been called until Tuesday during the city council’s work session.
A few minutes after the incident, Spies spoke about it. According to Spies, Adams and her daughter Alex (a student at Salisbury University and the purported publisher of The Other Salisbury News blog) were sitting in the council chambers and Alex Adams began making faces at Spies while he was delivering his comments after being sworn in. This is confirmed by Mayor Jim Ireton. In a statement to the Daily Times, Ireton said:
"The Adams' family has a history of aggressive behavior with elected officials," he said in a written statement. "I watched the family heckle and make faces at Councilman Spies. This behavior is par for the course."
Similar behavior from Miss Adams was also witnessed during the Camden Neighborhood Association’s candidate forum prior to the recent council elections.
After the meeting, Kris Adams approached Spies. Spies stated that he asked Adams if her daughter “had a touch of Tourette’s”. Adams suggested that Spies ask her. She then brought her daughter up to Spies. When Spies asked her about making faces while he was speaking, she mumbled, “Oh, I didn’t think you saw that.”. A few moments later, Adams came up to Spies and accused him of “intimidating her family”.
At the time this story was relayed, it was considered a mildly humorous anecdote and not thought to be newsworthy. It wasn’t until Adams filed a police report that she made it so.


Anonymous said...

Classic SAPOA nonsense. If I were a landlord in Sby, I would not want these people representing me.

SAD FACE said...

Stiff-Stiff-cry-cry- somebody looked at me mom!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why does everyone want to copy you and your blog?

I took a peek at it and as usual, it's crap.

Gull this and gull that. Must be a college puke trying to make a name for him/her self.

Looks like they figure if they do the opposite of what you do it will get them some points.

I especially liked the brown nosing part directed at sherrif mike.

Oh well, I only wasted 30 seconds or so of my life looking it over.

Anonymous said...

"After the meeting, Kris Adams approached Spies."
That's as far as I need to read. It's obvious this woman was out to start trouble.
And a bit of advice to the daughter-You are not cute, you are not being clever. If you ever intend to be taken seriously start acting like you have a brain instead of like a simpleton!
Maybe I'm barking up the wrong tree with the daughter though as Mayor Ireton states this type of behaviour is "par for course" for this family. It could be a genetic thing-you know a deficency in intelligence, good judgement and common sense.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps young Alex is mimicing Mayor Ireton's infantile behavior. Oops-guess not infantile. Infants don't get drumk and stagger all over DT Salisbury on 3rd Friday. (no, I am not a family member or friend of the Adams')

Anonymous said...

Lol, really Anon 12:25? You're not a member or friend of the Adams? I couldn't tell!

Anonymous said...

11:59 I've looked in on that blog also. I find it so amusing that some are so very very obsessed with Joe Albero/Salisbury News. It's like it's becoming a new mental disorder. Some of these people literally devote their entire days to writing about Sby News and Joe. It is so funny.

Oh and Joe's picked up some new cult members. I was talking with someone who works with children with learning disabilities mostly brought on by Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. They found out about Sby News after hearing Roberta's Ramblings. You are their hero, Joe. They said they wish they had a "Joe Albero" in their neck of the woods because in their opinion these parents need a dose of public humiliation.

Anonymous said...

Why would Alex mimic anyone, 12:25? That's infantile. Oops infants don't mimick. Must be the genetic predisposition to not having a functioning brain!

Anonymous said...

It is time for Kris Adams to step down from sapoa! As a landlord in the group she is not representing us in a favorable light. Her cheap parlor tricks do not impress me and are bringing unwanted attention to the group. I am ashamed she is president of our organization. I know with this recent outburst sapoa will feel the heat from her actions. Kris you need to stop running your mouth and keep a leash on your daughter. All this is doing is getting the Mayor and entire council to put a spotlight on our organization.

Anonymous said...

I never looked at that blog before, but eeeeeeeeewwwwwww! And your mother kisses you with this mouth?
And what has Adams' daughter got against Spies, anyway? Did you ever meet him and talk with him before this?
I think it's just what it seems to be -- an attempt to quietly and humorously let Kris Adams' daughter slide out of her repeatedly dumb public behavior with some dignity. Too bad she and her mom were too dumb to see it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:37-

From what I hear, Kris tried pretty hard to keep a leash on her daughter. But the kid is twenty-two, there's only so much leashing a parent can do at that age.

Anonymous said...

Question G.A.,

If Spies didn't know about it until tuesday, then why did he speak about it "A few minutes after the incident..." ? Seems like a contradiction to me....

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 12:37, it's interesting you say that. I pretty much had the same conversation with Kris several weeks ago when I asked her why her Daughter started up a Blog named after mine. She assured me that there would be NO personal attacks, yet that too was a complete lie. It clearly shows she has no control over her Daughters behavior, not that she should, she's an adult. However, my child would never go on the attack like her Daughter is and in my opinion the Daughter has a lot of screws loose in her head.

I too cannot understand why most, (if not all) of these anti Albero people can't just try to do some good for their community instead of living every single breath of their being obsessing over Joe Albero.

Then again, every time they mention me our hits go up, we get new and devoted readers who are educated enough to look at people like Granny and realize she too has pretty much every screw loose in her head.

Let them obsess. Let Kris continue ranting like a sore loser. Let her use her Daughter as the middle person. Don't you think for a second that the old Tilghman administration isn't behind their entire being. They are ALL sore losers who pat suckers on the back while the say raunchy things about me, my Wife and Grandson.

Patterson, be very scared. Your day is coming very soon and your employer will be overwhelmed too.

I too believe Kris will step down from SAPOA very soon.

Anonymous said...

Infants do mimic (can you spell, 12:36?)

Anonymous said...

SAPOA is useless. A bunch of old, white rich men hiding behind a woman's skirts.

Anonymous said...

12:37. Adams should step down or be forced to resign if that's possible.
She is a liability to the SAPOA. She is lacking in diplomacy, grace and charm. All sucessful business woman know these 3 qualities are paramount to sucess.
Adams antics which include heckling and face making is the behavior exhibited by clowns in the side show at the circus. Such behavior at a city council meeting or at a candidates forum is unprofessional and uncalled for.

Anonymous said...

wow so Kris Adams is a moron huh? i have heard the name a few times and it is never associated with anything good. maybe someone should tell her that if she has any "real" issues or concerns, no one will ever take her seriously as long as she continues to act like an ass in public. im really tired of all the bs that goes on in the salisbury govnt. is there anyone out there that actually cares about getting anything done or do they just use each and every council meeting to air their personal beefs with anyone and everyone in town. and i dont care if the mayor drinks on the weekends as long as he's not signing any new laws or making the budget at the bar. get a life people. this town just sucks. period

Fruitland Patriot said...

I tried to tell all of you guys/girls about "The Adams Family" They are snakes in the grass....Just go look at their place in Fruitland, what a dump! They have the inspector and the city manager in thier pocket...Illegal rentals in that building, their sneaking rentals in the back of that same building....I see dont see how the Flannery's can run a resturaunt out of there either....complaining does not a bit of good....They Adams man and critter getters man are just about at blows all the time..people always up there arguing and complaining about not getting paid....eletric company turning their eletric off for non payment....What a mess.....but I guess thats the norm these days....

Anonymous said...

If she can not keep a leash on her daughter what in the world is her daughter doing at that meeting anyway. I fell she uses the cover of her daughter to promote her own personal agenda. There was no value in her daughter even being at that meeting. Time for Kris to step down!

Joseph Albero said...

Kris, if YOU want to make a comment, DO IT WITH YOUR REAL NAME and not anonymously.

Better yet, use your Daughters Blog to spew your defense, anonymously. No one goes there anyway.

Anonymous said...

Geez you would think the president of the SAPOA would be setting an example and her own properties look like show places? How was she voted in by a board or by the general memembership? Either way she isn't leadership material for a property owners association if her own properties aren't in tip top shape.

Anonymous said...

She is a Joke. I rented from them years ago and in todays standard that house would have been the slum of the week. She needs to go back to teaching and stop playing office!

Anonymous said...

What I do not understand is how a powerful group like SAPOA ends up with a president like Kris Adams. Were they looking for the minority vote or applying for a federal grant and needed women in charge? I know she is just a puppet but I would expect a better leader and someone with cooth and class out of that group.

Anonymous said...

This daughter is the purported publisher of "The Other Salisbury News" blog? Might she be Black Sheba? If this is true it's disturbing. Why would a university student even concern themselves with such nonsense? She should be worried about such things as planning a community garden, or making arrangements to help a busy mother this summer or even fashion or planning with friends to rent a place at a beach so they can waitress for the summer or a vacation with friends. It's really sick what she is doing, if it's true.

Anonymous said...

1:38 PM

It took a lot of effort to read your post, and I still don't understand all of it.

Not to be mean or anything, but could you use punctuation and proof read it? thks

Anonymous said...

Just like the Tilghman family (mother/daughter) - the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Anonymous said...

Oh I understood 1:38's comment perfectly so I'll clarify it for you 3:47. The properties owned by the Adams' are horrible and most people wouldn't even let their dog live in them is what the comment means in a nutshell!

Anonymous said...

1:38 should make better use of their time and be a paid proof reader some where other than here. Joe does not care if a word is mispelled or if it is set not sit or who or whom. Who cares? or is it whom cares??

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 4:37, who or whome, who cares! LOL

Anonymous said...

The SOPOA President is classless and clueless. She'll do anything for attention. I'm embarassed for her. She's raising a carbon copy daughter. She couldn't handle herself in a professional manner if she tried.

Anonymous said...

I was raised to be respectful. What a mom. She should have insisted that her daughter apologize. I don't care how old she is. Instead, she defends the indefensible. What kind of a role model is that?

Anonymous said...


OMG-get out of the Dark Ages!
Women have voices now. Do you keep your women BF and preg? We should only engage in gardening, homemaking and vactioning??? Pardon me, while I go powder my nose and adjust my Wonder-bra.

Anonymous said...

Her behavior is hateful and unprofessional. Using the Gulls and tying the behavior to SU also reflects badly upon a school that is trying to be a good citizen. What a shame that she can't behave with some dignity and respect.

Anonymous said...

The Adams family are at it again, after leaving television.

Joseph Albero said...

Hey Alex, (Kris Adams Daughter) take your BS elsewhere, along with your Mother. Your comments are not welcome here either, especialy anonymously.

I have rejected Kris and Alex's comments, probably doing them a favor from being attacked as Idiots anyway.

Cory said...

Adams is a nutty one ive met Spies on a few occasions in my neighborhood the only threat Spies is to Adams is with all the properties Adams either owns or manages.... Sorry Kris Adams there is finally some changes coming to the Camden neighborhood and its not in the renter's favor. Id love to see every converted house around here be turned back into single family homes and not turned into apartments simply to get around the 4 to 2 rule

Anonymous said...

What a great waste of $60,000 to send this kid to college when all she's going to be known for is being a doofus. Lots of other kids would have been glad to take her place and make something of themselves instead of being brainwashed by a mother who has no good regard for anybody she can't manipulate. Too bad.

Anonymous said...

4:37 PM

Not being a proof reader. Just asking, politely, what the message was that he was trying to convey.

You are either the author of that post or, the same level of intellect that you can understand it.

I could not, that's why I asked, politely, for clarity.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 4:37, who or whome, who cares! LOL

4:38 PM

Obviously, you don't. What's a whome?

Anonymous said...

Low lifes in my opinion.

Women who file false complaints make it hard for those who have real ones.

What a disgrace these women are.

This organization she heads, are they really so stupid as to keep her on? Terrible reflection on them, just terrible.

stoker said...

SAPOA is the reason Salisbury is in the shape it is today, crime and drugs, run down housing, terrible streets and sidewalks and nobody has the balls to do anything about it. Be damned if I would ever move back into the city limits of Salisbury. And I bet most if not all of the SAPOA guru's live in the county or other places.

Anonymous said...

4:37 PM

I didn't know Joe paid to be a proof reader. If he does, he certainly is being ripped off. A lot on here couldn't pass a sixth grade spelling bee.

But there again, there are a lot that act like they are in the sixth grade. Right, Joe?

Anonymous said...

4:38 PM

Protecting your classmates joe?

Anonymous said...

To Mr.Spies, I am sorry for the low class stupidity of some, sorry for the petty a... bull, I am sorry so much is made of the negative instead of the positive, I guess it shows that we the people who elected him will not abide the low class hateful behavior of some. We support Mr.Spies, the new council the mayor and those who hope for a new beginning for the city; those that would be detractors should crawl back into thier hovels and get a life.

Anonymous said...

What losers,
we have 5 rentals and will never join that lousy org.
That idiot woman is convinced she is intelligent and that is the most dangerous type.

Anonymous said...

I cannot tell you how sickening it is to find out that a female is writing that filth on that blog! I looked at it a couple of times and it was so bad I clicked out and never went back. It would be bad enough if it were a man but a woman with that kind of language is pure trash in my opinion. She needs to attend a class on being a lady instead of a tramp.

Anonymous said...

Fruitland Patriot

Where do you get your info?
I was at the City Meeting on the 12th and it looked like Critter and Adams were quite hugged up!

Anonymous said...

8:43 I completely agree. Totally crude and tasteless!

Anonymous said...

And the circus continues

Anonymous said...

I think that this is just the first that we will see from SAPOA and the old Tilghman/Dunn group to disrupt the city in order to position themselves to take it back in two years. They created financial disaster, ruined neighborhoods, let crime get way out of control, built an experimental WWTP that doesn't work. Then they walked away. They all quit...Tilghman, Dunn, Comegys, Cathcart, Comegys... and left something that is a no win situation to try to fix. They will snipe fromt eh sidelines for the next two years and then promote a new "Dream Team." I wish the new council all the best as they try to sort through this and hope that the Mayor will get rid of any staff members who still work for Tilghman.

Anonymous said...

this is the ONLY blog, and I love that "touch of Tourettes". awesome.

Anonymous said...

5:15 why do you say I'm living in the Dark Ages? I am only relating what my friend's university attending children are doing. At the risk of sounding like an elitest all these children are from high income families. Those in high income brackets tend to spend their time either giving back to the community or preparing for their futures. They wouldn't dream of having their names attached to such filth as that other blog.

Anonymous said...

That lady is Nuts! Her rants and using her daughter as the scapegoat for her actions is just sad. Looks like SAPOA has lost credibality and is resulting to people like Kris Adams playing childless games. I thought that group was full of heavy hitters? I can not believe Kris Adams is the best they can do! I see issues coming for that group.

Anonymous said...

I hope the Camden crew takes back their neighborhood and Kris Adams has to turn all her crappy houses back into single family rentals. Karma is a b Kris and you will feel the heat for this recent outburst. Your daughter needs to stay out of business that does not include her and focus on her studies.

Anonymous said...

Alex is hated by most at SU. Many of us will smile when she walks by but behind her back we all laugh at her ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

.......I wish the new council all the best as they try to sort through this and hope that the Mayor will get rid of any staff members who still work for Tilghman......

10:04 AM


John Pick, Lore Chambers, Paul Wilbur, Tom Stevenson, etc.

This should have been done 2 years ago, but Jim Liarton didn't have the balls to do so. These people are your enemy Jim Liarton and you are such a pu$$y trying to by their love with pay raises and promotions like the bull crap you pulled last year with Chambers. These people are working behind the scenes to dethrone you Jim Liarton and you are to stupid to see it.

Joseph Albero said...

Dear Kris and Alex,

As I stated earlier, you created your own format to publish personall attacks against me, use it but do NOT come here and atempt to put up anonymous comments without using your name. I'd be more than happy to publish your comments if you want to use your real names. Until then, you can expect each and every one of them to be rejected.

Don't challenge me with censorship. You have every right to state your position but you will be ACCOUNTABLE for what you say.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Salisbury, you've reached another milestone of low!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

This daughter is the purported publisher of "The Other Salisbury News" blog? Might she be Black Sheba? If this is true it's disturbing. Why would a university student even concern themselves with such nonsense? She should be worried about such things as planning a community garden, or making arrangements to help a busy mother this summer or even fashion or planning with friends to rent a place at a beach so they can waitress for the summer or a vacation with friends. It's really sick what she is doing, if it's true.

3:04 PM

That was my first guess that she is Black Sheba. She is also posting drivel on the fat man's blog.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

5:15 why do you say I'm living in the Dark Ages? I am only relating what my friend's university attending children are doing. At the risk of sounding like an elitest all these children are from high income families. Those in high income brackets tend to spend their time either giving back to the community or preparing for their futures. They wouldn't dream of having their names attached to such filth as that other blog.

10:23 AM

Because that was an anonymous post from Alex "Black Sheba" Adams herself!!

Anonymous said...

drama drama drama. can we pls get past the high school crap? the women don't have the correct plumbing to have a pissing contest anyway

Anonymous said...

10:04 is a comment worthy of a post.

and sorry to say 12:23 is right. many wish the mayor would wake up.

Anonymous said...

2:01 That all depends whether you do kegels religiously.

Anonymous said...

They're creepy and they're kooky,
Mysterious and spooky,
They're all together ooky...

Anonymous said...

Their house is a museum,
Where people come to see 'em,
They really are a scream....

Anonymous said...

I can appreciate Kris's approach to the council...shes getting ur attention isn't she!! Dang right...give us a meeting Mr. mayor or are you two scared you will loose the minority vote if you fold to SAPOA...

G. A. Harrison said...

Anon 1933 -

You're kidding, right?

Filing a false police report (her daughter's own blog pretty much proves that) isn't really a way to get the attention of anyone other than the folks at the state hospital.

While I have stated on multiple occasions that Ireton is wrong for not sitting down with SAPOA, I fully expect that the new council will. What will happen then? SAPOA doesn't get its way a screams that they weren't listened to?

They deserve to have their say. They do not deserve to have their way. That should depend solely on the merits of their arguments.

Anonymous said...

Fold to SAPOA? The codes and compliance is already written and has been for many years. It is now time to enforce said codes. It's SAPOA squirming like the snakes they are now. The only one's afraid of SAPOA are their tenents.

Anonymous said...

Good commentary, G.A. SAPOA does deserve to sit down with council, and probably will get the chance. But it's a good bet that council will be a lot more demanding of SAPOA when they do --- they won't be so ridiculouly easy to sway as the previous council they had in their pocket all along --- they're going to look for facts, not the foolisness that SAPOA is known for when it tries to debate, like the drivel and whining they tried to present as truth during the housing law meetings.

Anonymous said...

G.A. how's the new council supposed to sit down with someone who's filed a false complaint with police against a council member? Isn't SAPOA also suing the city? Can the council even sit down with these people? If you ask me, Adams and the nutcases running SAPOA have cut their own throats.

Anonymous said...

Tim Spies:
False Imprisonment, Assault, Intimidation by a public official, and being a freaking butt hole.
He grabbed the girls hand and pulled her into him. Kinda perverted but also wouldn't let go and squeezed her hand extremely hard. He is a nurse then he knew this was way overboard.
NICE START! I am sorry I ever supported the IDIOT!
happened right after I saw you. Your a drunk GA. And your worse your a liar and you think Albero is a god. Your an fool!
WHY SHOULD I PUT MY NAME WHEN YOU WONT PRINT IT. OR BETTER YET. JOE or you will put up this comment with someone else name attached. YOUR GOING DOWN!

Joseph Albero said...

ROTFLMAO! Thanks for the morning laugh.

Anonymous said...

10:39 if you saw something like that happening why didn't you intervene. You are either spineless or didn't see it because it didn't happen in the manner that you have explained (that;s my guess...didn't happen that wasy, but suits your purposes to say it did).

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Gee, 10:39, I heard that he held her hand so tight that her nails bled and she passed out from the pain and couldn't escape his Schwartzenegger-like grip if she even wanted to, and that he backed her and her mother and one other person over some chairs into a corner and that he held his other three hands over their mouths so that they couldn't cry for help, and with his other SIX hands prevented them from getting to their cell phones! And that he held them in some sort of hypnotic trance while he did it!!
God, what a monster!!

Anonymous said...

10:39 is probably Adams or her daughter. "Pervert"? In a crowd? Yeah, right. Shook her poor widdle hand too hard? How would you know? Was it your hand? G.A. Harrison a drunk? 10:39, you can't even keep your lies straight.

A decorated American veteran being disparaged by what appears to be an aggressive foul-mouthed family. I know what side I'd pick if I was police or a judge.

Just my humble opinion.

Anonymous said...

You are so funny 10:39! I bet your name is Pinocchio.

Salisbury's gotten out of control with the slums and ghetto appearance of some of the dwellings. There should be zero tolerance for these types of places and code violations should be written and fines imposed if attempts aren't made to correct the problems in a reasonable amount of time. If the landlords have to do the work themselves and work 24/7 to get their properties in shape than so be it. No one forced them to buy these properties. This old saying fits-they grew it now they can chew it! I own numerous commerical properties that I lease out and they look like show places. I know all about residential rentals also and they are nothing but a hassle but if you choose to buy and lease them out then they need to be kept up.

Anonymous said...

Your is the second person possessive adjective, used to describe something as belonging to you. Your is nearly always followed by a noun.
What is your name?
Is this your pen?
Your book is on the table.

You're is the contraction of "you are" and is often followed by the present participle (verb form ending in -ing).
You're going to be late.
Is that what you're wearing?
I think you're lying.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

I can appreciate Kris's approach to the council...shes getting ur attention isn't she!! Dang right...give us a meeting Mr. mayor or are you two scared you will loose the minority vote if you fold to SAPOA...

7:33 PM

Poor grammar...must be from one of the undereducated money grabbers of the Slumlords!

Anonymous said...

7:33 There's no reason for the Mayor to "give" you a meeting. The SAPOA has no credibility and is nothing more than a joke. When and if your organization decides to become serious and gets rid of the president who condones disrespectful behaviour toward persons of authority by her disturbed daughter then maybe he should change his mind. Until then the Mayor should just ignore your silly group.

Anonymous said...

Of course Adams and crew don't like a military vet who has served our country (honor)...not to mention the fact that Spies is a MENSA member (smarts.... neither are qualities that they seem to understand or appreciate.

Anonymous said...

3:30 PM

geesh and people get on me for being a spell checker. he goes nuts over one word.

G. A. Harrison said...

Anon 1039 -

Here is your comment:

Tim Spies:
False Imprisonment, Assault, Intimidation by a public official, and being a freaking butt hole.
He grabbed the girls hand and pulled her into him. Kinda perverted but also wouldn't let go and squeezed her hand extremely hard. He is a nurse then he knew this was way overboard.
NICE START! I am sorry I ever supported the IDIOT!
happened right after I saw you. Your a drunk GA. And your worse your a liar and you think Albero is a god. Your an fool!
WHY SHOULD I PUT MY NAME WHEN YOU WONT PRINT IT. OR BETTER YET. JOE or you will put up this comment with someone else name attached. YOUR GOING DOWN!
10:39 AM

We're taking things a tad too personally, aren't we?

It's really strange. I actually had a lot of respect for Kris Adams prior to this incident. I just happen to think that she allowed her emotions to get the better of her. Sadly, she is the person who filed a police report against an elected official. That makes it news. The fact that there wasn't much credibility to her claim made it worthy of an editorial.

For this, I'm threatened? C'mon! You are proving yourself to be everything that you claim Joe Albero to be (and fortunately isn't).

I particularly like the reference to my drinking. While I hardly qualify as a teetotaler (like the evil Albero), I can't tell you when the last time I had more than one beer in a 24 hour period was. The last time I had one was the night of the Salisbury elections. I can't tell you time before that.

Pick on my weight, or something that actually has some weight.

As for putting your name on a comment ... whether you are attacking me, or people I like and respect, or people I don't ... If you can't sign your name to it, that makes you a coward. It's as simple as that.