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Saturday, March 12, 2011

SHHHHHH, Mayor Ireton Doesn't Want You To Know............

Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton spent the good part of his day yesterday in Annapolis with his good buddy Governor Martin O'Malley. Why, might you ask. Well, Mayor Ireton was in Annapolis to testify on behalf of his support towards House Bill 1107, forcing every single property owner in Maryland on a septic system to spend tens of thousands of dollars upgrading their system. Better yet, Ireton wants YOU to be forced into the municipal Waste Water Treatment Plant, THAT DOESN'T WORK!

The Salisbury WWTP fails to meet MDE standards and is now in litigation to fight those involved in engineering it. The taxpayers of Salisbury will certainly be screwed but how shameful is it of Governor O'Malley to INVITE the Mayor  to speak on behalf of support HB 1107 when the City of Salisbury not only doesn't comply with such standards, they're one of the biggest polluters in the state of Maryland with polluting the Wicomico River.

No doubt, Mayor Ireton will be a one term Mayor, so why the picture below of former Council President Mike Dunn? It has been reported that Mike Dunn recently purchased a home on Forest Lane in the City Limits. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Mike Dunn will more than likely run for the next Mayor of Salisbury. You know, we're this close, I'm not talking this close, I'm talking this close Dunn! Growth pays for growth, Dunn. Sassafras Meadows, Dunn. Salisbury Waste Water Treatment Plant, Dunn. $14,000,000.00 Fir Palace, Dunn. Salisbury Mall TIF, Dunn. Shall I go on?

Yeah, let's bring it on right here and now because Mike Dunn personally told me he wanted to get back into local politics and when you've got a Mayor like jim Ireton trying to screw the rural residents of the Eastern Shore by forcing them into a municipalal WWTP when it doesn't even work, Dunn might just have a chance at winning and they know it.

Now here's where Dunn comes into the picture. Here's another growth pays for growth situation where, (without any doubt) Dunn would support the Governor as well because it means that everyone would soon be forced into connecting with Salisbury's WWTP as this may be one of the only ways to get $120,000,000.00 Salisbury taxpayers will be forced to pay.

Isn't it interesting how the State made it look like new codes and standards for municipal waste systems are necessary, the con everyone into supporting it and when they find themselves in a financial bind they find yet another way to create legislation to pay for it. Yeah, I'd say its a perfect match for Dunn and the old Tilghman Administration.

Here's what I also think. I think Salisbury is getting ready to crash in a bigger way than any of you realize. If you think the City is going to just pull money out of a hat to help pay for new Fire Stations, Fire Boats, WWTP, cleaning the river, (perhaps this is what Ireton meant by cleaning it) multi million dollar buildings at the FREE Zoo and the list just goes on and on, you'd be sadly mistaken. The ONLY way they're going to be able to continue paying for these things is by raising taxes and fees.

Fingers will be pointed in all directions as to who's fault it is. Unfortunately, NO ONE is looking deep enough into the future, (political candidate wise) to actually improve our situation. Not just locally but throughout the state as well. If someone, (ANYONE) builds a new Mall in Delmar, say goodbye to Salisbury all together.

Will your future choices be Mike Dunn vs. Jim Ireton in the next election. My guess is, yes. Is there one, just one individual stable enough with a successful business background who lives in the City of Salisbury with enough wisdom and experience to save the City before it becomes even more corrupt and desperate? OR, Can Salisbury even be saved at this point?


LadyLibertarian said...

Joe, it may also surprise you that Mayor Ireton has taken to PERSONALLY driving through the Camden neighborhood that experienced the "SWAT" experience of Neighborhood Services Code and Compliance back in February. He also sends his NSCC minions to drive past the homes that received citations for very minor cosmetic issues SEVERAL times a day to "check up" on the work being performed. He was seen personally being driven around examining the work being done on at least one house, and his NSCC minions are seen several times a day by people driving past homes making sure things are being done. One (I can give their name) even parks their truck and eats their lunch and takes a nap and just sits around on the clock, doing nothing. I have seen that myself. All this being done by a city that is nearly bankrupt. The taxpayers are paying to be bullied by this mayor. He doesn't give a whit about Compliance, all he wants to do is get money in the city coffers.

Anonymous said...

That picture of Dunn still gives me the willies.

Anonymous said...

Might as well move to Salisbury Joe, and run - so the city will be run the way it should be run, if you run and won.

Anonymous said...

The choices just keep getting better and better. Happy Hour Brad Gillis and now the King of TIF's, Mike Dunn. Time to pack up and head for the hills.

Anonymous said...

That may be the only way Ireton can win a second term. Like the last election, the other choice would cause me to throw my vote to him.

Anonymous said...

Dunn is purchasing a house on Forest Lane so he will once again be a city resident.

Anonymous said...

3:08 Not only will he be a resident he will be a member of the Camden Neighborhood Association, reporting back to SAPOA. He should just give up, nobody wants him for a neighbor. He ran out of the city as soon as he gave up his council seat now he wants to come back?

Anonymous said...

Funny how someone manages to bring sapoa into the mix, Seems to me the members of sapoa are only ones fighting back with lawsuits to stop excessing fining and fees. ireton is a bum. I don't know much about Brads polictical views but I'm sure he would do better job the what we have now. Nearly every business owner in town hates ireton. He only got elected because no one in this stupid town votes except for the yuppy ireton followers. I wonder if people forced to hook up to city sewer would be able to vote in the city elections? Prob not I'm sure. They would just be forced to do it and have no say in it. Sounds like America

Anonymous said...

Mike Dunn? You've got to be kidding! What a fool he made of himself when he sat at the Council table. Choice between Ireton and Dunn? That's no choice at all. I think it's time to bring back Barrie.

lmclain said...

Thgis is so absolutely disgusting, it's beyond words.....these are our "leaders"? All they do is look for ways to gouge the people...fines, fees, surcharges, etc... one politician screws things up, then another runs on a platform of "change", HE screws things up even more and the next one runs on guessed it ---"change"....and we keep voting, thinking one of them will actually change something, other than the fines, fees, surcharges, new police "campaigns", new taxes, etc....and no one ever goes to jail for the damage they do...and I'm specifically referring to that rip of WWTP.....

Anonymous said...

Imclain nailed it. If only the people is Salisbury would show up to the voting booths and make some changes. Cops rarely do anything to help citizens out, inspectors pass out fines all day for minor infractions like mildew and grass in sidewalks, fines are times by a hundred for minor clerical errors, no one ever gets in trouble for vandalism or break-ins, waters and sewer rates are increased during a recession, assessment somehow go up in a recession, impact fees, outrageous tap-in fees, 16 months plus for a liquor license, metered parking everywhere while trying to attract people downtown, gouging business owner like the knors until they take their brewery to Delaware, 4 to 2, false alarms charges for $150, etc etc etc. They will milk this town till it's gone.

Anonymous said...

Dunn or Gillis. That's no choice!

Dunn's a Barrie clone who thinks he's better than everybody except his pals in SAPOA.

Brad Gillis is the perfect SAPOA candidate. If they don't tell him what to say his father does.

Anonymous said...

Again isn't SAPOA the only ones fighting back? And what's the slander on gillis for? His father is partners in a very professional contracting business and provides jobs to many local construction workers. Gillis works for Sperry which manages more than 90% of all commercial property in wicomico county and is very good at his job. They sound like winners. In fact the majority of the members at sapoa sound like winners. Isnt that what a dying city needs? Not to mention the members of sapoa provide hundreds of jobs. Why do people keep bashing them. This city has problems because of it's leadership, stop pointing the finger. Most of the sapoa members can't even vote in city elections. And don't even start about extorting tenants to vote in their favor. Elections are anonymous. This is our problem caused by our city citizens.