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Sunday, January 09, 2011

Today's Survey Question

Do you believe our nation's polarized political climate is causing shootings and questionable packages?


Anonymous said...


The real question is: how many people can answer this question and not blame Obama or Palin?

Anonymous said...

I think the democrats have been the root of most of our problems and evil.

Think about it, Obamacare forced on us, gays in the military forced on us, Christianity taken out of our schools and government properties, extremely high taxes and Islam and Mulsims forced on us by who? The Democrats. They just don't get it.

Orsonwells said...

I don't think so. While it may be the reason given by the whack jobs that perpetrate these crimes, it's the fact that they are whack jobs that is causing the incidents. They are going to act out at some time or another no matter the subject matter.

People are engaging in the politics verbally and in writing, as they should.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


The real question is: how many people can answer this question and not blame Obama or Palin?

12:45 PM

Look you moron, I don't blame Obama I blame idiots like you who voted for him.

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 12:45

Blame needs to be passed somewhere. However, while I agree with your comment, do we blame parties instead? For what its worth, perhaps we should blame the American voters instead or better yet, those who do not vote.

The blame could be spread just about everywhere. The answer, violence by killing people isn't the answer. The American way is your vote.

Anonymous said...

Yes . . .definately. The roots of our Constitution are trying to be eradicated by some of our elected officials.

It has created panic among many Americans.

Monty Vernon said...

It certainly contributes to it. We are at a decisive moment in our history and there are people on both sides who are passionate about their beliefs.
However, I'm confident that the left will try to use these types of incidents (which they may actually stage themselves as they've done in the past) as an excuse to 'crack down' on conservatives and try to disarm the people.
You'll see that happening shortly.

Anonymous said...

There have always been wackos and nut-jobs. They may be standing behind the guise of current political issues, but, I think it is just nuts being nuts.

Anonymous said...

Yes, our elected representatives have not been listening, and have not been representing the best interests of the people who they are supposed to represent. The problems of this country are now coming home to roast!
I really think this is the tip of the iceberg of things that are yet to happen. I think people in general are fed up with the kind of government we are getting. The problems of outsourcing, high taxation, corruption, illegal immigration, and the moral corruption of society in general.
What I am afraid of, is what government is going to do next to law abiding citizens who do not break law, but have guns for protection because society is starting to become unraveled. They will use a crisis like this to pass more laws to remove more of our rights! What did was wrong, but I am not surprised.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely yes, You have the main stream media lying constantly to the public keeping them divided and then you have Liberals forcing government control and groups like ACORN rigging elections. Even though this latest shooting was Democrat on Democrat it still illustrates how much people are stressed out by politics.

Anonymous said...

Yes.But I put my faith in God. Never our elected officials.

Anonymous said...

yes, people are fed up. same as what caused the settlers to go to war with England.

Anonymous said...

Let's just hope nothing like this ever happens here on the Eastern Shore. Those who serve are good people here and I know we have some nut jobs living here, too.

Anonymous said...

They should keep a good eye on Tom McGuire from Delmar. This nut even has a license to carry.

Anonymous said...

Yes, if there was ever a nut on Delmarva capable of such a cowardly act it is Tom McGuire. I hope Sheriff Lewis and the Delmar PD keep an eye on him. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

1:25 is right. Even if you have strong political beliefs you are not going to pull out a gun and kill innocent people. There are plenty extremists running around but they don't go on shooting sprees.

Anonymous said...

2:17pm I wouldn't bank on that. Just ask some of the elected officials how many threats they get over political issues. You might be surprised.

Anonymous said...

They don't listen nor answer to We the People...they only listen to those with money.

They meaning, politicians..Republicans and Democrats

Anonymous said...

Yes. While there are whack jobs everywhere, not all of them act violently. Some just need that excuse.

There is a reason that "inciting to riot" is a crime.

It's a fine line as to where free speech leaves off and "inciting" begins, but we are all responsible for our words and actions.

People who act like this violence is deserved by people in elected office encourage this kind of violence.

We are NOT looking at the kind of oppression that caused our founders to revolt and seek independence from England, even if there's plenty to be unhappy with in our government.

As much as Joe despised Barrie Tilghman as a mayor, he always said he would turn over people who threatened violence against her. Joe has had his share of over the top rhetoric, so I hope he'll keep this in mind. But push come to shove and he discourages violence openly and that's a good thing.

Anonymous said...

The answer to your question is yes.
Civil war is just around the corner , I told you to be prepared.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion it comes from the people that have tried and tried and the government has repeatedly failed them yet give hand outs to the ones that never had any intention to support themselves. The people that are now living in an apartment, shelter, or on the streets because they were thrown out of their houses after busting their tails to keep a roof over their families heads. The people that are forced to make a choice between paying the mortgage, the $400 electric bill or buy food to feed their families. The people the governement fails over and over again are sick and tired of not being the ones that are helped and having to pay for every mistake the government makes.

The government officials are so stuck in liniing their own pockets they could give a dang less about the people of the country. When do the ones that make this country operate get a break? I know I am about done fighting to stay afloat and there are many out there just like me..we are done fighting an entire system and no one hearing us.

Anonymous said...

If he shot Pelosi he would have gotten an award.

Anonymous said...

As a democrat, I feel republicans are the problem.

Anonymous said...

To 3:29 - Excellent Point

From an american business perspective - of which I'm one of - I can tell you first hand what the government has done to me.

First off I contribute the following services to our government - whereby I am not compensated:

1. 6.65% - (my portion on wages) - on each employee
2. Then - I collect the other 6.65% for them for nothing on each employee.
3. I contribute 8% for workman's compensation on each employees wages.
4. I pay into the Federal unemployment - about 1% on gross wages.
5. I pay into the State unemployment 7% on each employees wages.
6. Inventory tax - unbelievable - (on unsold inventory!)
7. Sales tax - owe I collect this for them also for nothing.

Now - we are going to have Obama care to contend with also.

And people wonder why there is no one hiring. Need I say more - aren't these enough reasons for why Americans are uprising.

Anonymous said...

Yes. No question about it. The circumstances are the same as they were in 1776. History will repeat itself and the tyrant will lose again. This guy who went on a shooting spree on the other hand was a nut

Anonymous said...


The reasons you cited are exactly why the economy hasn't responded - despite massive amounts of stimulus money. The Feds have failed to understand and maintain the fine balancing act it requires to employ americans. The Feds & most States have put so much weight on the 'camels backs' that the camel has finally broken. Sad to say - our Country is going down and fast! It is a no brainer.

Concerned Retiree said...

I have heard no one speak of the fact that these individuals study people from history that are controling, domineering with Socialist, Liberal ,Progressive belief / agenda. When they get in a postition of power they force the people to comply using a "MY WAY OR NO WAY" mentality. They never listen and use common sense. This is a Political problem for all our Legislature and Law enforcement to combat. That would require a compromise and co-operative mentality not a political mentality.

Anonymous said...

I am curious 6:10 - did anyone from the government ever come to give you pat on the back for your helping to fund them?

Anonymous said...

6:10 You're exactly right people are at their breaking point.

Anonymous said...

hell no. the rise in cost of living coupled with job losses & no productivity are at fault. Well, that & George Bush & Sarah Palin.

Anonymous said...

You all have lost your minds. This guy(nut job) killed six people, one of whom was a seven year old. Innocent people. No one is to blame except for the killer. He made a choice to fire that gun, not only at the Congresswoman but at innocent people, too.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to hazard county....

Anonymous said...

We are working our way to to the, almost, apparently needed, revolution.

Anonymous said...

"They should keep a good eye on Tom McGuire from Delmar. This nut even has a license to carry.

2:08 PM"

I find this hard to believe since he has a criminal history.

Anonymous said...

7:18 I don't believe anyone is implying what that man did was acceptable and there is obviously some underlying issue that caused his mental capacity to deminsh.

However, the reality is people are killing themselves and their families in record numbers, the number of police shootings is up, foreclosure rates are through the roof, children going hungry is a major concern across the country, families are under so much stress that domestic abuse is increasing, unemployment is a reality and under employment is an even larger issue. There are a lot of people that are so sick and tired of being sick and tired and when they feel they have reached the end of their rope they want someone to pay for all the hurt, pain, and disappointment.

In most cases those that are in control are the ones that become the target. With the country in the current economic crisis the government officials ARE the people failing the American worker.

If you have never fought with all you have to feed your family even though you know the mortgage is 3 months behind and you just got that yellow envelope from the electric company signaling a cut off, you wouldn't be able to fully understand. I have been there, actually I am there and let me tell you it sucks. It really sucks to know you give everything you have to keep your family afloat while also contributing to the community and not only does it go unnoticed but it also goes without a dang person standing up to say "Hey these people work hard, stepped up to help the youth of the community, and don't sponge off the system so how about we make sure they can sleep in a warm house without worry of where the next meal is going to come from."

It not only makes a person sad and depressed it makes them angry. Mix those emotions with an unstable mental state and there is a recipe for disaster.

Anonymous said...

The political climate isn't good but it isn't the cause for violence by mentally unstable people.

Look at almost every incident of this type and you will find a mentally unstable person pulling the trigger. And in almost every case, there was ample forewarning that the individual was troubled.

I am all for gun rights, but this country HAS to find a way to keep guns out of the hands of people like this.

Anonymous said...

9:16, criminal record or not, he has guns. He often posts pictures of them on his blog as well as video on youtube of him using them.