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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Your Morning Cup Of TSA Backwash

American citizen with free time declines both backscatter scan and patdown upon re-entering country, ends up being able to walk through security without doing either even after cops are called. [NO BLASTERS!]

TSA head makes ad explaining why there's nothing to fear. Message belied by ominous grey background. [YouTube]

Reporter goes through pat-down to show us how easy it is. "He uses the back of his hand to check the front of my groin area." [KDAF]

An "I'll be groped for Christmas" holiday jingle. [YouTube]

Man opts for third choice: stripping down to his skivvies. Is then arrested and walked through two terminals in his underwear. [NBC San Diego]

SNL reimagines TSA as a sexy 80's hookup company. [Hulu]

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Anonymous said...

I wonder IF these inspectors change gloves for each search....good way of spreading "germs", etc.

Anonymous said...

Homosexual men are applying for jobs at the TSA in droves!

Imagine the reaction if heterosexuals were allowed to "pat down" women?

Anonymous said...

Out of 365 days in a year, the people need to take JUST one day and DON"T FLY anywhere in this country or abroad. Not only will it affect the expensive airline services it will send a clear meassage to Washington, D.C.

Anonymous said...

9:07 AM
Evidently the answer is no. According to what I have read about this.

The gloves are for TSA agents protection not the public's.